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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. I apologize before asking something my english is bad.


    I tried setup server  and it seems success but client seems failed.


    tried connect to server by my client attachicon.gifserverside.pngbut didn't logging anything  


    so check  client folder    RO Data clientinfo.xml  



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>


    <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc>




    <display>Ragnarok Server</display>

















    and change my client file   before I change  mmo.h file  and change current date version 


    like this  #define PACKETVER 20140205    YYYYMMDD 



    but my client  return always  


    unregisted account(5011)


    unregisted account(5011)  


    rejected server(30) 



    how can I setting this?

    hmm, did you make account for testing in your database?


    unregistered account means it doesn't exist in database


    rejected from server, what error does it throw in map, login or char?

  2. another method is



    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Items ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) {

    getitem .Items[.@i],.Items[.@i + 1];




    setarray .Items,501,10,502,10,503,10;





    for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Items ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) {

    getitem .Items[.@i],.Amount[.@i + 1];




    setarray .Items,501,502,503;

    setarray .Amount,10,10,10;





    there's @unloadnpc and @loadnpc ☺


    use those commands to reload that specific script



    @unloadnpc npc/custom/broadcaster.txt

    @loadnpc npc/custom/broadcaster.txt


    Unfortunately there's a bug with @loadnpc, when you use it to load the broadcaster, 2 broadcaster will simultaneously broadcast news. lol


    This means you failed to unload the first one. :)


    You can see your map server that the npc was duplicated

  4. in conf/battle/guild.conf


    // Restart guild skills cooldown by relog? (Note 1)

    // When "no", you relog with the same cooldown remaining as from when you

    // logged out, "yes" restarts the cooldown upon login to its full duration.

    guild_skill_relog_delay: no


    it's off by default,

  5. Hello Guys,

    I am using Pre-Renewal (2013-12-23) and I observed that the awakening and concentration potion is not working. There's no additional aspd when I use it.


    Is anyone who experience the same problem? How did you fix it? Thank you in advance.

    Be sure to compile with disabled renewal


    in src/config/renewal.h


    //#define DISABLE_RENEWAL


    uncomment that line

  6. EDIT: many member still doesn't want to use the latest one probably because they hate the new mob_db.conf format

    too many custom mobs need to convert =/

    i know haru provided a converter along with the said update :-)

  7. Hello, since it's my vacation time, trying to refresh myself with scripting. :)


    Here are some of my recent work, will add more probably in the next coming days. :D



    You may use, modify and host all my scripts.
    You may not sell them, re-release them in any way (modified) or remove credits.


    • Level Up Event



    A customizable script for events to happen when a player levels up base/job.


    Recommended to be used in low/mid rate servers. :)

    I just tried using bitwise operator in this script, I really don't know that much with bitmask but I tried the npc and it works well but if someone will guide/correct me with the correct use of the bitwise don't hesitate to tell me :)




    • Race Event



    A customizable script for race event when a player reaches max level in your server.
    Recommended to be used in low/mid rate servers. :)

    • Floating Rates



    This script will allow a gm with level specified in the script to change your server rates depending on how he sets it
    with starting day, starting time, ending day and ending time. For now, it just supports base and job exp rates.

    • Bind @go command



    This script will allow to customize @go lists via script

    Automatically re-arrange ID's via arrangement of town list

    Automatically re-creates @go list via arrangement of town list


    Credits: @@jTynne




    • Healer/Buffer/Identifier/Repair NPC in one



    A customizable script that includes 4 NPC's in ONE
    Healer, Buffer, Identifier and Repair





    Have a good day!

  8. Well, hello everyone! It's been a while :)


    Been busy in real life and now I'm back and learning all the changes that has been made and now I'm focusing on scripting and making plugins again. :)


    So I have encountered a problem now with regards to plugin.


    I have added battleconf settings into the plugin which is loaded perfectly.


    The problem is, the value can't be detected by the script command getbattleflag


    Although setbattleflag command can affect the custom battle_conf setting I have made with the plugin.



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