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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. i just need 2013 client working for rathena/hercules

    pm me so that we can talk about your price

    Getting someone to create you a diffed 2013 client can get you scammed… possibly. Diffing a client is the easiest thing (from what I can think of) you can do… and don't need help with. :P


    Something harder such as setting up your entire server… then okay, that's a bit more understandable, but client diffing shouldn't be. :P Guides can always help you~ search for them once and awhile xD

  2. Do you know how to add this that if u click the NPC this cute images will show?

    That can be done via 'cutin'. Check out our script_commands.txt file:


    *cutin "<filename>",<position>; This command will display a picture, usually an NPC illustration, alsocalled cutin, for the currently attached client. The position parameterdetermines the placement of the illustration and takes following values:		 0 - bottom left corner		1 - bottom middle		2 - bottom right corner		3 - middle of screen in a movable window with an empty title bar		4 - middle of screen without the window header, but still movable The picture is read from datatexture???????illust, from both theGRF archive and data folder, and is required to be a bitmap. The fileextension .bmp can be omitted. Magenta color (#ff00ff) is consideredtransparent. There is no limit placed on the size of the illustrationsby the client, although loading of large pictures (about 700x700 andlarger) causes the client to freeze shortly (lag). Typically the size isabout 320x480. New illustrations can be added by just putting the new fileinto the location above. The client is able to display only one cutin at the same time and each newone will cause the old one to disappear. To delete the currently displayedillustration without displaying a new one, an empty file name and position255 must be used.		 // Displays the Comodo Kafra illustration in lower right corner.		cutin "kafra_07",2;		 // Typical way to end a script, which displayed an illustration during a		// dialog with a player.		mes "See you.";		close2;		cutin "",255;		end; 

  3. This is more for a general support purpose. Something like this isn't really beneficial to be added nor is it official. What you're proposing is a little subjective as it suits a more of a purpose of custom modification. xD


    Topic moved~

  4. This isn't really a "Suggestion" for Hercules since this is a complete custom modification for one's server. So, I don't think it's suitable as a Suggestion so I'll be moving the topic - especially at the way you worded your topic ;P

  5. Auction is really successful on most other MMORPG's. Not RO. You can't really customise gear all too much. There's really no point to it except to auction off misc bits you've found off of monsters.


    Really wish they didn't disable it from the client though. :(

    Sad to say… but I actually enjoyed Auction… then again, it was RARELY used. I liked the concept and I had the chance to auction a few things… but afterwards… it went downhill ;(

  6. Ankle Snare Lvl 1 and Ankle Snare Lvl 3 are with their same effect. How to fix this? I want my Ankle Snare Lvl 3 more longer duration on the floor.

    Technically, it's official: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Ankle_Snare


    As Ankle Snare goes up in levels, the duration decreases (on the floor) but immobilization goes up.


    But, to fix your issue, find HT_ANKLESNARE in your skill_cast_db and change the duration accordingly.






    This topic is going to stay here in the general support section as a "Request" just due to the fact that we don't have a sub-forum for these specific topics. It "could" fit under Source Requests, but it isn't the same… nor a source… "so to speak". So, we'll end up keeping this here.


    As for your question, try searching the download section before making requests :) Typically things people are looking for is usually found inside the Download section :D


  8. This *could cause potential drama between rAthena and Hercules members, thus I should close it just incase it *may get out of hand. jaBote's post has clearly stated what the topic owner wanted.


    This topic is not meant to be a hatred topic towards rAthena nor a blinded love for Hercules. This topic is just merely stating the Pros and Cons between both Hercules and rAthena. Based on such Pros and Cons, members of both communities should make their decision whether they'll use Hercules or rAthena as a preference for their server.

  9.  How to automatically add them?

    It read's item_db sql table from the table. So, if your flux is in the same database (MySQL) as your server, you should already have it uploaded. If not, you have to upload item_db.sql to your FluxDB MySql Database.

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