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Everything posted by Aeromesi

  1. I wonder who'll die first, me or Hercules? Hopefully me xD. Long live Hercules!

  2. Not sure if it's possible through scripting but don't listen to me. Never looked into this area before.
  3. File Name: [Auto-Event] Pluckin' a Chicken File Submitter: Aeromesi File Submitted: 12 Oct 2016 File Category: Events & Games [Auto Event] Pluckin' a Chicken What exactly is this event Pluckin' a Chicken? Well... Details: // Automated Event Winner gets double the amount of cash points based on how many they clicked/plucked. If any players are in the 11x11 square they will be moved somewhere safe to participate in the event. Player who wins, gets item, Zeny, and Double Cash Points based on how many clicks they did to win. Randomized each time, one time you could have to pluck the chicken 100 times, or 350 times, never know. Players who lose STILL WIN! When the event is disabled go to Pluckins (wherever you put him)and he will exchange your Plucks on the Chicken you got for the exact same amount of Cash Points. If the next hour goes and no one has completed the Pluckin' a Chicken event, it won't start again until it's finished. 1 hour timer, once you start your server, in 1 hour the event will begin, once completed, another hour and the event will start. When WoE FE:SE is in session ( agitcheck / agitcheck2 ) the event will not start, to prevent too much going on at once. Enjoy Hercules ^^ Click here to download this file Forgot to mention, based on x amount of clicks a player gets, the speed eventually increases on Mr.Pluckins in a set of 5. Will include that in an update as well as an announcement that he's getting "heated" causing him to move faster. Enjoy for now. =)
  4. Edit the OnTimer labels if you want it to every 3 hours. OnTimer10800000: // 3 hours
  5. Version 1.0


    [Auto Event] Pluckin' a Chicken What exactly is this event Pluckin' a Chicken? Well... Details: // Automated Event Winner gets double the amount of cash points based on how many they clicked/plucked. If any players are in the 11x11 square they will be moved somewhere safe to participate in the event. Player who wins, gets item, Zeny, and Double Cash Points based on how many clicks they did to win. Randomized each time, one time you could have to pluck the chicken 100 times, or 350 times, never know. Players who lose STILL WIN! When the event is disabled go to Pluckins (wherever you put him)and he will exchange your Plucks on the Chicken you got for the exact same amount of Cash Points. If the next hour goes and no one has completed the Pluckin' a Chicken event, it won't start again until it's finished. 1 hour timer, once you start your server, in 1 hour the event will begin, once completed, another hour and the event will start. When WoE FE:SE is in session ( agitcheck / agitcheck2 ) the event will not start, to prevent too much going on at once. Enjoy Hercules ^^
  6. you could have problem probably load a timer for specific time for player who enter map to fight satan morocc. How will you attach that event of being nuked to every player?
  7. Probably didn't load the SQL table? I tested the script and it seems fine to me, I'm not even using a fully updated Hercules either.
  8. Version 1.0


    [Auto-Event] Satan Morocc Invasion Based on a request by Will Su. Satan Morocc invades every hour, if the players haven't killed Satan Morocc in that timeframe by the next hour he won't spawn again. Player who kills Satan Morocc gets Cash Points (change to whatever currency you use or simply switch to item like Coin) Enjoy
  9. File Name: [Auto-Event] Satan Morocc Invasion File Submitter: Aeromesi File Submitted: 10 Oct 2016 File Category: Events & Games [Auto-Event] Satan Morocc Invasion Based on a request by Will Su. Satan Morocc invades every hour, if the players haven't killed Satan Morocc in that timeframe by the next hour he won't spawn again. Player who kills Satan Morocc gets Cash Points (change to whatever currency you use or simply switch to item like Coin) Enjoy Click here to download this file
  10. Just a little sleep counter after clicking on the item. I believe .75 of a second
  11. There are problems with weeMapCach. Can cause some problems in maps and I fear some instancing of maps it do weird stuff... avoid using it if you can
  12. Very very cool Jman. This is an awesome tool I hope you complete it. Keep going!!
  13. Tick tock tick tock

  14. If you have any valid resource of playing the whole instance, with map info (supplied maps this instance is on) or replay data, I could probably help create the instance.
  15. Do you ever wish you could unseen what you saw? Or forget what you keep remembering. That's me. Please, let me forget so I don't remember what I see.

  16. I sense Dracula having his Last Halloween...

  17. I know we have rA -> Herc Item / Mob DB converter but not Herc -> rA...
  18. Not possible with scripting I think this is all src side.
  19. Aeromesi

    im back !

    Welcome back. Yeah there's been new features and jobs that have entered the RO world (the Doram race and Kagerou/Rebellion class) If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to send me a PM.
  20. Well for Scripting I use NPC Editor (it has a Syntax check so you can see if the script works without loading the map-server)
  21. Microsoft 2010 isn't supported anymore by Hercules. I would suggest upgrading your compiler. Download Link (Microsoft Visual Studio 2015) https://www.visualstudio.com/post-download-vs/?sku=community&clcid=0x409&downloadrename=true
  22. Updated. You can download it from the topic-start or from my Github. Optimized and fixed a small bug. Reduced 32kb to 19kb <: https://github.com/Aeromesi/AeromesiCodes/blob/master/Scripts/customnpc/egg_hunt_event.txt EDIT: Never noticed Dastgirs comment, our scripts are basically the same. xD Smh...
  23. Pretty sure grf editor by tokeiburu can do thid for you'll prolly need some kind of key to open the grf.
  24. It should already be in Hercules. 1@mir I believe
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