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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. As mentioned in my previous news, here is the Septober Digest that covers the month of September and October!

    Septober Digest 2013
    The following digest covers the month of September 1st - October 31st 2013.


    Team Changes

      [*]sevenzz23 has joined as a Community Contributor. [*]ossi0110 has joined as a Community Contributor. [*]kyeme has been moved from Community Contributor to High Council. [*]Uzieal joined the team as a Graphic Moderator.

    Development Highlights

    Scripting Highlights

      [*]downrefitem command update (baa5c1f) [*]Addition of 'consumeitem' as an alias of 'itemeffect' (b703fbd) [*]Script commands that have been added: addmonsterdrop and delmonsterdrop (7ddcff9) [*]query_sql will now halt script execution when a invalid query is used (3a8837f)

    Server-Client Highlights

      [*]Fixed several packet errors with pre-renewal clients from 2006-2008 (df0a324) (Updated: 272ff45) [*]Fixed super novices' guardian angel prayer (ae850bd) [*]Job ranking display fixes (3738fc7) [*]Fixed Char Deletion Bug on 2013++ Clients (ca15680) [*]Fixed Client Login Packet 0x0825 (fad3040) [*]Attempting to add a item to a full storage will no longer render the item un-draggable (24556fb) [*]Movement of invisible units is no longer sent to foes (e587d71) [*]Storage list/packet size is no longer a problem (d080ed8)

    Skill Fixes

      [*]Guild Aura bug that'd disregard friend-or-foe data (eb53067) [*]Fixed skill unit bug that'd disregard friend-or-foe data (e2330c6) [*]Addition of 'WE_BABY' distance check (a879388) [*]Shadow Form and Multi-Hit Skills (9de926c)

    Build System Highlights

      [*]Added Makefile.in change detection (and auto-rebuild) capabilities (beaf3a2) [*]Makefiles have been improved to better serve concurrent jobs (-j) (babdf60) [*]Changed Makefiles to avoid rebuilding targets if nothing was modified (233453c) [*]Added 'buildclean' target to all makefiles (d6965a8)

    NPC & Database Highlights

      [*]Support of Moon Star and Super Star items (da1f16b) [*]Huge Instance Improvements/Updates (93f6104) [*]Support of Skill ID Constants Added (c87513d[/size]) [*]Moscovia Quest Update / Catalog Magician Move (f821e43) [*]Massive Merge on NPCs (418dd82) [*]Homun-S Quest Updated (a2e01e4) [*]Updated spawns for: iz_dun05, dic_dun, dewata and dew_dun (d8f102f)

    September Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 130 Commits. [*]Of these 130 commits, 20 included bug-fixes. [*]5 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 112,008 Additions and 22,003 Deletions.

    October Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 136 Commits. [*]Of these 136 commits, 31 included bug-fixes. [*]12 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 99,179 Additions and 82,893 Deletions.

  2. Actually, personally, this is a Filipino Community and thus this guide should be in Filipino. If anything, since it's solely in English, it doesn't belong in this section of the forums.


    The best thing to do, Patskie, is create this similar guide all in Filipino while this guide will be moved to the English side of the forum (Most probably under General Server Support). Once you create this guide all in Filipino, you can link between the two topics.



    Topic is now moved


    This is a English Guide and doesn't belong in the Filipino Guide section since it doesn't contain any Filipino in it. 

  3. This isn't a suggestion that is reasonable for hercules. We try to implement suggestions that could benefit the emulator as a whole and close to official servers as possible.

  4. This isn't a suggestion that is reasonable for hercules. We try to implement suggestions that could benefit the emulator as a whole and close to official servers as possible.

  5. Hello Hercules Community!
    As you may have noticed, the staff has been working hard around Hercules whether it's through forum moderation, commit-a-ganzas, and even keeping the community updated as much as possible through staff's blogs. With that in mind, we would like to bring this topic to the community's attention to give the community a more 'insight' into behind the scenes of what staff has been discussing about.
    Calling Developers!
    Do you have experience and knowledge when it comes to scripting or maybe within the source? Would you like to take part on helping Hercules? Then you've come to the right topic! Hercules is looking for well rounded knowledgeable script and core developers. You are required to have knowledge when it comes to scripting (i.e. script commands, its functions, etc.) and source structure (i.e. understanding the emulator's source structure, code, algorithm, etc.).
    As a Script Developer, you'll be responsible for developing functioning scripts for the emulator as well as maintaining the Script Release & Support section of the boards. As for Core Developers, your sole purpose is to help develop functional source code and structure; with a side of browsing through the Source & Plugin Release & Support sections.
    If you wish to take apart of Hercules' staff, please drop a Staff Application which then the rest of the staff get to critique. In the 'Message Subject' field, please indicate the position you wish to apply for: Script Developer or Core Developer. 
    Important: Please make sure you provide work you've done or created! You can simply do this by providing us link(s) to your work / creation. Keep in mind that this work can be valid through 'Pull Requests' you've put towards Hercules (They have to be actual scripting work/source code work; no simple database updates or small command changes, etc.).
    If you have no work at all to show us, we will require you to do something by means of fixing a given number of bugs (or if it's a substantial one) through the bug tracker. By doing so we're able to validate your knowledge in the position in which you're applying for.
    Development under the Panel
    Are you knowledgeable when it comes to knowing the inside and outs of a Flux Control Panel and know how to function with PHP, Javascript, CSS, etc.? Well, if you're saying yes to this, then we would like you to be a part of our team! Recently, Hercules released a Flux Control Panel catered only for Hercules' emulator with the help of Gepard! You can view the release information here.
    This position will be titled 'Flux CP Developer' and you'll have a couple of responsibilities. With this position, you'll be in charge of maintaining our FluxCP branch by adding new code, features, and adjusting the database to match Hercules'. If you feel you can fit this description, please don't hesitate to drop us a Staff Application which then the rest of the staff get to critique. In the 'Message Subject' field, please indicate 'Flux CP Developer' as your position.
    Important: Please make sure you provide work you've done or created! You can simply do this by providing us link(s) to your work / creation. Keep in mind that this work can be valid through 'Pull Requests' you've put towards Hercules' Flux CP Branch (The work can't be simple; has to be sufficient enough for us to judge your knowledge).
    You can find our Hercules' FluxCP Repo here.
    Septober Digest
    We realize that we did not release a digest for the Month of September. The reason behind this was that in September, we did not have enough 'worthwhile' activity. However, this doesn't mean we shouldn't have done statistics… though if we did, it wouldn't be much. This is why when November hits, we'll be releasing a 'Septober' Digest which will encompass all of September's activity and October's. Stay tuned~
    Forum Descriptions
    Some of you may have noticed that our sub-forums have gotten new little 'descriptions' underneath them; with the help of Uzieal~
    We've discussed that it was probably beneficial to have forum descriptions describing what the sub-forum is supposed to be about. Hopefully with the new descriptions, they will help give a better understanding to our members regarding a proper designation towards topics they wish to create - hopefully reducing the amount of topics that need to be moved around~ =P
    Introducing 'Former' Staff Positions
    Behind the scenes of discussion, which hasn't been open to the public, the staff has discussed issues regarding staff activity. What we mean by this is that, normally when it came to eAthena and rAthena, we would simply move staff who have been inactive for quite some time into the CC (Community Contributor) group. However, doing this meant that the staff has lost their position and is no longer known for their previous role. In Hercules, we decided to setup a Staff Activity system (thanks for the concept Uzieal~) where that staff who are no longer active, will have a opacity image of their former role; their name will also change from <Role> to Former <Role> indicating that this certain member is no longer active with us, but we kept their identity.
    For example:
    [Active Staff Member]
    [Inactive Staff Member]
    As well, they'll be changed from 'Forum Managers' to 'Former Forum Manager'. 
    We feel that this new system will help members of the community know who former staff members were, and their role.

  6. Hi Hercules,



      I need support about this regards client. However do you think that the client will run if i use a binder to bind the data.ini to the client itself?

    What do you mean? Im just a tad bit confused.


    Currently, I've seen servers who don't use data.ini file to run their client either because they know how to do it a different way or they hexed the client to read a different file I never found… possibly in a different folder etc. As for you, not sure what you mean by 'bind'.

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