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  1. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Haru in Suggestion to localization thing   
    Ah, wonderful point. Yes, I'm aware of those, and I agree. Those /shouldn't/ be merged into one line. A separate 'mes' call would still be kept where necessary -- mostly with line breaks required by the dialogue's punctuation. Translation-wise, those are separate sentences anyways, so it makes less sense for them to be in the same string.
  2. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Ai4rei in Suggestion to localization thing   
    Here you go, see if it works alright (did only basic testing). Requires PHP-CLI:
    php collapsemes.php /path/to/npc/folderOld files are backed up as *.bak, files that need no change are not touched. You might want to use this in a separate working copy in case it screws up. 
    v1.0.1: Removed a flag, added regexp overview.
  3. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to evilpuncker in Suggestion to localization thing   
    Translating 147k+ entries is not funny! the current design is like this:
    this script:
    mes "[Airship Staff]"; mes "When you see a broadcast"; mes "announcing that we have"; mes "arrived at your destination,"; mes "please use one of the exits"; mes "located at the north and"; mes "south ends of the Airship."; next; mes "[Airship Staff]"; mes "If you happen to miss"; mes "your stop, don't worry."; mes "The Airship is constantly"; mes "en route and you'll get"; mes "another chance to arrive"; mes "to your intended destination."; close; will generate something like 13 separated strings to translate, my proposal is to make every "npc window" (the text between the start and the close/next) just a single entry, something like this:
    "[Airship Staff]"; <-- 1 entry only because it repeats   "When you see a broadcast announcing that we have arrived at your destination, please use one of the exits located at the north and south ends of the Airship."; <-- 2 entry   "If you happen to miss your stop, don't worry. The Airship is constantly en route and you'll get another chance to arrive to your intended destination."; <-- 3 entry       @@Ind @@Haru   link to related topic
  4. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Dastgir in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    Hello Hercules Community,
    Let me explain it first.
    It is ExtendedBG, which tends to contain all eAmodBG modes and extra modes(as and when coded).
    Some Previews:
    Ohh, and the last thing I forgot to tell,
    Its 100% Plugin and Script, no Source Edits ..
    Special Thanks To:
    jaBote co-founded this project(and really thanks to him , that he motivated me at start at provided some functions and idea of how the base should be, and what we should do it to give flavor of Hercules in it).
    Repository Link: https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG (Please read README.md for installation steps)
    Leave Comments/Suggestions if you find something.
     There might be some(/many) debug messages left in map-server which will be cleaned up. I will add battle.conf soon (you have to add it yourself for now or edit the plugin) The plugin might be a big mess to read/understand (I did many experiments over the year) There might be some bugs Thanks to @Rebel and @Myriad for testing and providing initial feedback
    Contact me on Discord: @Dastgir#1460 if there's some urgent issue or else open the issue in github. keep this topic for support.
    Want to encourage me??

  5. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Dastgir in Dastgir's Services   
    Hello Hercules Community,

    I am offering my Services to you @ some expense of money.

    Works for Emulator: Hercules/rAthena/Others(if any)
    Scripting. (Min Price:5$ ) Source Modification(/Addition).(Min Price: 5$) Converting to/Creating a Plugin[Hercules Specific].(Min Price: 5$) Migrating Your Server. (Min Price: 10$) Adding Custom Items/Maps/Mobs. (Min Price: 5$) Creating/Adding New Skills. (Min Price: 10$) Changing of Emulator (Min Price: 10$) ClientSide Things. (Min Price: 5$) Fixing Errors. (Min Price: 5$) Script Review. Consulting And Anything else, that you want, just drop me a PM
    Maximum Price: Depends on Complexity of the Work
    What Else:
    Free Support for Service bought from me.

    Contact Info:
    Post Here Via PM Payment Methods:
    PayPal Only PM me if you want any other payment method, and I might check If I can have it.

    Status: AVAILABLE
  6. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Tokeiburu in Act Editor   
    File Name: Act Editor
    File Submitter: Tokeiburu
    File Submitted: 03 Dec 2014
    File Category: Client Resources
    This tool is an action file editor, it edits Act and Spr files. You will find similarities with ActOR in its design, but it should be much more enjoyable to edit animations ;].
    Special thanks to Nebraskka for testing this software in its early days. All the suggestions and feedbacks made this software much better.
    How to install
    Download the zip archive provided from the download link at the bottom of this description or directly from there : http://www.mediafire.com/download/y3amu1o5zsmgd2o
    Install the application with Act Editor Installer.exe; if you are missing a .NET Framework you will be prompted to download it.
    Once you are done, you can start the program from the link on your desktop.

    Key features
    The software has many, many features available. It would take too long to describe each one of them, so I've only focussed on the more impotant ones.
    You can undo and redo everything, scripts included.
    You can edit and add sounds easily.
    Powerful and easy to use palette editor.
    Sprite types have been abstracted - you don't have to worry or care about that.
    Animation speed can be changed easily.
    Most components have a drag and drop feature.
    Advanced scripting engine (C# language). The scripts can also be used to customize the software menus.
    Error checking when saving the act/spr to avoid invalid files. The sprite version will be automatically downgraded if RLE compression is not available.
    Frame interpolation (inbetweening/tweening) is possible via the Animation menu.
    Prompts you with an image converter dialog if the added image is invalid.
    Allows advanced edition for actions and frames via their respective menus.
    You can load files from GRFs directly (and save in the GRFs directly as well).

    Technical stuff
    Requires .Net Framework 3.5 (SP1) Client Profile to run (3.5 or more will work as well).
    When prompted with an error, use the "Copy exception" button to copy the debugging info. I will need this to fix the issue you're encountering.

    The editor's primary window
    The interface is really straightforward and similar to ActOR. I'll only focus on new elements!
    Rendering mode : This option changes the behavior of how layers are rendered. If you use 'Editor', you'll clearly see all the pixels when zooming in. If you use 'Ingame', it will use a linear scaling instead, which is closer to what the client does.

    References : These allow you to know where your item will be positionned (the yellow marker is the anchor, see below).

    Color mask : To edit the color of a layer, simply click on the color rectangle. You can also drag and drop the colors between different layers to quickly modify many of them.
    Common shortcuts : You can manipulate layers by using common shortcuts. More can be found from the Edit menu. These below are only the primary ones.
    Ctrl-A : Select all layers.
    Ctrl-C : Copy the selected layers.
    Ctrl-V : Paste the copied layers.
    Ctrl-X : Cut the selected layers.
    Alt-C : Copy current action.
    Alt-V : Paste current action.

    Advanced action and frame editions
    These expose all the available methods of the editor. You can remove a range of frames or copy a frame 10 times very quickly and easily. This dialog is found in Action/Frame > Advanced edit...

    You can edit anchors from the editor directly. Anchors are points that connect frames together, from different act files. Here's an example without and with anchors :

    This is mostly useful when you're using reference sprites (on the right panel). Clicking on the anchor button will let you choose where to attach the sprite (this is set semi-automatically for you though). You can edit those from the Anchors menu, but it is recommended to start from a pre-existing act to avoid doing this tedious process.
    Palette editor
    The palette editor allows you to quickly recolor sprites with an intuitive interface. Only indexed images can be edited (it's a palette editor after all) and three modes are available. The gradient mode changes an existing gradient to another color while keeping the original saturation and brightness of the colors - this makes the gradients blend in better. If there are no gradient (usually because it's a custom sprite), there's always the Adjust color mode. This one changes all color from a specified range to another one (Photoshop has a similar feature, which does work better).

    You can click on the image (on the left) to automatically select the palette indexes. These will be highlighted for a few seconds to show you what you're about to edit.
    Interpolation (tweening)
    This script can be accessed via Animation > Interpolate frames. This process fills the images between two frames by detecting the changes applied to the layers. Here's a simple example of how it can be used :
    Script engine
    The script engine can be accessed via Scripts > Script Runner. This is a big feature of Act Editor, it allows you to automate all your work with the act and much more. Click on the Help button for guides and available methods (don't hesitate to try out a script; if an error occurs the act will be reversed to its previous state). The documentation doesn't cover all of the available options and methods for obvious reasons (the .net framework is huge). Doc example :

    The language used by the script engine is C#. If you're not familiar with it, simply check out the script samples (Scripts > Open scripts folder)! I won't go into details here, questions can be asked in the support thread regarding addiotional features and methods. If you believe your script should be added in the program, send it to me and I'll probably add it.
    The settings dialog allows you to modify all colors in the editor easily.

    You'll also find the sound resources (GRFs and folders) that can be set up in the Sound tab. The Shell integration tab can associate the .act files with the software to edit them more easily.

    Don't hesitate to give me a feedbacks or suggestions!
    Click here to download this file
  7. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to mrlongshen in Funny hercules maintenance.   
    Nothing to write in here. I just want to laugh who make this quote. 
    Haha ! LoL !!
    Is that mister e quote ? ! wakwkawkaw

  8. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Dastgir in Funny hercules maintenance.   
    Oh ho, it was Inds quote I believe, with many more done on irc
  9. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Ai4rei in Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite   
    Hello Hercules Community
    I would like to ask you to tell your opinion on the future development of both ROCred (launcher) and RO Patcher Lite (auto-patcher/updater). While I may have an opinion myself, it is you who use it, so I would like to make sure future changes are in favor of the people using those.
    Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
    Poll is closed. See below for results.
  10. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Garr in Stop "Magnus Exorcismus" damage after Fly Wing (or out of range)   
    Try to do this in src/map/skill.c:
    int skill_attack(int attack_type, struct block_list* src, struct block_list *dsrc, struct block_list *bl, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int64 tick, int flag) {... nullpo_ret(src); // Source is the master behind the attack (player/mob/pet) nullpo_ret(dsrc); // dsrc is the actual originator of the damage, can be the same as src, or a skill casted by src. nullpo_ret(bl); //Target to be attacked. if (src != dsrc) { //When caster is not the src of attack, this is a ground skill, and as such, do the relevant target checking. [Skotlex] if (!status->check_skilluse(battle_config.skill_caster_check?src:NULL, bl, skill_id, 2)) return 0; if( skill_id == PR_MAGNUS && !check_distance_bl(src,dsrc,battle_config.area_size) ) //If distance between "damage source" ME and "source" aka player exceeds view range, it has no effect. return 0; }...} Add the 2nd check, the one with if( skill_id == PR_MAGNUS ...)
    Not tested, sorry.
  11. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Olrox in Some questions about browedit   
    To recolor a model, you need your RSM model extracted from your data.grf already and converted in ASCII *(using unbollox).
    About the RSM editor in browedit should be like:

    1 - Click Open and locate the RSM model you already extracted.
    2 - the textures of that model should appear at the right panel. This panel shows also the original texture names/path this RSM model uses. Choose one of the textures you would like to change and the texture window should appear.
    3 - locate your custom texture (previously  added in texturecustom.txt in the browedit data) and open it.
    4 - You'll see your model recolored with your custom texture, then, just click on "save as" and save it as a new RSM file.
    5 - You'll need to add this model as a new model in browedit, by editing the file: data/randommodels.txt
    Regarding the global height edit, yes that is a common issue. Its possible to copy gats by using the copy function (hotkey C) however, if you use a big brush the gats don't copy. If I remember well, its possible to open two maps in browedit and use this copy function in two maps.
    So one way could be like: open your original map with the good gats as a backup and the global height copied too. Then switch to gat edit mode and by using a small-medium brush size, use the copy hotkey and switch to the other map by using the TAB key. then try to paste. I don't know if that will work though.
  12. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Cydh in Ragnarok Episode Timeline   
    and if from idRO, some info that I got:
    [*]Episode 2: they also added "Cute Pet" system at that episode. [*]Episode 3: they also added status change: Poison, Frozen, Sleep, Blind, Stun, Hiding [*]Episode 4: they also added Turtle Island, Monster Skill, also Guild Skill [*]Epsiode 5: they also added Class 2-2, added/modified some effects (status changes, skill animation, warp animation), Novice can't use weapon level 3 or above, added NPC Refiner [*]Episode 6: added some emotions?   [*]Episode 7: - [*]Episode 8.1.1 (idRO called it 8): Divorce added! [*]Episode 8.1.2 (idRO called it 8.1): New Payon, Novice Training Ground, NPC Red Potion Trader, Hair Stylist at Alberta (Veronica, alberta_in 55 142), Kafra storage from 100 to 300.  [*]Episode 8.2: also added Battle Arena, Inn System, Buff Save System (idRO added this episode with name "Asian Journey", Ayothaya, Jawaii, and Louyang are added here)  [*]Episode 9: added Adoption system [*](idRO) Episode 9.1: "Guild Skill Reloaded": added new guild skills, guild skill tree, party/organize system. [*](idRO) Episode 9.2: "Godly Item"  [*](idRO) Episode 9.3: "Love for You", (what an epic name is it. >_<) Wedding skills are added here  [*]Episode 10.1 (idRO is episode 10): also added Yuno area (fields?), Geffenia Dungeon, Aldebaran Turbo Track  [*]Episode 10.2: Lighthalzen mean Homunculus, Lighthalzen Dungeon (Bio Lab), also Juperos Dungeon [*]Episode 10.3: Taekwon Boy, Cooking, Thanatos Tower, Abyss Lake and Abyss Lake Dungeon  [*]Episode 10.4: Gunslinger, Hugel, Odin Shrine, Kiel Hyre, Mini Games (Bingo!), Moved Hunter guild from Payon to Hugel, Blacksmith guild from Geffen to Einbroch, Mastela Fruit is being sold by NPC at Hugel @8,500Z, Added Airplane route to Hugel.  [*](idRO) Episode 10.5: Ninja, Monster Race, Marvelous Medal Hugel (Hugel mini games reward?), Marvelous Medal Einbroch (Einbroch mini games reward?) [*]Episode 11.1 (idRO episode 11): also added Ice Dungeon, Equipment sets (Angelic, Morpheus, Morrigane, Goibne, Odins, Valkyrie, etc), Slot system,  [*]Episode 11.2: also added Thor Volcano, Novice Castle, and hmm BoE (Battle of Emperium)? Reading System and New MVP Skills   [*] Episode 11.3: beside Nameless Island, also added Monastery Abbey, another emoticon, GvG room.  [*]Episode 12: - [*]Episode 13.1: - [*]Episode 13.2: - [*]Episode 13.3: - [*]Afterthat, Lyto didn't tell the episode anymore, just the title. /swt

  13. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Igniz in Advanced AI and Mob control system.   
    Well, I am a developer since 2008 and i saw a lot of features and games and everything but there are a lot of things that we can't do as developers: Absolute control of the enviroment and monsters. Does anyone remember this? Well it could be amazing if Hercules revives this tecnology, the posibilities are endless with the proper focus, let's talk about it with an example:     Command "setid", "monsterid" and "monsterwalk[0,3]"   // This creates a group of monsters with ID "X", very similar to WoE Guardians ID's, if they are on the same ID, they are allies (otherwise enemies). The groupID are set by the developer for control (read below). The command setid it's self explainable, it sets an ID "X" to a player. setid, playerID, ID;monstergroupid, ID, groupID, amount ,map, mapx, mapy;  
    This orders to walk the "X" group of monster to a X1/Y1 point on the map, the variables x2/y2 are set if the developer want to make a bucle of movement (patrol mode from x1/y1 to x2/y2), otherwise, the mobs just stay there inmobile when they reach the x1/y1 coords.
    monsterwalk0, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2}     // Pasive walk (just walk, attacks if attacked by enemy)monsterwalk1, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2}     // Aid walk (sees the player, the monster heals or helps attacking the enemymonsterwalk2, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2}     // Aggresive walk (sees the player, attacks) monsterwalk3, groupID, mapx1, mapy1,{mapx2, mapy2}     // Run away walk (sees the player and runs of the player)  
    Ok, setted the proper commands let's talk about this example quest:   The user needs to help the villagers of Payon of being attacked and get robbed. The group of evil porings wants to rob their apples so if they reach the store of Payon game over.   Basically: - User and porings are enemies: User got ID 1 and porings ID 2. setid, playerID, 1;   // We set the "good boys" side.monstergroupid, 2, 1, 100 ,payon, payoncoordsx1, payoncoordy1;   // This creates 100 porings with ID 2 (enemy) and groupID 1 (control group ID)monsterwalk2, 1, payonstorecoordx, payonstorecoordy;   //This makes the poring group "1" run at the payon store coordinates killing all enemies on their run.    We do a function that checks if they reach the coords (raw code), if they do so, the game ends. attachrid(1)    // This attach the group ID "1" of enemy poringsgetmapxy(m,x,y);if(x && y == payonstorecoordx && payonstorecoordy)endgame;  
    As i said, the posibilities are endless, we can do smart wars, quests, games.........
    Obviously we can add more commands for functions, for example a command that check the remain monsters of group X and do something etc: getremainmonstersid, groupID; set remainmonsters, getremainmonstersid, 1;if(remainmonsters < 10) announce "PoringKing: THIS IS NOT THE END HUMANS! WE WILL BACK!!";  
     It's time to make more fun RO and give him back a breath of life. The developers and players really NEEDS this.
  14. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to karazu in Non-stackable Storm Gust and Meteor Storm   
    Storm Gust dont Stack but Meteor Storm do Stack..
  15. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Playtester in Non-stackable Storm Gust and Meteor Storm   
    Well all really do stack you just can't duplicate the effect.
    But it's very easy to implement no skill unit cell stacking. Simply open skill.c and find the function skill_cell_overlap. There you can block every skill unit combination you want.
  16. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to karazu in Stripe near headgears?   
    Maybe because u are zooming in that much.

    How about try to default the camera zoom and angle?

  17. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Tokeiburu in Stripe near headgears?   
    These appear because of the 1 pixel border surrounding the left and right side of the sprite. The X offset, after applying the anchors, appears to have an effect as well in this issue when it's between -1 and 1, from what I've seen anyway.
    The easy solution is to add an extra margin of 1 pixel around the images (removing that transparent border would actually change how the sprite is being rendered ingame). For instance, try the sprite attached in this post. It's the 'straw hat' looking one.

  18. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to loong in [Showcase] Sasuke's SUSANOO   
    Sasuke's susanoo~just for show


  19. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Ind in 2014-10-22, Roulette and per-char gender!   
    2014-10-22 Client, Roulette and per-char gender!

    Made Possible Thanks to Yommy
    We're only able to provide you with this patch thanks to Yommy, Thank you very much!  
    During test period it will be disabled by default, to enable you must edit conf/battle/feature.conf // Roulette (Note 1)// Requires: 2014-10-22bRagexe or later// Off by default while test version is out; enable at your own risk -- the mean dev.feature.roulette: off Roulette rewards can be defined in db/roulette_db.conf As we understand the coins are points that you obtain by consuming an item, while such an item is not yet available (will be in a upcoming commit), you can set these values with @set command, they're TmpRouletteBronze,TmpRouletteSilver and TmpRouletteGold -- e.g. @set TmpRouletteBronze 5 Requires PACKETVER 20141022 or higher. Where you can get such client? Here (Again, Thanks to Yommy!) In action: http://herc.ws/board/damocles/ind/screenHercules136.jpg
      Per-Character Gender
    Sex is now a character table field, which can be defined as 'M', 'F' or 'U'. 'U' being the default value, meaning undefined, which means the accounts gender takes precedence (upcoming) a script command to change a characters gender Requires PACKETVER 20141022 or higher. Where you can get such client? Here (Again, Thanks to Yommy!) In action: http://herc.ws/board/damocles/ind/screenHercules137.jpg  
    Special Thanks to
    Yommy ..Yommy ...The all-awesome Yommy~! Thank you again! Ziu for extra roulette information (some yet to be applied) Haruna  
    Commit 2014-10-22 client
  20. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to Yommy in 2014-10-22 Client Download   
    Hello Hercules, its been a while
    here i present a new client, which requires a fully updated kRO and Hercules.
    its already patched with some options, which i needed for testing..
    ..Disable Ahnlab
    ..Disable ragexe filename check
    ..Read msgstringtable
    ..Read datafolder first
    NEMO Patcher should work for most things, but there may be some patches that are broken.
  21. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to jaBote in "goto" alternative?   
    In that case, you can insert the piece of code where the goto is; In other more complicated cases you could callsub that, which is basically a goto with the possibility of adding parameters and (to my understanding the reason of avoiding using goto) the ability of returning the control to where it was called when the subprogram execution has been finished.
  22. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to kisuka in 2014 Halloween Event   
    Server files added

    Redownload the client files attachment as I added some missing items and fixed up the descriptions.
  23. Upvote
    Nebraskka reacted to kisuka in 2014 Halloween Event   
    Attached are the client additions / translations for the soon to be released official 2014 halloween event script.
    The lua files and questid2display.txt need to be merged with your own client files. In this archive they only contain the additions. They will not work if you just drop them into your client as it'll get rid of all the other content, as they weren't included.
    Server side content will be released into the repo once we get some item bonus figured out for the candies.
    2014 Halloween Event - Client Files.rar
  24. Upvote
    Nebraskka got a reaction from Happy in About continuity of custom NPCs on Hercules Repository.   
    How about transfer them to another repo?
    Most of them are quite useful as example for development, but in most cases not needed in production folder.
    If somebody wants, they could Pull Request this repo with their fixes.
    I'm also not sure about need in maintaining basic ones (Healer, Bank etc).
    Current versions being modified on most popular servers anyway, because they are not enough technically advanced, and direction of this improvement being determined by server's policy (which couldn't be unified for everyone).
    If beginner would need some NPCs from customs, he could find appropriate topic at Scripts board (matching all his needs), or to develop himself on the codebase of customs-repo.
  25. Upvote
    Nebraskka got a reaction from milk in About continuity of custom NPCs on Hercules Repository.   
    How about transfer them to another repo?
    Most of them are quite useful as example for development, but in most cases not needed in production folder.
    If somebody wants, they could Pull Request this repo with their fixes.
    I'm also not sure about need in maintaining basic ones (Healer, Bank etc).
    Current versions being modified on most popular servers anyway, because they are not enough technically advanced, and direction of this improvement being determined by server's policy (which couldn't be unified for everyone).
    If beginner would need some NPCs from customs, he could find appropriate topic at Scripts board (matching all his needs), or to develop himself on the codebase of customs-repo.
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