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Kuya Jeo

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Everything posted by Kuya Jeo

  1. yep sir its normal but to go back at level 10 when you removed the custom weapon but it supposed to automatically back in level 15 after you wear the custom weapon again like this Nothing to worry about if Level 10 and Level 15 has the same damage.
  2. I think some thing like this? <address>ragnarok.loginto.me</address>
  3. In skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: true for player-traps gvg_traps_target_all: 1 About the spider web, you need some source edits Thanks! what should i put in here to make it only for enemies not on guildmember or player itself? gvg_traps_target_all: 1 about Spider web i tried this thing http://herc.ws/board/topic/5706-how-to-make-spider-web-into-trap-like-and/ its works like Ankle Snare but doesnt trap the enemy Try to this 405,7,6,2,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0x80,3,misc,0, PF_SPIDERWEB,Fiber Lock where will i put this thing sir? skill_db.txt are you using the old trunk or new one? new one Try this for skill_db.conf { Id: 405 Name: "PF_SPIDERWEB" Description: "Fiber Lock" MaxLevel: 1 Range: 7 Hit: "BDT_SKILL" SkillType: { Place: true } AttackType: "Misc" DamageType: { NoDamage: true } SkillInstances: 3 SkillData1: 30000 SkillData2: 8000 CoolDown: 200 Requirements: { SPCost: 50 Items: { Spiderweb: 1 } } Unit: { Id: 0xb7 Interval: -1 Target: "Enemy" Flag: { UF_NOREITERATION: true UF_NOFOOTSET: true } } }, makes the spider web on floor but doesn't catch the enemy xD Did you recompile your server after editing the source?
  4. In skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: true for player-traps gvg_traps_target_all: 1 About the spider web, you need some source edits Thanks! what should i put in here to make it only for enemies not on guildmember or player itself? gvg_traps_target_all: 1 about Spider web i tried this thing http://herc.ws/board/topic/5706-how-to-make-spider-web-into-trap-like-and/ its works like Ankle Snare but doesnt trap the enemy Try to this 405,7,6,2,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0x80,3,misc,0, PF_SPIDERWEB,Fiber Lock where will i put this thing sir? skill_db.txt are you using the old trunk or new one? new one Try this for skill_db.conf { Id: 405 Name: "PF_SPIDERWEB" Description: "Fiber Lock" MaxLevel: 1 Range: 7 Hit: "BDT_SKILL" SkillType: { Place: true } AttackType: "Misc" DamageType: { NoDamage: true } SkillInstances: 3 SkillData1: 30000 SkillData2: 8000 CoolDown: 200 Requirements: { SPCost: 50 Items: { Spiderweb: 1 } } Unit: { Id: 0xb7 Interval: -1 Target: "Enemy" Flag: { UF_NOREITERATION: true UF_NOFOOTSET: true } } },
  5. In skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: true for player-traps gvg_traps_target_all: 1 About the spider web, you need some source edits Thanks! what should i put in here to make it only for enemies not on guildmember or player itself? gvg_traps_target_all: 1 about Spider web i tried this thing http://herc.ws/board/topic/5706-how-to-make-spider-web-into-trap-like-and/ its works like Ankle Snare but doesnt trap the enemy Try to this 405,7,6,2,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0x80,3,misc,0, PF_SPIDERWEB,Fiber Lock where will i put this thing sir? skill_db.txt are you using the old trunk or new one?
  6. In skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: true for player-traps gvg_traps_target_all: 1 About the spider web, you need some source edits Thanks! what should i put in here to make it only for enemies not on guildmember or player itself? gvg_traps_target_all: 1 about Spider web i tried this thing http://herc.ws/board/topic/5706-how-to-make-spider-web-into-trap-like-and/ its works like Ankle Snare but doesnt trap the enemy Try this 405,7,6,2,0,0x1,0,5,1,no,0,0x80,3,misc,0, PF_SPIDERWEB,Fiber Lock
  7. In skill.conf // Should traps (hunter traps + quagmire) change their target to "all" inside gvg/pvp grounds? (Note 3) // Default on official servers: true for player-traps gvg_traps_target_all: 1 About the spider web, you need some source edits
  8. Find Trunk/npc/MOTD.txt Just one last question, do you know how I put a logo on my screenshots? Change scr_logo.bmp in your grf data/texture/scr_logo.bmp
  9. Find Trunk/npc/MOTD.txt
  10. Find this on skill.c if( sc->data[SC_DANCING] && skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id)&INF2_SONG_DANCE && sd ) skill->blockpc_start(sd,BD_ADAPTATION,3000); Add comment line // on that line It should be like this //if( sc->data[SC_DANCING] && skill->get_inf2(ud->skill_id)&INF2_SONG_DANCE && sd ) //skill->blockpc_start(sd,BD_ADAPTATION,3000); After editing it, recompile your server
  11. Back on 2017, im quite busy right now, i will be active again next year, happy holidays everyone

  12. Bump this, i have the same problem, my settings in account_data is in default but sometimes i dont get any experience Bump this, i have the same problem, my settings in account_data is in default but sometimes i dont get any experience
  13. You can setup it in the way you wanted, but no open source for classic and on going episodes, you need to reconfigure it by yourself
  14. Maybe you can try this if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; } Hi Zao Where will i place it? Place it on your item script script <"if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; }">
  15. Maybe you can try this if(readparam(bAgi) >= 200) { bonus bDelayRate, "<SkilName>" , -100; }
  16. yes i think i did follow the old guide http://herc.ws/board/topic/968-guide-how-to-setup-hercules/ how do i "import" the logs.sql to my main database? (im kinda super nooby) people are nice in here Go to your database (phpmyadmin) Click your database name Find the Import on the menu tab Click Import Choose logs.sql then click go
  17. Pokemon GO please leave me haha

  18. H Once you LOGIN, is no errors or any warnings? if no errors maybe you IP in your clientinfo.xml no error showing. i just migrated to cloud with same file i have from VPS but in VPS there is an installed phpmyadmin here in cloud i just installed it. so im not sure if im doing the right thing. I login to cloud using root. create databases and add user. username: Server host: % grant all global priviliges How about your inter-server.conf? clientinfo.xml in your grf? <address></address>
  19. Once you LOGIN, is no errors or any warnings? if no errors maybe you IP in your clientinfo.xml
  20. How do I disable hair-color-changing if the hairstyle is past 100? Change the range value Path : trunk/conf/battle/client.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client. min_hair_style: 0 max_hair_style: 30 min_hair_color: 0 max_hair_color: 100 min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 100 min_body_style: 0 max_body_style: 4
  21. /*==================================================== * Member changing position in guild *---------------------------------------------------*/ int guild_change_memberposition(int guild_id,int account_id,int char_id,short idx,struct map_session_data *sd) { if(map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) { clif->message(sd->fd, "You cannot change position during War of Emperium."); return 0; } return intif->guild_change_memberinfo(guild_id,account_id,char_id,GMI_POSITION,&idx,sizeof(idx)); } Its working, try this code, forgot to put the *sd
  22. Put you grf in the top of data.ini 0=payon.grf
  23. Try this one. /*==================================================== * Member changing position in guild *---------------------------------------------------*/ int guild_change_memberposition(int guild_id,int account_id,int char_id,short idx) { if(map->agit_flag || map->agit2_flag) { clif->message(sd->fd, "You cannot change position during War of Emperium."); return 0; } return intif->guild_change_memberinfo(guild_id,account_id,char_id,GMI_POSITION,&idx,sizeof(idx)); }
  24. Just give me time to do it, but they must register 1st in the guild manager before proceeding
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