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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. @@Aeromesi


    I think this should be in other topic, but how did you create the instance attach?


    here's mine:


    if ( ( @ins = instance_create( "Custom Dungeon", getcharid(1), IOT_PARTY ) ) < 0 ) {
    	mes "error : "+ @ins;
    if ( instance_attachmap( "guild_vs2", @ins, 1, getcharid(1)+"RAID" ) == "" ) {
    	mes "error : 5";
    	instance_destroy @ins;
    instance_set_timeout 0, 1, @ins;
    instance_init @ins;
    instance_attach @ins;

  2. @@ozwell


    isn't that a cutin script?


    cutin "<filename>",<position>


        0 - bottom left corner
        1 - bottom middle
        2 - bottom right corner
        3 - middle of screen in a movable window with an empty title bar
        4 - middle of screen without the window header, but still movable


    most likely, he's using position 3

  3. Without adding things to resnametable.txt @@Samuel?


    Yes, via instance_attachmap command right?


    instance_attachmap("prontera", .@instance_id,1,"via"); "via" will be the replicated map of prontera. This one is useful when you're just going to clone existing maps.


    But when using custom map, you still need to add clientside things.


    But you could still use the above method to replicate custom maps,


    instance_attachmap("1@elements", .@instance_id,1,"blah"+.@customarg); :D

  4. yeah, what i do is just use replicate the map via instance system itself, so no need to edit client side, unless you really have custom map, then do what Garr said, decrease the number of letter at mapname


    yeah, what i do is just use replicate the map via instance system itself, so no need to edit client side, unless you really have custom map, then do what Garr said, decrease the number of letter at mapname

  5. @@Lambo


    as i have checked the script, yes it would be different timer for each quest but they will have same delay depends on this setting:



    //Quest Delay (seconds)
    //24 hours = 86400 seconds

    set .quest_delay, 0;


    so if it's set to have 24 hrs delay,


    QUEST A, B, C will have 24 hrs delay each.


    After doing C, you could still do A & B,

  6. @@danizin999 if you're trying to duplicate the quest shop in npc/custom/quests/quest_shop.txt


    in your duplicate script, you should replace all qshop with whatever custom word you want to use, :D


    just use notepad++ then replace all qshop word with something like myshop

  7. @


    find this section in your job master:


    while (true) {
    			mes "Select an option.";
    			.@[member=choice] = select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+(.third_classes ? " ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000" : "")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000");
    			if (.@[member=choice] == 3)
    			mes "[Job Master]";
    			mes "Are you sure?";
    			if (.@[member=choice] == 1)
    			mes "[Job Master]";

    change into:


    while (true) {
    			mes "Select an option.";
    			.@[member=choice] = select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000");
    			if (.@[member=choice] == 3)
    			mes "[Job Master]";
    			mes "Are you sure?";
    			if (.@[member=choice] == 1)
    			mes "[Job Master]";

  8. As topic above, I change the usable item like meat and other healing item.


    Example: Original Meat weight is 15. I change it to 2. -------- Then, when I @reloaditemdb, the weight is not like that. Not change but the weigh became 0. 


    I tried to buy 100 Meat.. But it still 0 weight.. ~.~ 

    How to fix this.


    Thank you.


    Weight in item db is = to weight/10 in-game. Weight 100 in item db = 10 in-game.


    see doc/item_db.txt

    Weight: Item's weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. When not specified, becomes 0.

  9. @@AnnieRuru


    yeah, it could be just ask the player to relog, the problem is when players who didn't relog can have problems like buying items wherein price has been changed, they'll see the old value but when they buy, the new value will be deducted


    i see your point that it could be a problem for players who are doing instance i think, or in maps where the character can't stau upon relogging

  10. Hello everyone!


    This is a new command to reload the cashshop_db.conf


    So you don't need to restart the server when you add or delete items in the cash shop or just simply changed the price of items :)


    But due to a certain conflict wherein a player needs to relog in order for him to see the changes in Cash Shop, I added a 10 sec countdown and kick command.


    Special Thanks to: @@AnnieRuru


    Have a nice day!



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