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[Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
Anarcrost replied to Monsieur Panda's question in General Server Support
I solved the problem. The cause came from a bad graphic configuration. I found help from here: -
I have two versions, I think one is already diffed and the other is not. Not sure how stable this one is, I've never used it. I've been using Xray 2007-09-04 and 2008-05-28 successfully, but I never tried the later 2009 releases. Good luck!
Anarcrost started following [Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
[Guide] Create your server & Client (2016/08)
Anarcrost replied to Monsieur Panda's question in General Server Support
Hi, I followed all the steps and when i launched 2015-05-13aRagexe_patched, i had some issues as "System/Font/RixSquirrel_10.eot" didn't exists. I downloaded this file and the others as "RixLoveangel_10.eot", etc.., put them in the correct folder, and now when I launched the exe, I have the classic blue circle on Windows 10 and the game closed itself. How can I see some logs ? Maybe you had already encountered this problem... Thanks for your support. -
DaviLord started following [SHOWCASE] I'm back on spriting.
do you have discord channel?
I figured out the System/PetEvolutionCln_true.lub wasnt even loaded into client.. so i fixed this by selecting nemo patch "chance petEvolutionCln*.lub path and adjust it just right
thanks for your work, i really like your script! there only 1 thing: you can use items to increase refining chance for weapons but there is no option for armor.. can someone add this?
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Frosch Production replied to Frosch Production's topic in Paid Services
Android Device promotional video for OSROMR -
I tried changing the EggIDs to below 10.000 instead of over 30.000 but this didnt solve the problem someone else encountered this problem?
Diconfrost changed their profile photo
ZeroNemo started following Silent version of XRAY_2009-02-25b
Anybody has the silent version of this old client? Please help!
Include dmg Mob received by map_zone_db
Hidekitakase replied to Hidekitakase's question in Source Support
Solved -
hello im trying to make it possible for some of my pets to evolve but the evolve option won't show up the custom test mobs themself work they do also work as pets so i did this inside my pet_db.conf at client side i did this: petinfo.lub: PetNameTable, PetStringTable [jobtbl.JT_Test1] = "Test1", [jobtbl.JT_Test2] = "Test2", PetEggItemID_PetJobID [30202] = jobtbl.JT_Test1, [30203] = jobtbl.JT_Test2, the egg IDs match with my item2_db PetFoodTable [jobtbl.JT_Test1] = 30201, [jobtbl.JT_Test2] = 30201, PetEvolutionCln_sak.lub: InsertEvolutionRecipeLGU(30202, 30203, 512, 1) InsertPetAutoFeeding(30201) since the pet info screen is client sided, i think the problems lays there but: when i try another pet (for example 9037 - wanderer) which is already defined in PetEvolutionCln_sak.lub the evolve option shows up when i run my client without petinfo.lub and PetEvolutionCln_sak.lub it gives an error, so im sure theyre read could someone please help me out?
Hello guys how can i do this... calculation of the damage boss/monster damage received that can be reduced by mapflag, its working but only with players pvp,gvg.... i really appreciate who can help me😀 like this in src/map/battle.c int64 battle_calc_pc_damage(struct block_list *src, struct block_list *bl, struct Damage *d, int64 damage, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv) { int flag = d->flag; switch (skill_id) { //case PA_PRESSURE: /* pressure also belongs to this list but it doesn't reach this area -- so don't worry about it */ case HW_GRAVITATION: case NJ_ZENYNAGE: case KO_MUCHANAGE: break; default: if (flag & BF_SKILL) { //Skills get a different reduction than non-skills. [Skotlex] if (flag & BF_WEAPON) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].weapon_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_MAGIC) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].magic_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_MISC) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].misc_damage_rate / 100; } else { //Normal attacks get reductions based on range. if (flag & BF_SHORT) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].short_damage_rate / 100; if (flag & BF_LONG) damage = damage * map->list[bl->m].long_damage_rate / 100; } if (!damage) damage = 1; break; } return damage; }
Drop the info man, this is not CIA.
Lol some one has his contact? We were friends in the scripting community he even dedicated a happy birthday to me: I was trying to contact him for years. I hope he is well.
Hi, it's possible to do if you have mvp logs activated. And of course item log for any kind of card. (but I think this is not enabled by default, so you may lost all tracking from time behind). As you can see in this table is stored any MVP killed and tells which mvp was killed and what exp, item was rewarded and which map and who. This is not useful at all because if the guy sells the card, the track is "lost", but you can ask SQL to char, bank, inventory, etc... to see where is a card, but then you leave the track of who got or where it was adquired. What you want is, when a card is dropped get unique ID, and save who got it and where, I think this needs SRC editing and SQL modification in order to make an optimized script. But, this is the help I can give you, maybe if some one read this and wanna help further or tell a better solution is ok. EDIT: For now you can do these to examine your DB. SQL for inventory: SELECT t2.name_english, FROM inventory t1 INNER JOIN item_db t2 INNER JOIN `char` t3 ON t1.nameid = AND t1.char_id = t3.char_id WHERE t1.nameid IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card1 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card2 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card3 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card'); SQL for bank: Storage saves only account id SELECT t2.name_english, t1.account_id, t3.userid FROM `storage` t1 INNER JOIN item_db t2 INNER JOIN `login` t3 ON t1.nameid = AND t1.account_id = t3.account_id WHERE t1.nameid IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card1 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card2 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card') OR t1.card3 IN (SELECT `id` FROM `item_db` WHERE `type` = 'Card'); And you can keep looking for guild storage, etc.
Anyone got a new Zero Client with working patches? Cheers
Tenho a vontade de jogar sozinho em um servidor PC privado, somente em meu PC mantenho intervisse colocar online, mas queria algo atualizado e com itens recentes mete para matar bichinho sozinho e curti a vida solitária e divertida que mora em minha mente haha enfim esse e meu sonho um ragnarok atualizado e que abra fácil para eu jogar solo se alguém puder fazer isso e sem gracinhas como vÃrus e pegadinhas, etc. estou desposto a apresentar uma pequena recompensa R$ 150 (sei que tem uma tonelada de tutorial na net de como criar um, mas não quero ter trabalho) [Receositos para recompensa] [1 ser atualizado ter itens recentes] [2 não ter bugles que atrapalhem um leigo a jogar ou invocar intens. E monstros] [3 Fácil de abri para jogar] [/\ bônus se ouvir mecânicas como em privados que se ver por aà como missão para fazer intens. NPC diferes ter como curandeiras que andam por aà a quele tem de melhorar a perÃcia com ar carma conforme você vai usando que era mora anos atrás {sem itens muito doidos que parece que é um mu} mine games coisas assim dobro a recompensa] (não quero jogar isso online e nem vou hospedar, nem nada odeio esse jogo online, já tive minha conta de lagrimas, só tenho sdd de andar por essas terras, nem pretendo ganhar nada com isso) >>apresente um vÃdeo mostrando que compre os requezitos, seja selecionado obtenha a recompensa>> [R$ 150] [bonos X2=300]
is this working now with http emblem?
KirieZ started following Critical Star Display And Sound Not Showing When Attacking To Mob
Since this seems like a custom mob, any chance it has DamageMotion = 0 ? I remember observing that at least in my client, DamageMotion = 0 makes the critical damage not show properly in client. It does increase the damage but does not render the balloon. And I am not sure, is this a custom font for damage? have you tried using the original one just in case? If that's not the case, then, copying from the other topic: 1. Are you using the latest/recent version of Hercules? If not, update your herc. 2. Do you have source modifications? If yes, try to remove your source modifications and see if it works (maybe the easiest way is to get a clean herc in same version and check if it works) other than that, other information that may help someone trying to help you: 1. Hercules version 2. RE/PRE-RE? 3. Client version 4. Customizations you have (source, plugins, etc) -- even better, try without them, trying to help someone with custom code is way harder than with vanilla code