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Kubix last won the day on August 20 2018

Kubix had the most liked content!

About Kubix

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    Advanced Member

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  1. Hello! 2 developers needed for new project oriented on CIS community. You will be: working with server or client side. DM me on discord for more details about project and salary. Kubix#8004 Requirements: Knowledge of server or/and client side; C knowledge (if you prefer to work on server side); Ability to working in team; Knowledge of GIT;
  2. No game for iPhone?
  3. getitem(id, value); as I remember, better read the docs
  4. query_sql("SELECT amount FROM storage WHERE char_id = " + getcharid(0) + " AND id = " + .@item_id, .@amount); mes "You have " + .@amount + " " + getitemname(.@item_id) + " in your storage!"; close; ?
  5. Hey dude, you have a link for Eyex CP?

  6. i want to try & buy this please PM me @Kubix

    1. Kubix


      Hello, sorry, I don't have a time for YARL now. I will update my topic later.

  7. Sir can you make a full guide for ur BG rewrite im new with these stuff 

  8. hey bro can you give me your discord or skype i want to use your service


  9. Check message please

  10. This guide will show you how to ruin ragnarok online at all. More 1day servers, please.
  11. New version of YARL soon!

    1. Skyline


      Nice material theme

    2. Kubix
  12. You should try. If they didn't change sql table names then yes, it will work.
  13. Kubix

    Hercules IRC

    Not working. Create permament link
  14. You can host Thor everywhere, just install apache2/nginx or another web-server.
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