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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. bonus2 bFixedCastrate,"AL_INCAGI",-50; the above code will reduce 50% of fixed cast for skill AL_INCAGI
  2. 1. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/archive/master.zip (ref) 2. 2014-02-05bRagexe 3. I suggest you to use uniformserver (more info at website) 4. there are only a few here in hercules, better search in rA
  3. maybe those bonuses may help you: bonus2 bSkillFixedCast,s,x; Increases fixed cast time of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.) bonus2 bSkillVariableCast,s,x; Increases variable cast time of skill s by x milliseconds. (supports skill names.) bonus2 bVariableCastrate,s,x; Increases variable cast time of skill s by x%. (supports skill names.) bonus2 bFixedCastrate,s,x; Increases fixed cast time of skill s by x%. (supports skill names.) they accept negative values if I recall correctly
  4. I didn't read everything (xD) but I'll just let you know that the max characters in a char name is 24 so that makes it kinda impossible to have the title system
  5. Até onde sei, pega em qualquer tipo de servidor, aplicando ele corretamente, claro.. é pq tipo, em high rate a gente deixa as skills praticamente sem delay =P delay_rate: 0
  6. I don't know, I never used it, I prefer ROCred by ai4rei
  7. make thor run the launcher before client
  8. yes, just replace the necessary files and redo the mapcache no you will need to change them manually
  9. I hope that there will be bugfixes included when it come out and I hope that it really really make all this waiting time worth =)
  10. none by now xD =( @topic now news on harmony board?
  11. aproveitando o "gancho", sabem me dizer se o adelays funciona com servidores super ultra mega high rates? =P
  12. I'm trying to finish my server =D too much work left still =(

  13. http://pastebin.com/FReKEKZs done http://pastebin.com/KGa1pZ0L
  14. maybe we should move it to suggestions? xD even tho no one seems to read that anymore
  15. só uma nota pra futuros usuários: não é preciso compilar o arquivo para .lub, apenas trocar a extensão já resolve o problema a não ser que vcs queiram ter mais trabalho =P
  16. hexeds novos usam o arquivo SystemitemInfo.lub
  17. alt 255 alt 32 (this is the actual relative to space bar) alt 0160 alt 99999999 alt 511
  18. as I said it was just an example xD there are way more invisible characters than that =P
  19. Yes, since alt+255 acts like space. my alt+255 was just an example, there are way more characters that are invisible and players use to bypass this
  20. noone can mess with database with that since names are escaped in source
  21. tenta algo do tipo: case ASC_BREAKER: { int ratio = 300 + 50 * skill_lv; short totaldef = status->get_total_def(target) + status->get_total_mdef(target); int64 atk = battle->calc_base_damage(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, nk, false, s_ele, ELE_NEUTRAL, EQI_HAND_R, (sc && sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER]?1:0)|(sc && sc->data[SC_WEAPONPERFECT]?8:0), md.flag); if( sc && sc->data[SC_EDP] ) ratio >>= 1; md.damage = atk * ratio / 100; md.damage -= totaldef; } break;
  22. como vc não deu informação alguma (como, qual emulador está usando, se é renewal ou não etc) e não tenho como adivinhar nada disso, vou apenas deixar isso pra vc: case ASC_BREAKER: {#ifdef RENEWAL md.damage = 500+rnd()%500 + 5*skill_lv * sstatus->int_; nk|=NK_IGNORE_FLEE|NK_NO_ELEFIX; //These two are not properties of the weapon based part.#else int ratio = 300 + 50 * skill_lv; int64 matk = battle->calc_magic_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, mflag).damage; short totaldef = status->get_total_def(target) + status->get_total_mdef(target); int64 atk = battle->calc_base_damage(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, nk, false, s_ele, ELE_NEUTRAL, EQI_HAND_R, (sc && sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER]?1:0)|(sc && sc->data[SC_WEAPONPERFECT]?8:0), md.flag); if( sc && sc->data[SC_EDP] ) ratio >>= 1; md.damage = (matk + atk) * ratio / 100; md.damage -= totaldef;#endif } break;
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