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  5. Anyone got a new Zero Client with working patches? Cheers
  6. Tenho a vontade de jogar sozinho em um servidor PC privado, somente em meu PC mantenho intervisse colocar online, mas queria algo atualizado e com itens recentes mete para matar bichinho sozinho e curti a vida solitária e divertida que mora em minha mente haha enfim esse e meu sonho um ragnarok atualizado e que abra fácil para eu jogar solo se alguém puder fazer isso e sem gracinhas como vírus e pegadinhas, etc. estou desposto a apresentar uma pequena recompensa R$ 150 (sei que tem uma tonelada de tutorial na net de como criar um, mas não quero ter trabalho) [Receositos para recompensa] [1 ser atualizado ter itens recentes] [2 não ter bugles que atrapalhem um leigo a jogar ou invocar intens. E monstros] [3 Fácil de abri para jogar] [/\ bônus se ouvir mecânicas como em privados que se ver por aí como missão para fazer intens. NPC diferes ter como curandeiras que andam por aí a quele tem de melhorar a perícia com ar carma conforme você vai usando que era mora anos atrás {sem itens muito doidos que parece que é um mu} mine games coisas assim dobro a recompensa] (não quero jogar isso online e nem vou hospedar, nem nada odeio esse jogo online, já tive minha conta de lagrimas, só tenho sdd de andar por essas terras, nem pretendo ganhar nada com isso) >>apresente um vídeo mostrando que compre os requezitos, seja selecionado obtenha a recompensa>> [R$ 150] [bonos X2=300]
  7. Earlier
  8. Since this seems like a custom mob, any chance it has DamageMotion = 0 ? I remember observing that at least in my client, DamageMotion = 0 makes the critical damage not show properly in client. It does increase the damage but does not render the balloon. And I am not sure, is this a custom font for damage? have you tried using the original one just in case? If that's not the case, then, copying from the other topic: 1. Are you using the latest/recent version of Hercules? If not, update your herc. 2. Do you have source modifications? If yes, try to remove your source modifications and see if it works (maybe the easiest way is to get a clean herc in same version and check if it works) other than that, other information that may help someone trying to help you: 1. Hercules version 2. RE/PRE-RE? 3. Client version 4. Customizations you have (source, plugins, etc) -- even better, try without them, trying to help someone with custom code is way harder than with vanilla code
  9. The Tree of Savior has emerged into the world of Ragnarok Join my Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/AhBjDJnEW3 Screenshots In-game Video
  10. Hello, can anyone help me? i have a problem the critical star display is not showing when i attack to mobs T_T but showing for attack to player and have double attack skills (TF_DOUBLE).
  11. KirieZ

    Critical Display

    I think it would be better to have your own topic, but... First of all, this topic seems very convoluted with a lot of info and from several years ago, you may have a totally different issue. My recommendation is: Does trying it in the latest hercules, with no source modifications, work? If yes, then: 1. Are you using the latest/recent version of Hercules? If not, update your herc. 2. What exactly are you expecting? Monsters critting any time, or monsters that uses the Critical Strike skill showing critical? Note that RO monsters don't critical by default. They have a skill that causes critical. 3. Do you have source modifications? If yes, try to remove your source modifications and see if it works (maybe the easiest way is to get a clean herc in same version and check if it works) From that you should be able to pinpoint where the issue is likely to be. - If using clean herc in same version as yours works, check your modifications - If using current herc doesn't work, and it really was supposed to work to match official content, I think we have a bug in herc -- maybe open an issue with details
  12. Hello, I am having the same problem as you. Can you fix that problem now? and how to do it
  13. Hello, I am having the same problem as you. Can you fix that problem now? and how to do it image.thumb.png.0084349fd878b88b628e0fa120ddf7ff.png

  14. Status Update: 3/3 Slots Full. But feel free to msg to reserve a slot thanks!
  15. Looking for devs
  16. HELLO, I'm trying to enable friendly fire (miss) in the sharp shooting via the source, in skill.c in the function: static int skill_attack and at first I put it like this, but it didn't have any effect when I turn on @gvgon it doesn't hit the ally with sharp shooting: if ( skill_id == SN_SHARPSHOOTING ) { killer_sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src); dest_sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, bl); if ( killer_sd && dest_sd && bl->type == BL_PC) { if ( map_flag_gvg(killer_sd->bl.m) || map_flag_gvg2(killer_sd->bl.m) || map->list[killer_sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle ) { if ( killer_sd->status.guild_id == dest_sd->status.guild_id ) { dmg.damage = dmg.damage2 = 0; dmg.dmg_lv = ATK_MISS; } } else if ( map->list[killer_sd->bl.m].flag.pvp || map->list[killer_sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_noguild || map->list[killer_sd->bl.m].flag.pvp_noparty ) ; // if you are on a pvp map, take it normally [Isaac] else { if ( killer_sd->status.guild_id == dest_sd->status.guild_id ) { dmg.damage = dmg.damage2 = 0; dmg.dmg_lv = ATK_MISS; } } } else if ( killer_sd && src->type == BL_PC && bl->type == BL_MOB && map->list[killer_sd->bl.m].flag.battleground ) { dmg.damage = dmg.damage2 = 0; dmg.dmg_lv = ATK_MISS; } }
  17. Send me a WARP.yml file and i will patch it for you (for 2024-07-17)
  18. Well, I'm not sure of this one if he's really a dev or something. As you can see on the errors those are default files from data.grf. Although I already provide support on him and provide fixed as well. You can't help yourself or your own server if you don't know how to get files from free sources. update your data.grf or patch your kRO, get those files missing. or simple update your data.grf and those files will be provided automatically. Illusion files are default files from the game itself since 2019~2020 I guess. If you're really a developer then you know what to do xD Spoon feed is not an answer.
  19. Dont tell me I didnt warn you. I bought one of this horrible maps, maps are bugged, missing resources and textures, they just dont work well, I am still waiting support from this scammer, I commented on his discord and he banned me. Stay away from this professional scammer
  20. Só usar o GRF Editor. https://www.mediafire.com/?aflylbhblrzpz0h
  21. Gente me ajudem, quero extrair tiles e sprites de ragnarok para modificar e voltar pro jogo, tentei usar uns tutos q axei mas nenhum funciona. Poderia me ajudar? ou ate mesmo se tiver ja extraidos emalgum lugar, soh me mandem um tutorial correto pra colocar na gfr de volta
  22. Gente me ajudem, quero extrair tiles e sprites de ragnarok para modificar e voltar pro jogo, tentei usar uns tutos q axei mas nenhum funciona. Poderia me ajudar? ou ate mesmo se tiver ja extraidos emalgum lugar, soh me mandem um tutorial correto pra colocar na gfr de volta
  23. Updates: Added Duration Configs: Added Item Function - can now be toggled through an item. Added player Auto Combat end config: Player can choose to Warp to Savepoint / Logout / Do nothing when Auto Combat ends. Auto Combat ends when either 90% weight is reached or the configured duration expires. Added Status Icon. Randomized Attack Skills - added by demand. Removed TK Kick skills - are now automatically cast when TK Stances are active and triggered. Reverted to direct distance checks for target search. Improved skill delay, cooldown and cast calculations. General cleanups.
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