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Everything posted by malufett

  1. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Skins however not updated to latest client version
  2. it depends on the decision of the owner or regulator of the server... like jRO they have the most customize formulas and also due to the time gap of changes/updates from kRO/mother source of RO... that is why iRO got old formulas + minor custom edits and kRO have all the original content...
  3. kRO - many many new features, new items, instances, koreans, no botters iRO - no new features, many customize items and npc events, many botters
  4. already in src but not yet implemented for scripting... void clif_ShowScript(struct block_list ...
  5. Earthstrain's stripping chance is based on caster's level and dex so the formula : [6 * skill lv + (base level/4) + (dex/10)]% so having base level of 175 and dex of 120 and skill lv 5 will give you a 85% chance of striping..if you want to modify the chance modify this code.. @skill.c case WL_EARTHSTRAIN: { // lv 1 & 2 = Strip Helm, lv 3 = Strip Armor, lv 4 = Strip Weapon and lv 5 = Strip Accessory. [malufett] const int pos[5] = { EQP_HELM, EQP_HELM, EQP_ARMOR, EQP_WEAPON, EQP_ACC }; skill->strip_equip(bl, pos[skill_lv-1], 6 * skill_lv + status->get_lv(src) / 4 + status_get_dex(src) / 10, skill_lv, skill->get_time2(skill_id,skill_lv)); } break;
  6. its attach in the status icon 'SI_ACTIVE_MONSTER_TRANSFORM' and 'SI_MONSTER_TRANSFORM'...
  7. I know these but you must be ONLINE to do this. I'm thinking a command in the cmd window you can use 'gm use @mapexit'....or ctrl + c
  8. you can rename your clientinfo.xml to something that is common like 'patch.inf' or something uncommon then use 'account:/patch.inf' as parameter to your patcher then hide this file in your grf...there is no way to attach it to the exe unless you hex or modified it..but this method makes your server info hard to find....however there are many tools to used to determine your server's ip such cmd or any sniffer out there...
  9. make sure you save the bmp to 256 colors (8bit) format...
  10. yes nope can be removed upon death yes
  11. I mimic the aegis command montransform and I follow the concept of awesome Yommy about naming convention in txt database..anyway it accept ID just a little warning in the server console but we can make a fix for it.. I have already propose something similar to that but its in SC form like in aegis' 'BuffSpecial.sc' in which SC are attach with item script command..just waiting for approval and for me to finish it..
  12. Monster Transform Update What is it? A new feature when in you can transform your characters into monsters and you can still use all your skills like a normal character do. The Transformation Scroll is consumable for 20 mins. Can only be removed when your killed or if you die.What are those? Deviruchi Scroll: Increase ASPD +1, HIT + 5 during transformed as Deviruchi. Raydric Archer Scroll: Increase attack 25% by using bow. Mavka Scroll: Increase attack 25% by using bow. Marduk Scroll: Increase magical attack 25%. Banshee Scroll: Increase magical attack 25%. Poring Scroll: Increase critical damage 25% during transformed as Poring Golem Scroll: Increase resistance of non property 2% and activate Endure 5Lv by certain chance when gets physical attack. Changes:You can customize your transformation by using 'montransformation' script command and add specific status effect. ex. montransform <monster name>, <duration>, <sc type>, <val1>, <val2>, <val3>, <val4> This feature can be disabled in GvG by switching its config in 'confbattlemisc.conf' // Is monster transformation disabled during Guild Wars? // If set to yes, monster transforming is automatically removed/disabled when entering castles during WoE times mon_trans_disable_in_gvg: no Special Thanks:Beret Kyeme Super Awesome Yommy Link/s:commitScreenshot/s:
  13. double check what file you are modifying..maybe your modifying other file that is why its not reflecting in your server..80% people do the same mistakes.. another double check maybe you are using sql database instead of txt database...
  14. yes this is official however I can't reproduce this one on the latest revision..
  15. double check what file you are modifying..maybe your modifying other file that is why its not reflecting in your server..80% people do the same mistakes..
  16. reload your database or better restart your server then try again...or check if there are syntax error in server console
  17. yup this is possible..make a custom passive skill in which it serves as aura or AoE that detects another monster in the area then when they collide to each other kill them both then summon a new mob...
  18. I suggest to use 2, 147, 483, 657 as max zenies as what kRO uses..
  19. UPDATE global_reg_value SET jobchange_level=50, jobchange_level_3rd=70 WHERE jobchange_level=1 AND jobchange_level_3rd=1; or you can do it separately or add some additional criteria...
  20. re-do the job change or modify internally their change_lv_2nd/3rd variable then reset... click select job->npc grants 99 blevel and job lv ten(player must set all skpoints)->click again npc grants change job then jlvl 50 and so on until your reach the max/selected job
  21. bypassing the hierarchical sequencing on jobchanging will cause this problem..by using @stat you can see the change_lv_2nd/3rd is not properly computed...I suggest to modify your instant leveler just like iRO sakray..same with aegis when you bypass the hierarchy you will end the same problem..
  22. maybe they manually merge the changes from patch to patch..because in every patch I got from official the file size is not consistently increasing sometimes it decrease...or maybe they added some translated files or some custom maps or etc..
  23. my unmodified rdata.grf which I'm using in playing in kRO almost 3yrs only has 150mb..
  24. Round COnnect - http://mizuki.s54.xrea.com/_skin.html
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