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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. e até agora vc não disse que CP vc usa, ai fica complicado dar suporte
  2. se me recordo bem o problema não está no hercules e sim nos clients atuais que não o suportam
  3. line 4669 of item_group.conf
  4. In SQl? I guess your npc file is a txt file
  5. is your npc file in ANSI or UTF-8?
  6. also you don't need to put any specific number unless you enable the emulator to check for it
  7. DELETE FROM `auction`,`cart_inventory`,`guild_storage`,`inventory`,`mail`,`storage` WHERE nameid = 2629;
  8. yes you can but don't need to
  9. where did got that small class png from? that is really cool

  10. if RO is dead, why gravity stills updating new features on kRO ? "in general" =P player base is not the same, interest of community is not the same either, etc etc
  11. that is weird xD what would it do? if you mean disabling certain job to warp to specified zone then its better to make it with pcloadmap event, because an implementation of this with map zone db doesn't really makes sense unless you want something else like job doesn't doing damage, but I guess you only want them to not go.
  12. ainda acho q é algum bug de status o_O
  13. RO in general is dead for a quite long time already xD
  14. usa sc_end all; nele e ve se adianta
  15. really? Why are you so sure? because there is no leak of the formulae lol
  16. recomendo usar hercules ultima versão e tbm um hexed atual pra vc se familiarizar com tudo e depois partir pra algo mais customizado que é oq vc quer
  17. hercules of course lol
  18. why not use strcharinfo(3) instead of getmapxy? xD
  19. quesoph need to update it =P
  20. you can compare items when looking at description, they need to be the same type tho, like helmet and helmet, armor and armor and so on...
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