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Posts posted by Mystery


    Request Update~
    So I hope that you enjoy the updates and if you would
    like any additional adjustments please feel free to drop me
    a personal message  ^_^ This Color Scheme proved to be
    quite challenging from the get go, but thats why I enjoy
    doing comissions, it helps me to improve my skills. 
    All credits for this collage go to the respective owners.

    Thanks a lot Uzieal!! <3 Did an awesome job. And, I knew it would be slightly challenging… but, if we never get challenged, we can never learn :P

  2. Maybe I'd move the text up a bit and add a bit of padding so that it stays inside the signature. And... find a place where the text isn't over the render?

    You can make the slogan a tad smaller in font size and the font type for Midgard-Community and Mysterious -  not really to thrilled about it :P


    Other than that, looks amazing.

  3. Do eet do eet now.  :wub:  :ph34r:

    Haha, alright! Here it is! I hope you're ready for this awesome request!


    1.  An image or description of your In-game character sprite + headgear set - No in-game character for moi~!

    2.  Any Specific Color Scheme you would like example; Red, White & Blue - I would love Green, White, Black (whatever blends in better should work fine)

    3.  Any images you like that could possibly be used for the request - Maybe a theme around a Genetic class: having a plant of theirs "being" grown of some sort (if possible) :P

    4.  Text you would like to be included or a short quote etc - Text: Help us grow ~ and you'll grow along with us!

    5.  Which name you would like on the Signature / Avatar - Siggy: Midgard-Community     Avatar: Mysterious

    6.  Some contact info of sorts so I can contact you if needed - Here with PMs :> or over at IRC.



    yeah its a browser game :) aha, its nice in-game and so comfy too xD, yeah thats it!

    How did you manage to play it? Isn't the game in Korean?

    yeah its korean, im playing it right now :) xD im a thief lvl 14 xD

    Damn T.t I would love to play it if I knew what and where I was going on the website… lol

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