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  1. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Joseph in Need help (item bonus)   
    Not as simple as I thought. 
    function script F_EQP { // End all other sessions if (@totalSession > 0) { @totalSession--; return; } .@card_id = getarg(0); // Equipment Slot .@type[0] = EQI_HEAD_TOP; .@type[1] = EQI_ARMOR; .@type[2] = EQI_GARMENT; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) for (.@c = 0; .@c < getequipcardcnt(.@type[.@i]); .@c++) if (getequipcardid(.@type[.@i],.@c) == .@card_id) setd ".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]", getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") + 1; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) if (getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") > 0) @totalSession++; if (@totalSession == 0) { debugmes "Unexpected return... o.o"; return; } for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) if (getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") != @eqp[.@i]) { .@check = .@check | (1 << .@i); break; } if (.@check < 1) @totalSession--; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@type); .@i++) { switch (.@i) { // .@type index number case 0: bonus bStr,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; case 1: bonus bAgi,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; case 2: bonus bVit,getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]") * 5; break; } if (.@check & (1 << .@i) > 0) { @totalSession--; @eqp[.@i] = getd(".@tmp_eqp[" + .@i + "]"); } } return; }   
    { callfunc("F_EQP",<card_id>); },{},{}
  2. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to quesoph in Locator NPC   
    prontera,149,172,3  script  testetsttest  100,{   mes "Tell me a player name to track. Must be an exact player name, cases included.";   mes "I'll take "+ .cost +" Zeny even if the search fails.";if ( select ( "Go:Stop" ) == 2 ) close;   if ( Zeny < .cost ) {        mes "Not Enough Zeny.";   close;   }   input .@name$;   next;  if (getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$) == -1) {   mes "Sorry, I can't seem to find him!";   close;   }   mes "I found "+ .@name$ +" in "+ .@map$ +", "+ .@x +", "+ .@y +".";   mes "Hope you can find him too!";  set Zeny, Zeny - .cost;   close;   OnInit:   set .cost, 50000;   end;}
  3. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from mofo in Locator NPC   
    Maybe try this?
    - script PlayerLocator -1,{OnWhisperGlobal: mes "Tell me a player name to track. Must be an exact player name, cases included."; mes "I'll take "+ .cost +" Zeny even if the search fails."; input .@name$; next; set Zeny, Zeny - .@cost; if (getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$) == -1) { mes "Sorry, I can't seem to find him!"; close; } mes "I found "+ .@name$ +" in "+ .@map$ +", "+ .@x +", "+ .@i +"."; mes "Hope you can find him too!"; close;OnInit: set .cost, 50000; end;}  
    Haven't tested it myself, so IDK if that'll work but at least should if script_commands.txt isn't wrong or I've made a mistake somewhere.
  4. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Angelmelody in how to make item cant sell,drop,vending   
  5. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Emistry in Can anyone help me on this script   
    if (killedrid == getcharid(3) || rand(100) > 40 ) end;
  6. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to quesoph in Disable Cashshop in pvp & woe   
    or for pvp and gvg
    I am not really good with src.
  7. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to ossi0110 in Client Packet Extractor   
    then ask in a Bot forum
  8. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Ai4rei in RO Credentials (ROCred), v1.10.0 - last updated 2017/12/31   
    RO Credentials

    Simple and tiny client launcher+login. Has no prerequisites and runs on all Windows versions. Known Issues
    [aavc] This tool is not safe for computers running Avast Anti-Virus. Download
    binary, reference source Q & A Is it customizable?
    Yes. How?
    With resource editing tools, such as ResourceHacker. All text and icons can be customized. Settings can be edited in an INI file, instructions on how to do that are provided in the example files together with the launcher. What is "reference source"?
    You cannot compile it (unless you provide the missing components), but see what functionality the latest binary contains. I want it to be xyz.exe, but it does not read the INI file. Why?
    You have to match the INI name to the EXE name. rocred.exe -> rocred.ini mytest.exe -> mytest.ini  
    How can I embed an INI file into the EXE?
    Add the INI file as RCDATA resource named CONFIG with ResourceHacker. How do I use background skinning?
    Create a file named bgskin.bmp (magenta #ff00ff is considered transparent). You can also embed the file as BITMAP resource with the name BGSKIN. Window size is adjusted to the bitmap size, position of controls must be set in the INI. Buttons can be skinned as well, see the INI for names.
    Can I add custom buttons, if so, how many?
    Yes, see the INI template for details. There is no defined limit on how many, the only constraints are available memory, GDI resources and INI size limit on some platforms. By the way, custom buttons can be skinned as well. Why does the client not auto-login when I press "Start" / Why do I have to login twice?
    The client must be 2010-08-04aRagexeRE or newer and must not have the "Restore Login Window" patch and should have the "Use SSO Login Packet" patch.
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
  9. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Yommy in Whenever I do screenshot..   
    yup, just a data/time stamp, so you can see when the screenshot was taken.
    The other letters are just the char_id in a letter form.
    0 => R
    1 => O
    2 => H
    3 => U
    4 => T
    5 => N
    6 => A
    7 => S
    8 => E
    9 => W
    you could use this to verify who took the screenshot.
    but now i have published the mega complex algorithm used, you should no longer trust this information.
    and Gravity Korea will be manhunting me for telling you all this, i doubt i will last a few days /sadface
  10. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to anacondaq in Stable client ( Most likely fixed )   
    What most stable and have many features client in:
    2012 2013

    Can anybody make topic with detailed information about each kRO ragexe + link for luas for him and their features?
  11. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to ossi0110 in Hercules Herunterladen mit Windows   
    Hercules Herunterladen
    Zuerst benötigen wir die 2 Git  Programme , Diese könnt ihr ganz einfach mit den untenstehenden Links herunterladen.
    [*] Download and Install MSysGit [*]Download the latest TortoiseGit

    Schritt 1
    Installiert MySysGit   das programm dient als grundlage für TortoiseGit .  Braucht ihr also nicht weiter zu beachten nach der Installation.
    Schrit 2
    Nun Installiert einfach TortoiseGit

    Das nächste fenster ist "Choose SSH Client", wählt dort  "TortoisePLink", und drückt  Next.

    Das nächste Fenster ist das "Custom Setup", Fenster,  Wenn ihr nicht wisst was man hier einstellen muss einfach auf NEXT drücken

    Tjoah das wars auch schon mit der installation von Git

     Hercules Herunterladen mit Git auf Windows
    Schritt 1 
    Erstellt euch einen Ordner wo eurer Hercules Server reinkopiert werden soll.
    Sobald ihr das habt kann es auch schon losgehen .  Macht nen Rechtsklick auf den Ordner und klickt auf  und klickt auf GIT Clone

    Schritt 2
    Es popt ein Fenster auf wo ihr diverse sachen eingeben könnt . Hier müsst ihr eigentlich nur die "Git URL" eingeben 
    Habt ihr die URL eingegeben klickt ihr einfach auf OK und er wird nun Hercules herunterladen.


    Das wars auch schon , nun könnt ihr mit eurem Server arbeiten
  12. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Nameleszx in Where can I locate the packet_db.txt in hercules?   
    It was moved to a more intuitive place. It's now in src/map/packets.h.
  13. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to frenzmu06 in Whenever I use this script, I'd become stone curse.   
  14. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from N e s s in your use of skill and chat will be blocked   
    I don't get it. What happened? What blocks you to use that? How to get that "block"? Etc.
    Please, give us some more information so that we can help you.
  15. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Uzieal in [Support] The Castle City of Invek   
    Hello Hercules, 
    So here it is The Updated & Released Castle City of Invek, or just Invek for short. Sorry for any delay in the release of the map but I hope it has been worth the wait. I have struggled with all of the bugs and issues when using BrowEdit, and I believe it has finally paid off! Here is my first public map release and I hope you all enjoy it ! I plan to Release many more maps, and even take requests from time to time. I would GREATLY appreciate any opinions, or general enthusiasm's, after all I could just keep my maps to myself but they are intended to benefit the Hercules Community ! If you download my free map release please offer me your input ! 

    -Updated Screen Caps- July 14, 2013 

    I have included the invek.extra file incase you wish to make a change to the map. You may use this map as you wish, however please do not redistribute as your own work or offer my work at any other location. I do not require being credited for this map. This is intended to be used with sky background, if you have trouble changing the background, installing the map, or making a fix then drop me a PM and I will gladly help support you.
  16. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Ind in HCache | Item Packages Update   
    Item Packages: Update
    In this commit we've modified the 'Random' field so that it can be used to define a group id to that item, as to allow packages to have more than one random group of items as its official equivalents do.
    The updated documentation is as follows, note that random field is no longer optional, and for "Must" types it should be 0, this commit has updated package_items.conf in both pre-re and re, the remaining fields remain optional when their value isn't necessary, e.g. you don't need to specify Count if it is 1, Expire if it is 0, Announce/Named if it is false.
    <Container_Item_Name>: {     <Entry_Item_Name>: {         Random: 0 - Signs what group type this item belongs to, 0 is "Must", a group of items that come out whenever the package is open (doesn't use rate), anything above 0 is considered "random_group_<value>", a package with 2 random groups for example gets 2 items whenever open, one from each group         Count: 30 - Stands for how much <Entry_Item_Name> will be obtained.         Expire: 2 - Signs how many hours this item will last (makes a rental item).         Announce: True/False - Signs whether to relay a special item obtain announcement when this item comes out of the package.         Rate: 50 - If 'Random' is not 0, a rate from 1 to 10000 (0.01% - 100%) will be given.         Named: True/False - Signs whether the item should have the owner's name in it.     } } HCache
    Reading these new files takes more processing time than the previous as the format is more flexible (or complex), and as we are always trying to improve we couldn't let this stand, we've designed a caching method to make this processing time overhead happen only when the files are modified.
    The feature checks when a file has been last modified, and if it hasn't been modified since the cache was made it relies on the cache instead of reading the file over. This feature also is capable of realizing when the server been recompiled and re-writes the caches when it happens so the data in them is always up to date with the latest source code.
    The Future
    As we have a number of other planned things we'll be slowly extending this to the other files that would benefit from it.
    This feature can be employed in any files and used to store any data we like, we have intent to boost NPC parsing/reload with it in the near future, our estimates expect NPC parse time to drop by over 80%, reload time will drop just as much.
    Special Thanks to
    Beret and hemagx, its thanks to them we became aware of the missing feature in item packages. Muad_Dib for all the data he provided to this update mkbu95 for his help in the development of HCache Link~u
  17. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to kyeme in Introducing Cash Shop Support   
    Restart server.
    Currently we are discussing it here: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1247-adding-reloadcashshop/
  18. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Virtue in SQL Script Question   
    (From cellphone) Yeah you could do it, just be careful that the not equal sign in SQL is <>. This method is a bit slow to update because you'd have to wait the char server to save positions for the characters. 
    You could place an NPC on the autotrade map, then issue a getusers(1)-getusers(8).
    Flaws of both two? The same. It will neither count autotrading nor shopping users. I'd try to source mod the server (or making a plugin) for saving autotrade status on a SQL table. Or maybe, let's get creative on there, if I remember correctly, there was a script command named getmapusers which had an option for not counting autotrades and/or buying/selling users. I can't look up on script_commands.txt ATM.
    As always, hope I helped.
  19. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Ai4rei in RO Open Setup, v3.1.0.627 - last updated 2023/11/18   
    Diligently translating sir! Incoming!
    RO open setup spanish2.txt
    (Has only the new strings)
    And I still can't change languages on the program without ResHacking it /sob. Anyways I don't need it, just want to see how that translation looks on it.
    For people who wait for my patch translations from Ziu: I've translated this because it's way quicker, I'm still knee deep on exams, sorry!
  20. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to anacondaq in harmony users that are using latest version.   
    Last two versions harmony have a lot of bugs, and problems:
    fps bug liknz & other software for ndl and complete autopots + clicker + ndl + other effects in one soft work fine. harmony do not block memory reading, and injection harmony only read latest signatures of cheat software. harmony owner wont fix FPS (decrease when a lot of players at same screen) bug, and other problems. harmony owner do not support fastly, he just answer after 1-2 weeks.

    That why i think harmony is bad product to protect server.
    But there is no alternative way to block cheat software.
    How work harmony?
    it's check hash-sums of files in hdata.grf to "protect" against ndl. But new ways in nodelay based on sprite freezing. It's check hash-sums of .exe, it's not helpful. It's know already about some software (by signatures) but they do not want to protect memory addresses against read/write ways. Harmony has tunnel where transfer data is encrypted by AES (blue fish) algoritm. But this way is not good against new cheat scene. Where openkore by some people with some perl modules can bypass this method and connect to the server. Harmony check hash-sum for each software what they know....

    Sorry guys, SIrius can say another version, but i say true. It's not good protection. You pay for brand, not for protection engine. Harmony was good at 2009-10;
    For this time is most suckest anticheat engine what i ever seen before.
    What to do?
    - Wait for good developers like Magnum Anticheat and use their protection.
    Protection must:
    - Revers engeniereng most dangerous (good) cheat software and understand how it work.
    - They must block API calls to memory.
    - They must check everytime all files in game to detect modification.
    - They must HIDE without threads, pids protected Ragnarok.exe;
    - They must make own virtual keyboard what block whole WINAPI (SendKey('Button') and allow only processrunned virtual button.
    - They must ask to help increase their protection "level" at professional cheaters. Romedic, ahk, ROPS it's trivial things.
    - Protection must be CHEAP.
    - Cheap & good protection = many clients, many money, ro ALIVE.
  21. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Uzieal in Seriously?!   
    Well Hello all, 
               Uzieal here, I made it! I must admit as most others I was reluctant to switch, but I think this project is worth while so I am working on creating a build using Hercules! Lets see, a bit about me.. My specialty is Graphic Design, Spriting, Etc. I also love scripting and toying around with SRC. I have been on Ragnarok Emulator Boards since around the time the first of the Freya Projects were being born, and I have worked on so many servers I loose track sometimes of all the old great servers that have come and gone. I remember the days of Delta being a nub and SF/Others stepping up. I have been there through the drama and anguish.
               I am hopeful that this project will go the distance, I LOVE the stability aspects / goals of this project more than anything. As an Administrator it is a never ending task to find the perfect build that you can hold onto and continue to improve without needing to change everything up at every turn, which is not extremely difficult ( anymore ) with all the documentation we have available but to have a ( Stable ) version of anything is always a plus!
              I would love to be a community contributor and I will soon have many graphic design releases free for the community but I need to figure out map designing figured out so I can provide map releases paired with my quests / events etc as full packages unique and exclusive to Hercules.
    Hmm thats all ~
  22. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Emistry in A Surprise for Ind.....   
    /me throw this at Ind in his Birthday Party...  /gg

  23. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Xgear in N> Help about this!!!!!!!!!!   
    @neqste: There is no need to be so rude and aggressive. Really...
    @Phoenix, If you're using rA/eAmod you should ask for support @ their forum. People here is familiar with Hercules's code and its issues, you could get far better support from their own community. ^^ 
  24. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from anacondaq in Client feature tracking   
    I think this one request could be a nice idea. I've already been for which features a particular client has and/or for reccomendations for choosing a client in the Spanish Section and I think I can extrapolate this to the rest of the people, which are just unsure what client version sits their needs best.
    Sadly, I'm not very good on the client side, so I usually end up reccomending 2012-04-18 (2012-04-10 if they don't like having to manage all items on LUA files) client when I'm asked for a particular client date and that mostly I don't know what's up on a client from a particular date.
    What do you think about tracking client features? This way we can easily refer to this (or whatever topic this feature tracker is made) and speed up support on clients.
    I mean, we start on a given ragexeRE date (maybe starting from 2011-08-17 ragexeRE clients onwards since this is the first client to support packet encription on Hercules?) listing its main capacities (text/LUA item database tables, mail system, etcetera) then noticing only the changes from previous clients and maybe individually noting the Hercules packet encription compatibility and/or if it's already supported by the emulator. And we'd also have another sort of a "timeline" for ragexe clients.
    For example:
    And quite the same for ragexe clients. I don't know if I have explained myself well.
    I hope someone with client knowledge could make this so that we could orient a bit better.
  25. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Mumbles in checkidle2()   
    If possible, I'd add a suggestion to this suggestion, and it's making an extra conf for the idle timers.
    It'd be a nice idea to choose whether self skills reset that timer or not. I've seen a lot of AFKchemists skip anti-idle systems with this.
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