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Everything posted by Naruto

  1. well you could probably find what function it uses in clif.c then go see what it does and add your own stuff most of it is labeled but you might wanna recompile after tiny edits to make sure you are editting the right thing
  2. Commands? All they use is fade rotation and transistion as far as i know but maybe theres scripts?
  3. You made all of that? @Tio Akima
  4. try replacing the status effect associated with it with a new one
  5. Nah you cant do it by normal means, and the only other way is to ask @Zell I mean you might be able to whip up something silly like spawning an npc bullet and having it zoom towards a target But theres tons of usuable monsters projectiles that are in one of the newer renewal maps... fuck they are the robots and there is like 10 different variants
  6. can we really only have like the 3-4 of these sky maps?
  7. probably need to make a new status effect and look around sc_summer theres should be a section for them you cant miss it, in the status.c
  8. maybe a lub for it make something up but i think youd have to have 2 versions of it, swap the view id 😕
  9. probably didnt set the client version in mmo.h properly
  10. Yeah I know what your saying if you look at any instance like rune knight its ignition break and thousand spear ( obviously 1 when your surrounded and the other when your soloing ) Thats the way mobas are doing it, but the existing skills would definitly need buffs to complement cooldowns... but then you would still see people mobing high orcs and just spamming their best skill either way rough lief personally I like using the same skills but in another way... for example lghtning whip from Archeage is my absolute favorite spell cant even find a good clip of it c
  11. I mean painting the floor 1 color and the walls another is easy ( removing models too ) but your probably looking for a bit of detail... like outlines and stuff I wouldnt be able to tell you without making one, if you have a map in mind and some colors youd like... maybe even a video of a map you liked id be happy to whip one up I made this map years ago if you like it... the background is custom though wouldnt be possible to add that
  12. try replacing all the used textures with a blank color the process is simple but its still alot of work 1) Open the desired map in a Hex Editor ( rsm for model and gnd for floor stuff ) 2) Look through every entry and then jump to your grf editor and change them all to your simplified texture 3)be sure to remove unwanted models and stuff Like I said its gonna cost you a bit to get a good working version that doesnt effect your entire game
  13. If you got a map in mind I could take a look but itd probably be a bit expensive
  14. the only person i know who plays with that is @Functor
  15. I heard theres no easy way to do it and you gotta go through it all yourself Might be easier to know what your looking
  16. If your adding to the proper config then your problem is the size of your grf id ask @Ciar for specifics
  17. Start your new skill at 1600 you have hundreds of free slots your just playing in the no no area btw your gonna have issues simply writing case NEW_SKILL; at the bottom of your skill.h gonna have to write it like this case NEW_SKILL = 1600;
  18. isnt that the dress room if you cant access it with a script command it might have a better chance on rathena\
  19. well its intended for local/private/testing and not for a real server just ask someone to hook it up for you
  20. thats for your sql login... go through your conf files and make sure they match what you use in your sql-database
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