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Kuya Jeo

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Everything posted by Kuya Jeo

  1. doevent will do doevent "NPCNAME:OnPCLogin"; - attached player with RID donpcevent "NPCNAME:OnLabel"; - player not attached
  2. I already did this before.. I used the CHIBI Type Sprite char and regular sprite but I used 2 different ragexe and the same ragexe version with different diff too.
  3. Create 2 EXE File is the alternative way, but both client must be the same ragexe version in your thor patcher, you can put Start Game(Old Style) and Start Game(New Style)
  4. Maybe you are looking for something like this? correct me if im wrong. 😝 - script Test FAKE_NPC,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_MVPEXP ) ) { message "You killed the MVP Boss. This is your reward."; getitem 512,100; end; } end; }
  5. I do agree give the details and we will make one for you. requesting a script must have an information.
  6. This is only an offline right? <address></address> this line in clientinfo.xml must be Much better if you post your char-server login-server map-server dont forget to use insert code, then lets check if there's missing on your config You can get an error if your PACKETVER is not the same with the one your using. same goes with the PACKET_OBFUSCATION
  7. Post the exact error so that we can give you an output
  8. This item bonus doesn't support hercules, unlike in rA.. Check it on the item_bonus.md https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/doc/item_bonus.md
  9. I think, they removed this function in hercules. i dont know why.. but old hercules has this kind of function...
  10. If you need some help, you are free to send me a message, im willing to help 😎

  11. I can help if its needed πŸ˜„
  12. The cell_pvp_1.7.c is outdated, try to update the plugin
  13. Is there a possibility that Hercules will support 4th Jobs in the future.. We know that kRO already have a 4th Job.. and I know some devs already pulled some of the 4th job related stuffs like skills and stat calculations
  14. I think he got double damage because the damage is based on the damage with GR Armor Example Scenario is something like this : Player A has an armor with GR Card then Player B hit him with asura, then Player A got 15k damage, then when the Player A got freeze/frozen, Player B asura again the Player A and Player A got 35k Damage.. This is not a double damage, asura with freeze/frozen player ignores the GHOST Property of the player A Damage is same without an Armor with GR Card
  15. I think this is a normal behavior since asura is neutral damage and GR card will make you into ghost property, once you got freeze/frozen, effect of GR Card will be disregarded because your property is now water and not a ghost anymore
  16. Change all names into pegasus something like this collection : pegasus.bmp item : pegasus.bmp change pegasus_drop.act and pegasus_drop.spr into pegasus.act and pegasus.spr
  17. Oh yeah.. sorry about that.. 😝 but did you already test the script if it will reset?, you can change the time so that you can test it over and over.. I never tried to run that script thou. haha
  18. You can try this one.. Try it, i just made the script without testing it. haha πŸ˜πŸ˜… prontera,90,110,4 script Daily Supply 4_M_MAYOR,{ if(#DailySupply){ message strcharinfo(0), "Supply already claimed."; end; } else if(!#DailySupply){ getitem 505,1; getitem 506,1; getitem 507,1; getitem 508,1; set #DailySupply,1; end; } } - script DailySupplyReseter FAKE_NPC,{ OnClock1159: announce "[ Daily Supply ] : You can now claim your Daily Supply Now. Thank You!",bc_all | bc_blue; while(1){ query_sql("SELECT `account_id` from `char` WHERE `online` = 1",.@GetAccID); attachrid(.@GetAccID); set #DailySupply,0; detachrid; break; } end; }
  19. no worries.. im glad that i help you solved your problem 😝
  20. im kinda confuse on your question.. are you asking to get the map name? because as the title says "bindcmd in certain map" then maybe you asking.. "can only use the bindcmd in the certain map" I can give you the script but i dont know if this is what you are looking for... - script TestNPC FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTestCmd"; end; OnTestCmd: if(strcharinfo(3) == "new_1-1"){ /* put the content here */ /* this is only an example */ message strcharinfo(0), "You got a "+getitemname(512)+"."; getitem 512,100; end; } else{ message strcharinfo(0), "Sorry but this command can only used in a certain map."; end; } end; }
  21. it can be done by script by using account_data table, im just lazy right now to create the script but this is just a simple script.. haha
  22. Adding Delay on the item is the best way to used it one at a time example is something like this Before : { Id: 12041 AegisName: "Str_Dish01" Name: "Fried Grasshopper Legs" Type: "IT_HEALING" Buy: 2000 Weight: 60 BuyingStore: true Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; "> }, After : { Id: 12041 AegisName: "Str_Dish01" Name: "Fried Grasshopper Legs" Type: "IT_HEALING" Buy: 2000 Delay: 1800000 Weight: 60 BuyingStore: true Script: <" sc_start SC_FOOD_STR,1200000,1; percentheal 5,0; "> }, Item Delay : 30 minutes
  23. its better to used supported and stable client rather than using the client that has an error. other possible solution is you need to clean up your GRF files. but I recommend using stable client.
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