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Everything posted by Ehwaz

  1. Searched all source and no luck should I check when changing position or something ? P/S: anyone know how to count all position of guild. Ex: Count Super tax position , if guild have 10 member with Super tax position , id position is 2 return 10 ?
  2. Bump i mean all position limit to 10 member except guild master only one
  3. I want position "Sub-Guildmaster" limit 10 member, anyone can help me or let's me know where to edit? I tried find but dont know where to edit.
  4. @Zhao Chow Ops, map-server crash, maybe i edited wrong place not guild_change_memberposition Do you know where to edit it ?
  5. I tried to used mapreg->readreg( script->add_str("$abc") follow Angelmelody guide but visual alert mapreg undefined. /*==================================================== * Member changing position in guild *---------------------------------------------------*/ int guild_change_memberposition(int guild_id,int account_id,int char_id,short idx) { if(mapreg->readreg( script->add_str("$abc")); return intif->guild_change_memberinfo(guild_id,account_id,char_id,GMI_POSITION,&idx,sizeof(idx)); }
  6. I trying make maelstrom prevent cast other paint skill like manhole, chaospanic But, only Bloodylust still cast on Maelstrom My code\, skill.c case SC_BLOODYLUST: case SC_CHAOSPANIC: case SC_MANHOLE: //Non stackable on themselves and traps (including venom dust which does not has the trap inf2 set) if (skill_id != g_skill_id && !(skill->get_inf2(g_skill_id)&INF2_TRAP) && g_skill_id != AS_VENOMDUST && g_skill_id != MH_POISON_MIST && g_skill_id != SC_MAELSTROM) return 0; unit.c: if( sd ) { if( skill->not_ok(skill_id, sd) || !skill->check_condition_castbegin(sd, skill_id, skill_lv) ) return 0; /** * "WHY IS IT HEREE": ice wall cannot be canceled past this point, the client displays the animation even, * if we cancel it from castend_pos, so it has to be here for it to not display the animation. **/ if (skill_id == WZ_ICEWALL && map->getcell(src->m, src, skill_x, skill_y, CELL_CHKNOICEWALL)) return 0; } if(sc && sc->data[SC__MAELSTROM] && (skill_id >= SC_MANHOLE && skill_id <= SC_FEINTBOMB) && skill_id == GN_HELLS_PLANT) { clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL, 0); return 0; } skill_db.txt 2303,7,6,2,0,0x1,0,3,1,yes,0,0,0,magic,0, SC_BLOODYLUST,Bloody Lust skill_unit_db.txt 2303,0xd0, , 3, 0, -1,all, 0x2018 //SC_BLOODYLUST
  7. skill_require_db.txt in db folder.
  8. You mean like arrrow or bullet ? ../conf/battle/battle.conf // Are arrows/ammo consumed when used on a bow/gun? // 0 = No // 1 = Yes // 2 = Yes even for skills that do not specify arrow consumption when said // skill is weapon-based and used with ranged weapons (auto-guesses which // skills should consume ammo when it's acquired via a card or plagiarize) arrow_decrement: 1
  9. Anyone know how to do it, I tried look into source...but dont understand, Now Lux Anima just transfer rune to only one party member in range. Sourc: Lux Anima: if( sd == NULL || sd->status.party_id == 0 || flag&1 ){ if( src == bl ) break; while( skill->area_temp[5] >= 0x10 ){ int value = 0; type = SC_NONE; if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x10 ){ value = (rnd()%100<50) ? 4 : ((rnd()%100<80) ? 3 : 2); clif->millenniumshield(bl,value); skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x10; type = SC_MILLENNIUMSHIELD; }else if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x20 ){ value = status_get_max_hp(bl) * 25 / 100; status->change_clear_buffs(bl,4); skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x20; status->heal(bl,value,0,1); type = SC_REFRESH; }else if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x40 ){ skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x40; type = SC_GIANTGROWTH; }else if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x80 ){ if( dstsd ){ value = sstatus->hp / 4; if( status->charge(bl,value,0) ) type = SC_STONEHARDSKIN; skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x80; } }else if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x100 ){ skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x100; type = SC_VITALITYACTIVATION; }else if( skill->area_temp[5]&0x200 ){ skill->area_temp[5] &= ~0x200; type = SC_ABUNDANCE; } if( type > SC_NONE ) clif->skill_nodamage(bl, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, sc_start4(src,bl, type, 100, skill_lv, value, 0, 1, skill->get_time(skill_id, skill_lv))); } }else if( sd ){ if( tsc && tsc->count ){ if(tsc->data[SC_MILLENNIUMSHIELD]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x10; if(tsc->data[SC_REFRESH]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x20; if(tsc->data[SC_GIANTGROWTH]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x40; if(tsc->data[SC_STONEHARDSKIN]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x80; if(tsc->data[SC_VITALITYACTIVATION]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x100; if(tsc->data[SC_ABUNDANCE]) skill->area_temp[5] |= 0x200; } clif->skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, 1); party->foreachsamemap(skill->area_sub, sd, skill->get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv), src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag|BCT_PARTY|1, skill->castend_nodamage_id); }
  10. Try add your map in resnametable.txt
  11. conf/char-server.conf //================================================================== // Pincode system //================================================================== // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // 0: disabled // 1: enabled pincode_enabled: 0 // Request Pincode only on login or on everytime char select is accessed? // 0: only on login (default) // 1: everytime the char select window is accessed pincode_charselect: 0 // How often does a user have to change his pincode? // Default: 0 // 0: never // X: every X minutes pincode_changetime: 0 // How often can a user enter the wrong password? // Default: 3 // NOTE: The maximum on clientside is 3 pincode_maxtry: 3 Useless if you put into import/char_conf.txt
  12. I dont know how to explain my feeling, maybe feeling pickup 100$ on street. I love it. i'' use it, i will use it. Thank you very much.
  13. skill.c(12555): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' skill.c(12557): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier skill.c(12559): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier skill.c(12561): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier skill.c(12562): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier skill.c(12563): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier skill.c(12564): error C2065: 'hp' : undeclared identifier I tried
  14. undifined 'hp'; i tried: struct mob_data *md = BL_CAST(BL_MOB, bl); if( md && md->class_ == MOBID_EMPELIUM ) hp = 0; got error error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' error C2065: 'md' : undeclared identifier error C2223: left of '->class_' must point to struct/union
  15. Thank, i love this event and the way to play it. i'll use it in my server. I'll mod something
  16. Someone can help me make warmer can't heal Emperium. i tried but not working
  17. Someone help me, i want Unlimit, skill of ranger just boost damage vs monster.
  18. Does SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM affect to drop rate from card or EQ like Lunakaligo ? bAddMonsterDropItem,12065,RC_Plant,500;
  19. When i using skill multi hit like Jack Frost , monster will die after get enough hit ? While monster get hit, it's still use skill or attack me! So this is new feature or something wrong ?
  20. My server working perfect with IP: But when i upload to linux vps it got many errors 1. Sometime it show: [Error]: Can not connect to login-server.[Error]: The server communication passwords (default s1/p1) are probably invalid.[Error]: Also, please make sure your login db has the correct communication username/passwords and the gender of the account is S.[Error]: The communication passwords are set in /conf/map-server.conf and /conf/char-server.conf i set already my password using md5. But after some restart, it's working fine. 2. map-char-login server is running but I can't logining, i got reject or the map is available
  21. Yay, it's working. I right when think i diff-ed something wrong. Still using 20140205
  22. My client is: 20140205 Ex: Item A: [27182] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "#27182: Linguistic Book Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "¾Ö³Î¶óÀ̀Áî¾ÆÀ̀", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "FSRO CUSTOM", }, identifiedDisplayName = "#27182: Linguistic Book Hat", identifiedResourceName = "¾Ö³Î¶óÀ̀Áî¾ÆÀ̀", identifiedDescriptionName = { "^0000ff ---- Nguyên Liệu ---- ^000000", "<ITEMLINK>Model Training Hat<INFO>5073</INFO></ITEMLINK> x1", "<ITEMLINK>Research Chart<INFO>7347</INFO></ITEMLINK> x250", "<ITEMLINK>Worn out Page<INFO>1097</INFO></ITEMLINK> x200", "<ITEMLINK>Bookclip in Memory<INFO>7015</INFO></ITEMLINK> x100", "<ITEMLINK>Squid Ink<INFO>1024</INFO></ITEMLINK> x50", "<ITEMLINK>Sticky Mucus<INFO>938</INFO></ITEMLINK> x50", "<ITEMLINK>Scarlet Dyestuffs<INFO>975</INFO></ITEMLINK> x1", "<ITEMLINK>Darkgreen Dyestuffs<INFO>979</INFO></ITEMLINK> x1", "<ITEMLINK>Lemon Dyestuffs<INFO>976</INFO></ITEMLINK> x1", "<ITEMLINK>Pencil Case<INFO>738</INFO></ITEMLINK> x5", " ", "^FF0000 ---- Sản Phẩm ---- ^000000", "<ITEMLINK>Linguistic Book Hat<INFO>5422</INFO></ITEMLINK>", " ", "Loại: ^777777L^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, When i clicked any <ITEMLINK> my client will crash and throw error "Now stop working". But if i create a item B: [27194] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Bấm vào đây trước", unidentifiedResourceName = "À̀±×µå¶ó½ÇÀÙ", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "FSRO CUSTOM", "^ffffff_^000000", }, identifiedDisplayName = "Bấm vào đây trước", identifiedResourceName = "À̀±×µå¶ó½ÇÀÙ", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Bấm vào item dưới trước", "<ITEMLINK>Yggdrasil Leaf<INFO>610</INFO></ITEMLINK>", "^ffffff_^000000", }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, And i clicking Yggdrasil Leaf it work, and all itemlink will work in normal, dont get error "Stop Working". If i relog and dont click at Yggdrasil Leaf i will got crash again. i want no need to click my Item B, and all item link will work in normal Or someone can explain for me how to it work or how i can catch Exception "Stop Working" Sorry, my bad English. P/S: i remember i got this issue after update my hercules source, not sure. i just remember all itemlink work fine without error.
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