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Everything posted by Aeromesi

  1. In FluxCP I'm pretty sure you can choose whether to manually validate registered accounts.
  2. Usually eA scripts work for Hercules/rAthena unless it's an instance script since the commands are a bit different. Could you please post a snippet of what's happening in the map server console so we I can further assist You? Not at home otherwise I'd test it out
  3. Are you sure you're installing the map files right?
  4. Here's the new version, I'll update the post to have 1.1 as the default version later. For now link only: - link removed - Fixing it currently xD but wait until 1.1 is released! YOU WILL EXPECT GREATNESS!!! Basically I redesigned the script. @extradrops - To edit the setup! So you could essentially disable Cash points for each mob, one/any specified mob now! @onoffdrops - Toggle ON / OFF the system for players. Usually you would want to disable the system to make changes with @extradrops. Once you feel satisfied with your changes, @onoffdrops will turn your Extra Drops back on!
  5. What exactly do you mean? Like make cash amount drop for all monsters instead of individual cash configurations per Mon? (How it works atm)
  6. Hercules cannot run with root (the user of the SSH/OS whatever) you must make a new user and config the details to prompt that user who is not root to execute the login/char/map. If you run root Hercules will automatically close (Used to not do this, but I guess was added so people make sure to keep some security?) This might be of some help. Did for me. http://www.tecmint.com/add-users-in-linux/ Hope I helped!
  8. http://herc.ws/board/files/file/311-utility-extra-mob-drops/ You could potentially edit the Zeny/Cash point amount and make new arrays of item data, so then you could add multiple item drops to a specified mob using the script I made. Without needing to touch the db folder ^^
  9. Aeromesi

    WoE Script

    If you edit in the NPC instead of setting every WoE setting via @reloadscript (Probably just use an OnInit:) I still think it saves your WoE setup through the basic WoE controller NPC, so what exactly are you asking?
  10. Sooo... Something I'm working on... my Instance Creator NPC script! The Dimensional Portal: Allows you to edit and do the following: Custom Instances: Instance Dungeon Amount (Amount of instance dungeons you want to make) Instance Dungeon Name (The name of the instance dungeon) Instance Dungeon Maps (The maps instance will be generated on) Instance Dungeon Rewards (Setup rewards for each specified selected dungeon) Instance Dungeon Cooldowns (Input amount of time players won't be able to access instance dungeon) Instance Dungeon Functions (Like adding Solo/Party/Guild mode to specified instance) Instance Dungeon Weekend Rewards (Specify Weekend Rewards, and enable/disable which Dungeons use Weekend Rewards) Instance Dungeon Title Colors (Specified Color titles to the Instance Dungeon name). You also have the option to enable/disable the Dimensional Portal, can access the Player menu, as well as create farming instance zones. Farming Instance Zones: Farm Zone Amounts (Setup how many Farm Zones) Item to farm for each specified Farm Zone Mob data for each Farm Zone (I'm only going to allow edit of 1 monster ID, because you don't really need a lot of monster to farm items.) Amount of total mob for each specified Farm Zone Max Item Farm Limit (How much they can farm, so like 10 Red Potion for Farm Zone 1) You won't be able to select map (might change this) as farming zones don't really need specified map. Maybe just some normal square map in RO. PS: Only GM's edited in an array list of their names can access the NPC, so not every GM can just touch the NPC.
  11. Updated. 1.1: Fixed a few cutins that weren't disabled and also fixed the party ranking reset feature for GM. Sorry! Enjoy Hercules!
  12. Version 1.2 BUG FIXES


    [Utility] Extra Mob Drops So what exactly is this script? Allows Extra drops on specified mob (Zeny, Item, CashPoints) based on certain drop rate %. Edit the "OnInit:" of values to get extra items / zeny / cashpoints upon killing a certain mob you specified. Format: Poring(1002) Zeny: 5000 Cash: 10 Item: Red Potion (501) Amount of Red Potion: 6 Enjoy Hercules! (PS: Also works for rAthena xD)
  13. View File [Utility] Extra Mob Drops [Utility] Extra Mob Drops So what exactly is this script? Allows Extra drops on specified mob (Zeny, Item, CashPoints) based on certain drop rate %. Edit the "OnInit:" of values to get extra items / zeny / cashpoints upon killing a certain mob you specified. Format: Poring(1002) Zeny: 5000 Cash: 10 Item: Red Potion (501) Amount of Red Potion: 6 Enjoy Hercules! (PS: Also works for rAthena xD) Submitter Aeromesi Submitted 01/28/17 Category Utility  
  14. Ugh this is just too awesome finally support and having battlegrounds!!! SOO EXCITED
  15. Not available for rAthena? this is good idea! You expect rA release on hercules forum! Good Idea! Better PM the topic starter to ask if he plans to release for rA, rather than criticizing here. I'm sorry if you get offended, but i'm ust asking if there is any rA script version. That's all i'm asking no need to make a extra DRAMA here. Hey man just about almost done with the rAthena rewrite... xD
  16. Aeromesi

    Request Script

    I dont think we have a function to get a dropped items timeframe:c
  17. If they logout without an instance they wont be able to read the instance variable. Before doing anything make sure they have the instance (script command has_instance) OnPCLogoutEvent: if ( has_instance "2@nyd" == "" ) { Etc }
  18. Right in the arrays of the OnInit. Thank you tati! It means a LOT to me. Hello! Many thanks for your contribution. I have a question, where does that change the amount of monsters that will be summoned?
  19. Well now we know who's going to be making battlegrounds now! Instances might see a -slight- decrease (jk jk) xD
  20. Well the mob spawns happen on each end of the warp portals. Towards the end everyone meets at center square for the boss round. I forgot to adjust time because it was something I did for quick testing. I'll make the "officialized" versions. I actually forgot to do this. My bad guys :X
  21. You never decided to share the code? I know I saw some kind of file somewhere that I knew right away it was for FluxCP and had your name all over it. xD No problemo's!
  22. I think I saw this being made on an archived http://www.upaste.me link or am I wrong?
  23. You should make the discord invitation permanent, else it runs out after some time (24hours i guess) Greetings and best wishes Normynator Didn't notice lol. Updated! Thanks Norm
  24. If you ever want to contact me, I made a lounge on discord for anyone to personally talk to me etc. https://discord.gg/sJWUsj2 (permanent now xDDD)
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