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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. December Digest 2013

    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2013.

    Team Changes

      • Dastgir Pojee has joined as a Community Contributor
      • .
      • Mhalicot has been moved from Community Contributor
      • to Filipino International Moderator.
      • Mumbles has been moved from Support Leader to Global Moderator.
      • Beret has been moved from Community Contributor to High Council.

      Development Highlights

      • Fixed an issue with items accidentally made equippable for every class (671d61a)
      • Whitespace fixes in script.c (a9156de)
      • Added support for string vars on commands that require a string (fefaf39)
      • Christmas Patch! Gift'o (cf19b26) (Topic)
      • Implementation of #define DEVOTION_REFLECT_DAMAGE (36d0c78) As requested by the community.
      • Modified Xcodeproj, removed global tab/indentWidth override (46a9906)
      • Fixed several compiler warnings (15a0f6d)
      • Added support for non-aborting assertion (a23d072)
      • Nullpo cleanup (853c5a3)
      • Added Apple Xcode project files (4d13474)
      • Introducing HPM Support for custom battle confs (0e25c60)
      • Modified second 'infinity loop!' error (f19fb90)
      • HPM mapindex interface (d4a58d2)
      • Questlog fixes (6f55c00)
      • Corrected Steal Coin formulas and battle log message (470ab15)
      • Added Windows batch file for 'db2sql' plugin (9f210e1)
      • Changed item Aegis ID and Mob Sprite ID lookups to case sensitive (6e9c385)
      • Changed variables, labels, functions, and commands to case sensitive (c6c2ad1)

      Scripting Highlights

      • Correctly removed persistent database entries for disabled NPC Market (c2f6086)
      • Improved script builtin function parser (4d1f7cc)
      • Changed builtin keywords in the script engine (49d2dff)

      Build System Highlights

      • Improved plugins Makefile (3462866)

      NPC & Database Highlights

      • Modernized syntax and fixed errors in sample scripts (21fa090)
      • Update mob spawns in 13.1 quest to aegis info (16f474b)
      • Bard Quest constant fix (9e22313)
      • Different item bug fixes (0fd5a42)

      Skill Highlights

      • Fixed crashing of GN_SPORE_EXPLOSION in certain systems (c3c5e31)
      • Fixed Cell Basilica (Which was broken for 5 years) (813908c)

      FluxCP Branch Highlights

      December Statistics

      • During the period there were 49 Commits.
      • Of these 49 commits, 13 included bug-fixes.
      • 3 Commits from Pull Requests
      • In this month, there were 60,318 Additions and 53,489 Deletions.

  2. @Tepoo, yes, thanks for pointing those out now with proper URLs. However, this really only implies IF people host servers VIA hosting companies located in Germany (From what I've gathered).


    Just to quote:


    The Data Protection Act regulates the collection and use of personal data. If data is not personal data it is not caught by the Act – but it is not always obvious whether data is personal data or not. An IP address in isolation is not personal data because it is focused on a computer and not an individual.

     (Out-Law, 2008, para. 8) 


    Now that we've managed to stay off topic a bit... I recommend stop talking about legal action as it already has been mentioned... and lets start to actually talk about the implementation of MAC IP Address. If we can't manage to do that, I will close this topic.



  3. [offtopic] I'm putting this out here... For future reference, don't make a statement regarding Privacy Acts without proper source URLs from the country's government site OR from articles with credited authors. You're stating information without a solid, resourceful, foundation. This means the information you're stating is not backed up with credited information (i.e. Government site of a country). Without proper credited information, your statement is invalid. [/offtopic]


    As for including MAC IP Address in Hercules... is iffy. I think only Harmony was the first to introduce this address ? 

  4. Hey everyone,


    it's never too late to update the database... and well, it's that time again! I've been working on our databases: Pre-Renewal and... Renewal! Yup! I now added a Renewal database (it's about time). Keep in mind the Renewal Database still needs to go through some colours just like our Pre-Renewal one did. Anyways! Lets move onto what I did!


    Pre-Renewal / Renewal

      [*]Pre-Renewal database got a new colour scheme: http://database.midgard-community.com/

      [*]URL to Renewal database: http://database.midgard-community.com/renewal/

      [*]Added now a link to Renewal Database VIA the sidebar under 'Main Page' link (Pre-Renewal Database)

      [*]Added now a link to Pre-Renewal Database VIA the sidebar under 'Main Page' link (Renewal Database)

      [*]Added now a link to Calculators - a section that I will display different calculators (i.e. Potions, EDP Creating, etc.)

      [*]Both databases Experience and Drop rates have been adjusted to kRO's official Experience and Drop rate

      [*]Both databases got new structure/code tweaks

    And to top everything all off.. I finally added the long awaited "Script", "Equip Script", and "Unequip Script". Yup, you read right! Now, every time you search for an item, you will see their scripts. Check it out here: http://database.midgard-community.com/?act=itemsearch&ctype=on&type=5&cmax_page=on&max_page=40&cdisplayorder=on&displayorder=100#main


    As I mentioned above, the Renewal database is still new so I'm not done adjusting its tables. But, I'm a step closer!

  5. Of course the Pre-Renewal branch doesn't support the new Izlude since the new Izlude is renewal based. :P So, you won't get the new Izlude map for Pre-Renewal, only Renewal.


    Also, I'm guessing this is more of a release than Support? Topic moved.

  6. It is good to have open/closed beta, have players start from scratch. Will definitely reveal any fixes/bugs that need to be addressed before opening live.

    I have to agree. With previous servers I've had, it's always best to start with a beta ("testing") phase prior to opening live. Having this phase will help you as an owner to see what adjustments should be made to your server.


    And, honestly, a server can never been 100% complete. Well... you could, but 100% complete in my eyes means you are never going to futher add anything into the server (customs is an exception). A server should never be 100% complete because you should always try to find out what you can do to adjust your server or add more things to it.


    100% Complete for the structure and setting up... okay. But maintaining and "finishing" the server, not necessarily as your server is on-going (should be if lucky). ;P

  7. Wow... the effects in the overall map actually makes me feel like I took a trip to a dessert. I can't imagine how awesome it'd be to actually PvP/GvG in that map! I'm not sure what criticism I have for the map... o_o Good thing? lol!


    The only suggestion I can make is it would of been nice to have seating in the booths so that people can spectate :P

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