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Everything posted by bWolfie

  1. In mob.h these values are provided for AI: enum ai { AI_NONE = 0, //0: Normal mob. AI_ATTACK, //1: Standard summon, attacks mobs. AI_SPHERE, //2: Alchemist Marine Sphere AI_FLORA, //3: Alchemist Summon Flora AI_ZANZOU, //4: Summon Zanzou AI_MAX }; So your solution is correct...I think.
  2. I made a guide for generating mapcache. Maybe it can help you.
  3. yea it is dumb though why remove something like that. it just feels wrong.
  4. Hello, This plugin removes the clif->fixpos function from TF_BACKSLIDING, which fixes the non-animation when using it. Hope it helps somebody. https://github.com/bWolfie/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/tf_backsliding.c
  5. Have you set PACKETVER in src/common/mmo.h to match the client version your are using?
  6. I don't have Visual Studio so I'm unable to compile and test. Hopefully somebody can fill in this missing info.
  7. hercules tries to emulate official ro, so if stuff ur asking is not official, then it won't change. btw those element cards are making your armor property fire, ghost, wind, etc. nothing to do with reducing damage.
  8. put timer when player can last join? easy enough just add timer or edit game mode scripts so they cant join past certain point.
  9. Click github at the top of the page there is your emulator.
  10. As of Release v2018.03.13, the method to generate mapcache for Hercules has changed. A lot of people. myself included, were confused as to how it works. In this thread, I will do my best to explain the new way to generate your cache. This guide is intended to help people using the old system, not to aid new people (i.e. never generated mapcache before), so if you are new, some of it may seem like alien talk. Old (your source predates [is older than] Feb 18, 2018) In the old system, there were two ways to generate mapcache You could run the mapcache executable in Hercules root folder. Or use a program such as WeeMapCache to edit in your required mapcache. These two methods would generate or alter your required mapcache located in db/[pre-re or re]/map_cache.dat. However, they are no longer supported. New (your source is using Release v2018.03.13 or newer) The new system involves the use of the new 'mapcache' plugin to generate files. Some quick points: db/[pre-re or re]/map_cache.dat has been dropped (no longer supported). In its place are individual .mcache files for every map located in maps/[pre-re or re]/ Mapcache executable has been removed. Replaced with the mapcache plugin (src/plugins/mapcache.c). How to generate the mapcache? Same as before, check conf/map/maps.conf and db/map_index.txt have all the maps you want to cache. Your maps need to exist somewhere in your repository! There are two ways for the plugin to find them: a. Place all your maps, including resnametable.txt, inside the data folder of your Hercules repo. I.e. Hercules/data/prontera.gat/gnd/gnd/rsw (note: I forget if all three files are needed). b. OR Configure your conf/grf-files.txt to tell it where to find your GRF(s) which contains your maps. Build the mapcache plugin. On linux, this can be done by running the following command: make plugin.mapcache If using MSVC, compile as you would any other plugin. Execute plugin. This can be done using the following command: ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache [param] In windows, just remove the './' and run the commands in your command prompt. The params: The first thing you should do is run ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --help A list of usable parameters will appear. Here are the ones you need to know for mapcache: [Info]: --convert-old-mapcache Converts an old db/pre-re/map_cache.dat file to the new format. [Mapcache] [Info]: --rebuild-mapcache Rebuilds the entire mapcache folder (maps/pre-re/), using db/map_index.txt as index. [Mapcache] [Info]: --map <name> Rebuilds an individual map's cache into maps/pre-re/ (usage: --map <map_name_without_extension>). [Mapcache] [Info]: --fix-md5 Updates the checksum for the files in maps/pre-re/, using db/map_index.txt as index (see PR #1981). [Mapcache] ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --convert-old-mapcache Rebuild all the .mcache files using your old db/[pre-re or re]map_cache.dat file. NOTE: You should only run this command when you have an old map_cache.dat file you need to convert. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --rebuild-mapcache Rebuild all the .mcache files using your map files specified in step 2 of generation. NOTE: You should only run this command in special circumstances. This erases ALL the existing mapcache and rebuilds it with whatever files you provide it. If you don't have the required files, the build will fail and you will be left with missing mapcache files, meaning you won't be able to access those particular maps. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --map <name> Rebuild the .mcache file for the map name you specify. E.g. if you replace <name> with prontera, the maps/[pre-re or re]/prontera.mcache file will be rebuilt. NOTE: This is the best command to run, as it only caches a single map at a time. ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --fix-md5 I don't know what checksum is for. The End Feel free to ask for help here. I'll try to answer questions re: mapcache if possible. And if you think anything needs correcting or added, let me know. Hope this helps!
  11. This error means the mapcache doesn't exist. You can generate it using resnametable and the new mapcache system. make plugin.mapcache ./map-server --load-plugin -mapcache --help this will give you the help menu for the mapcache plugin
  12. hm not quite sure what you are trying to do, but getunitdata is broken if i recall
  13. it can be done you just need full understanding of the source itself as well as knowing the scripts like the back of your hand.
  14. Get this plugin from here: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/tree/master/src/plugins Compile it. Enable it to be used when server starts in conf/plugins.conf
  15. I wonder how you guys find these old posts.
  16. If you created it without permission and it is not solely for personal use (sometimes falls under 'noncommercial'), you are likely infringing copyright and could become liable. In saying that, "like who the fuck cares" - people have been doing it since the private server begun.
  17. bWolfie

    Soul Linker NPC

    here is my version. strange u bump such old topic. https://pastebin.com/aCAW45Ev
  18. if you reloadbattleconf, it will reset all your battleconfs to the values set in their files. so rynbef is correct you just remove the reloadbattleconf
  19. these are clone maps you can make them using resnametable bat_a03 <-> bat_a01 bat_a04 <-> bat_a01 bat_a05 <-> bat_a01 bat_b03 <-> bat_b01 bat_b04 <-> bat_b01 bat_b05 <-> bat_b01 schg_cas06 <-> schg_cas01 schg_cas07 <-> schg_cas02 schg_cas08 <-> schg_cas03 arug_cas06 <-> arug_cas01 arug_cas07 <-> arug_cas02 arug_cas08 <-> arug_cas03 rush_cas01 <-> payg_cas01 rush_cas02 <-> aldeg_cas01 rush_cas03 <-> prtg_cas01 rush_cas04 <-> gefg_cas03 bat_c03 <-> bat_c01 bat_c04 <-> bat_c01 bat_c05 <-> bat_c01 bat_c06 <-> bat_c01 bat_c07 <-> bat_c01 bat_c08 <-> bat_c01 region_8 <-> guild_vs2
  20. i dunno i am compiling on linux sorry maybe someone can help u who uses windows
  21. make it like this. this plugin uses hpmhooking. the FORMAT part is commented so anything there is not included /* this area is commented */ plugins_list: [ "HPMHooking", "hBG", ]
  22. Yup the atcommand is setting it correctly. But when I use it in my function, it is not checking the same ssd. That is, the ssd are not the same. Imagine atcommand is using sd 1111 and ssd 1234 But function is using sd 1111 and ssd 1235.
  23. Locate to tools folder where it's located and run ./petdbconverter.py pre-re ../ ../db/pet_db2.txt > pet_db2.conf should generate conf file in the tools folder change pre-re to re if renewal
  24. @Cabrera probably you forgot to enable in plugins.conf? Those script errors usually cause the script command doesn't exist.
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