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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Dastgir


    specialeffect "effect 501"; Syntax error Should be specialeffect 501;
  2. 12th Ocotober: Added costumeitem plugin Update 2: Added Extended Vending System https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-plugins Edit: Forgot to mention, Extended Vending is autotrade persistent...
  3. Update 2: Added Extended Vending System https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-plugins (Please Take a Look and +1 at my Plugin Collection Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/8202-plugin-collections/page-1)
  4. Locked the Topic. Since I am not been able to handle Many Free Projects as well as this paid service.. Though Anyone is welcomed to pm me for any kinds of service if they want,(and if you are lucky, I might have time for it) will be opened up, once all of my projects are finished.
  5. 0x8D = 0x80+0x8+0x4+0x1 = MD_CANATTACK+MD_ASSIST+MD_AGGRESSIVE+MD_CANMOVE btw, Its Hexadecimal Number. You can refer to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/master/doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt for Modes.
  6. change PACKETVER to your client date from src/common/mmo.h And recompile.
  7. clone "prontera",150,150,"clonecheck::On"+getcharid(0), getcharid(0), getcharid(0), 0x8D, 1, 40; See you have only declared it, " clonecheck::On"+getcharid(0) , so when dead it will call that function, just change it...
  8. https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/blob/master/Addons/GenMapEffectPlugin.qs USE THIS ADDON
  9. Might be because you are going into prontera... Get old prontera files, new prontera is only supported by 2015 clients.
  10. Dastgir

    New Race

    Maybe no, (or yes, if neo can do it) Although, you could do like, even if they click Doram , humans will be created.
  11. File names is given, import those to mySql, by phpmyadmin or MySql query browser or from.whatever you use.
  12. I suggest to update to new Hercules.. As this won't work with that old Hercules.
  13. Compiling server is having same method as other emulators: make all For compiling plugin in Linux, see this : http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
  14. http://herc.ws/wiki/Hercules_Plugin_Manager In Short, just add the single plugin file, compile it/configure it, and run... no need to touch/edit the original source files.
  15. Oops yes, missing getarraysize
  16. It's for all types of warps, so probably you can probably pick edits and apply source by ossi link
  17. then probably this: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/blob/master/src/plugins/hit-delay.c (if wanna look for plugin)
  18. Any client 2014 can use both iteminfo and idnum2itemdesctable.txt ? ^ NO about itemInfo, just change encoding of file as evilpuncker said (but maybe that affects resname and some weird thing would happen :? )
  19. .@chance = rand( 1,100 ); for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.chances); .@i++) if (.chances[.@i] <= .@chance) break; if (.@i == getarraysize(.chances)) end; .@reward = getd(".rewardIds_"+.chances[.@i]+"["+rand(getd(".rewardIds_"+.chances[.@i]))+"]"); getitem .@reward, 1; announce strcharinfo( PC_NAME ) + " has been rewarded with " + getitemname( .@reward ) + "!", bc_all; end; OnInit: setarray .chances, 1, 60, 90, 100; //Arranged in Ascending Order setarray .rewardIds_1, 7227; setarray .rewardIds_60, 5474, 5137; setarray .rewardIds_100, 5766, 5786; setarray .rewardIds_90, 5074, 5132; end;
  20. I have seen many servers, who just are own by someone who don't have any experience and tell he wants x and y, and hires some (so-called) devs, and they just download and compile it in a server...... Well , this is how the RO community was and still is, though I wish it should improve ...
  21. Dastgir

    New Race

    Continuing??? He never stopped developing it ...
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