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  1. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to Michi in Massive RE Monster DB Update   
    I finaly finish the Mob Skill DB update:
    Now all mobs working as official
  2. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Like it~* in Auraset   
    File Name: Auraset
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 24 Mar 2014
    File Category: Plugins
    For Building Plugins:
    Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
    Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
    (usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>})
    (aura1,aura2 are optional)
    (usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3}
    aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional.
    aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's
    NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0))
    2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change.
    You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables
    USERAURA - Aura1
    USERAURA1 - Aura2
    USERAURA2 - Aura3
    You can also change aura by changing these variables.
    Some Useful aura Combinations:
    { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 },
    I guess no further explanation is needed.
    Click here to download this file
  3. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in if (.@string$) fails, any alternative?   
    to be specific, they are not php functions but standard functions for most languages..
  4. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Angelmelody in bonus_script by cydh   
    WRONG WAY..(by chantging uint64 to unsigned int, you are lowering the limit of that variable, which can cause undesirable effects.)instead change that
    %" PRIu64 "
    p.s: the priu64 should be outside the quotes, and not inside the quotes.
    %d - int, supporting 2.14bil
    %u - unsigned int, supporting 0-4.xx bil
    Uint64 - supproting till billions of billions (correct this one, if I am wrong )
  5. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Mirage in Dastgir's Services   
    Hello Hercules Community,

    I am offering my Services to you @ some expense of money.

    Works for Emulator: Hercules/rAthena/Others(if any)
    Scripting. (Min Price:5$ ) Source Modification(/Addition).(Min Price: 5$) Converting to/Creating a Plugin[Hercules Specific].(Min Price: 5$) Migrating Your Server. (Min Price: 10$) Adding Custom Items/Maps/Mobs. (Min Price: 5$) Creating/Adding New Skills. (Min Price: 10$) Changing of Emulator (Min Price: 10$) ClientSide Things. (Min Price: 5$) Fixing Errors. (Min Price: 5$) Script Review. Consulting And Anything else, that you want, just drop me a PM
    Maximum Price: Depends on Complexity of the Work
    What Else:
    Free Support for Service bought from me.

    Contact Info:
    Post Here Via PM Payment Methods:
    PayPal Only PM me if you want any other payment method, and I might check If I can have it.

    Status: AVAILABLE
  6. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from pr3p in [SOLVED] RO-Services disappointing service and after sales support   
    Do not ever rely on skype: it sometimes sends my message 1 day late.. (experienced many times since last update of skype)
  7. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from pr3p in [SOLVED] RO-Services disappointing service and after sales support   
    o_O hire someone from hE or ask out at hE(I am sure there will be atleast one person who would liekd to help if you want @maintenance mod....
  8. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Ehwaz in Last monster ID ?   
    3999 is the last hardcoded monster id used, if you try to make monster with id greater than 3999, hen it wont work (even updating that monster_last value wont work)
  9. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from kisuka in Recommended Server Host?   
    Better if you use non-RO VPS, and try to setup yourself, so you can get rid of those high prices of RO Hostings.
  10. Like
    Dastgir got a reaction from simplexjay2 in Dastgir's Services   
    Hello Hercules Community,

    I am offering my Services to you @ some expense of money.

    Works for Emulator: Hercules/rAthena/Others(if any)
    Scripting. (Min Price:5$ ) Source Modification(/Addition).(Min Price: 5$) Converting to/Creating a Plugin[Hercules Specific].(Min Price: 5$) Migrating Your Server. (Min Price: 10$) Adding Custom Items/Maps/Mobs. (Min Price: 5$) Creating/Adding New Skills. (Min Price: 10$) Changing of Emulator (Min Price: 10$) ClientSide Things. (Min Price: 5$) Fixing Errors. (Min Price: 5$) Script Review. Consulting And Anything else, that you want, just drop me a PM
    Maximum Price: Depends on Complexity of the Work
    What Else:
    Free Support for Service bought from me.

    Contact Info:
    Post Here Via PM Payment Methods:
    PayPal Only PM me if you want any other payment method, and I might check If I can have it.

    Status: AVAILABLE
  11. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Aurora in 4Slotted Weapon,2Slotted Shield   
    For those who want to make All Equips 4 Slots but cannot find a new item_db file ,
    Here's a RegEx trick to do it.
    Open Notepad++ , open item_db.txt(whichever file in which you want to make all equips 4 slots)
    Open "Find Dialog Box"(CTRL+H), Select Search mode as Regular Expression.
    and in find put
    5,([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*) In Replace Put
     5,1,2,3,4,5,6,4 Change that 4 to the number of slots you want(for all equips 4 slot, put 4)
    And Press "Replace All", and its done.
    If you want shields to be 2 slotted,
    Follow same method above but in find put
    5,([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*),(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+),([0-9]*),2,32 And In replace put
    5,1,2,3,4,5,6,2,8,9,2,32 Change 2 to number of slots you want in shield.
    That's All
    Here's an item_Db with 4 slotted weapons and 2 slotted shield(14th June):item_db.txt
  12. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in what does comparison "<<" do?   
    7&4 will return 4
    7&1 will return 0
    Want to try those values yourself? Open your Calculator(provided with windows) and use Programmer Mode
    for typing & , press "AND" button, "<<" = "LSHFT", ">>" = "RSHFT"
    Edit: o_O Annie Viewing topic, probably would answer better than me.
  13. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in what does comparison "<<" do?   
    Suppose if
    i=0 that means .@i+3 = 0+3 = 3, it will call $WOE_CONTROL[3](which have value 7 as mentioned on above line)
    So if .@j = 2
    (1<<2) = 4, putting all in the statement , it will look like "7&4" Which will be true, & means that the first value contains second value or not(don't know how to explain if you are not familiar with binary)
    & Defination on Script_Command:
    The bitwise operator AND (&) is used to test two values against each other, and results in setting bits which are active in both arguments. This can be used for a few things, but in Hercules this operator is usually used to create bit-masks in scripts. Bitwise Opeartions Defination on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation
  14. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in what does comparison "<<" do?   
    Logical bitwise operators work only on numbers, and they are the following: << - Left shift. >> - Right shift. Left shift moves the binary 1(s) of a number n positions to the left, which is the same as multiplying by 2, n times. In the other hand, Right shift moves the binary 1(s) of a number n positions to the right, which is the same as dividing by 2, n times. Example: b = 2; a = b << 3; mes a; a = a >> 2; mes a; The first mes command would display 16, which is the same as: 2 x (2 x 2 x 2) = 16. The second mes command would display 4, which is the same as: 16 / 2 = 8; 8 / 2 = 4. script_commands.txt says it all.
    P.S: Its not a comparision sign, its shift signs(binary)
  15. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to Ind in Introducing Hercules' Stress Test Server   
    Introducing Hercules' Stress Test Server
    The "Stress" Part
    Over 1.000 IndAI units (equivalent to +1k online players) will be in the server playing 24/7, farming, going to pvp, doing woe, playing battlegrounds, doing anything a player does, this will create a perfect scenario for us to debug and test Hercules.
    The Development Benefits
    We'll be able to keep track of performance usage 24/7, making us able to detect whenever a update increases a server's usage, allowing us to further optimise said update in order to take the processing down. With the AI characters doing stuff non-stop 24/7 we'll be able to identify and fix any crashes existent. Hercules will gain a super stability boost thanks to this. How to connect / Moving in and out
    This is the fun part.
    No new clients, and no sclient/clientinfo/blablabla edits will be required. get to the test server by typing '@hercules warp', test whatever you like, and go back to your server with '@hercules leave'. This technology *might* also be employed in the future by us to create hercules-hosted inter-server events.
    Entirely Secure
    The only data your server will pass to our test server upon warp is the name of the character (and maybe hairstyle vals).
    The test server is unable to modify (or even access) any data on your server, it is entirely secure and damage-free.
    Unique to Hercules
    The ability to connect through your ordinary client will be made possible by our custom server hosted over at herc.ws, the code won't be made public.
    I felt inspired to write about this feature, which is why this announce is out before the feature itself.
    This is one of the features to be powered by our Hercules Plugin Manager and will be made public once the HPM implementation reaches the level capable of sustaining it.

    what if i dont want my players to go to the test server?@hercules is a command like any other, you can restrict access by groups.conf (by default only gms will be able to use it) what if i dont have a test server to use as a gateway to the hercules stress test server?we will also provide clients for those who don't have/want to use a server as the gateway
  16. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Hadeszeus in Windows 8 Problem of 2014 client?   
    either the user is having modified client or added a hook for empty mac.havent experiencing log out on windows 8, maybe its connection spike from your vps?
  17. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Yoh Asakura in Ultimate Guild Ranking   
    Here's the Script:
    UltimateGuildRanker: UltimateGuildRanker.diff
    For Updated Script, Go to this link: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4941-ultimate-guild-ranker/
    (Although in its initial stages, report any bug if found)
    (NOTE: this is diff not txt file.)
    At first just execute 2 querys in the top of the UltimateGuildRanker.txt
  18. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Happy in item_merge.lua how to?   
    Download http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/downloads/list (version 5.1 recommended)
    Open command prompt, go to hercules/tools folder by cd command.
    And the command prompt will give full format on what to use.
  19. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from eKoh in Best way to protect sprites   
    Encrypt the grf? Probably make your own grf encryption for best protection.
    But if you want to use well known encryptor, use SecureGRF, until now it dont have any decryptor (so backup original sprite first), so it is secure for now, but who knows the future...
  20. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from anacondaq in Suggestion to Prevent BOT   
    Make some hooks which send a completely unique packet id(over a range like from 0x1000 to 0x1111) with some data, which in return, client should return a data which contains encrypted player's data like IP/Mac and validate it server side.
    Can Assure you 99.9% Botters cannot bot because of this system(unless the system is leaked to the experts and they want to REALLY modify the openKore and bot in your server, which is as low as 0.001% Chance)
  21. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from JulioCF in Harmony will end soon?   
    Lets wait till 25th august to know if its real or not xD
  22. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Yazoo in Rebirth System   
    File Name: Rebirth System
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 05 Apr 2014
    File Category: Utility
    It is Rebirth System , which allows to rebirth unlimited times
    Some of its features on how it works
    It does not give any Extra StatusPoints(Adjustable via Config)
    Requires Some Item to Rebirth
    Rewards are given when you rebirth with x% chance
    You can Only Rebirth when you are Max Level (3rd,2nd job Configurable Option)
    RebirthSystem Ranking(To know who has Rebirth How many times)
    Master Rebirth System(When you have Rebirthed for x times, You can do Master Rebirth. You can add ItemReward and ItemRequirements, only for MasterRebirth too..)
    GM can reset the Rebirth Rankings(Affects StatusPoint Given)
    Can Force the User to be rebirthed to Novice/High Novice.
    Can Give x status point every Rebirth.
    Can Give y status point every Master Rebirth.
    Can Limit Number of Rebirth/Master Rebirths.
    Can rebirth to Any Jobs(Job Adjustable via Config)

    I made this script because it was requested to me by someone.
    Click here to download this file
  23. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Neffletics in Dastgir's Services   
    Hello Hercules Community,

    I am offering my Services to you @ some expense of money.

    Works for Emulator: Hercules/rAthena/Others(if any)
    Scripting. (Min Price:5$ ) Source Modification(/Addition).(Min Price: 5$) Converting to/Creating a Plugin[Hercules Specific].(Min Price: 5$) Migrating Your Server. (Min Price: 10$) Adding Custom Items/Maps/Mobs. (Min Price: 5$) Creating/Adding New Skills. (Min Price: 10$) Changing of Emulator (Min Price: 10$) ClientSide Things. (Min Price: 5$) Fixing Errors. (Min Price: 5$) Script Review. Consulting And Anything else, that you want, just drop me a PM
    Maximum Price: Depends on Complexity of the Work
    What Else:
    Free Support for Service bought from me.

    Contact Info:
    Post Here Via PM Payment Methods:
    PayPal Only PM me if you want any other payment method, and I might check If I can have it.

    Status: AVAILABLE
  24. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to Jguy in IRC webchat works again!   
    IP.Content was being a big stupid meanie head. So I stabbed it with a fork and now it works.
    Our webchat on the website is back up and running. Join us in IRC by using the java chat client provided here: http://herc.ws/board/page/irc.html
  25. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Zirius in where are the variables stored in SQL?   
    Character variables
    Number: char_reg_num_db
    Strings : char_reg_str_db
    Account variables
    Number: acc_reg_num_db
    Strings : acc_reg_str_db
    Note: variables are not stored to sql as soon as it is set, theres some time interval before it is saved to SQL.
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