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keough last won the day on January 29 2023

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About keough

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  1. The Tree of Savior has emerged into the world of Ragnarok Join my Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/AhBjDJnEW3 Screenshots In-game Video
  2. Hello, I am having the same problem as you. Can you fix that problem now? and how to do it image.thumb.png.0084349fd878b88b628e0fa120ddf7ff.png

  3. Well, I'm not sure of this one if he's really a dev or something. As you can see on the errors those are default files from data.grf. Although I already provide support on him and provide fixed as well. You can't help yourself or your own server if you don't know how to get files from free sources. update your data.grf or patch your kRO, get those files missing. or simple update your data.grf and those files will be provided automatically. Illusion files are default files from the game itself since 2019~2020 I guess. If you're really a developer then you know what to do xD Spoon feed is not an answer.
  4. Good Day to all! Im back in the mapping world of Ragnarok Online! I'm excited to apply my new learnings on creating map! I've been doing map and graphics since 2007 or 2009 if I'm not mistaken. Well let's do a lot of ROish maps! Services Mapping - Map Edit, Premade maps, custom 3d models, Map from scratch. Graphic Design - Loading screens, Login screens, Thor Patcher design, Banners. Prices will be discussed base on the complexity of work. Contact Discord - supremacy5402 Discord Channel - https://discord.gg/EUChuzTchb Skype - Keough_99 Payment Paypal Gcash Bank Transfer Remittance / Western Union Crypto - BTC / ETH
  5. keough

    Prontera ROX

    Hello and Good Day guys! It's nice to be back in the world of mapping! Here is a new look for Prontera! Check the in-game screenshot here, Hope you like it guys. You can Join my discord channel here : https://discord.gg/mBpSuXcB
  6. keough


    I want to request a plugin @itemdestroy just like in EAMOD! When you use @itemdestroy it will destroy the item in the whole server whether it is in Inventory / Cart Inventory / Storage / Mail usage: @itemdestroy <Item ID or Item Name> It will totally destroy the item and vanish it from the server and no one will have it in an instant once you use this command just like in eaMOD Link - https://github.com/zephyrus-cr/eamod/search?q=itemdestroy This will be useful to everyone when there is a limited event.
  7. Hello sir, I would like to request a new skill for merchant, Skill Name: Open Kafra Shop Stall Skill Description: Open a Kafra Shop stall for selling items to other players using Kafra Points as currency instead of zeny. You can sell max of 5 Items. This is a Quest Skill or Platinum Skill.
  8. Hello guys I want to request something useful! Anyone of you familiar with this command? @itemdestroy I want it to implement on my server and now it must be available also in Script command How to use the command: @itemdestroy {Item ID} Script Command: ItemDestroy (Item ID); It will destroy the item for example 5374 (Large Baphomet Horns) whole server baphomet horns will be deleted in real time. This is available in eamod before and I want to implement in hercules. Anyone can help? Thank you in Advance!
  9. It's not working... same pc with 2 accounts still can get! I have this no dual on the same map using last_unique_id of gepard. maybe you can check this, It's totally working on my server, It can detect the 2 accounts playing on the same map using last_unique_id and return the 2nd account to the save point. - script dual_client -1,{ OnInit: setarray .@map$[0], "prt_fild08","prt_fild01"; // yours maps no dual for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize( .@map$ ); .@i++ ) { if ( !getmapflag( .@map$[.@i], mf_loadevent ) ) { setmapflag .@map$[.@i], mf_loadevent; } } .map_list$ = implode( .@map$, "|" ); .@count = query_sql( "select `login`.`last_unique_id`, `char`.`name`, `char`.`char_id` from `login` left join `char` on `char`.`account_id`=`login`.`account_id` where `char`.`online`=1", .@last_uid$, .@name$, .@char_id ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++ ) { getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0, .@name$[.@i]; if ( !compare( .map_list$, .@map$ ) ) continue; .@size = 0; .@variable$ = ".uid_"+ .@last_uid$[.@i] +"$"; if ( getd( .@variable$ ) != "" ) { .@size = getarraysize( getd( .@variable$ ) ); for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@size; .@j++ ) { getmapxy .@map2$, .@x, .@y, 0, getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" ); if ( .@map$ == .@map2$ ) { warpchar "SavePoint",0,0, .@char_id[.@i]; message .@name$[.@i], "No dual account on this map."; break; } } } if ( .@j == .@size ) { setd .@variable$ +"["+ .@size +"]", .@name$[.@i]; } } end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if ( !compare( .map_list$, strcharinfo(3) ) ) end; .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@myname$ = strcharinfo(0); .@variable$ = ".uid_"+ get_unique_id() +"$"; .@size = getarraysize( getd( .@variable$ ) ); for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@size; .@j++ ) { if ( .@myname$ == getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" ) ) { .@is_in = 1; continue; } getmapxy .@map2$, .@x, .@y, 0, getd( .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]" ); .@compare = compare( .map_list$, .@map2$ ); if ( !.@compare ) { .@tmp$ = .@variable$ +"["+ .@j +"]"; deletearray getd( .@tmp$ ), 1; .@size--; } else if ( .@map$ == .@map2$ ) { warpchar "SavePoint",0,0, getcharid(0); message .@myname$, "No dual account on this map."; end; } } if ( !.@is_in ) { setd .@variable$ +"["+ .@size +"]", .@myname$; } end; }
  10. Yes this one? get_unique_id() BUILDIN(get_unique_id) { struct map_session_data* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return false; } script_pushint(st, sockt->session[sd->fd]->gepard_info.unique_id); return true; } BUILDIN_DEF(get_unique_id,""), I dunno how to use it.
  11. Hello I want to have this a restriction by checking the last unique id of a player, because i am using gepard shield 3.0 I dunno how to do it. I want that only 1 account can get this freebies, not multiple account on the same last unique ID. Gepard has last unique id per computer and I want to make a restriction that they can only get on 1 account. Here is the script http://upaste.me/f01850087d4812a40 Hope someone can help!
  12. Good Day! Anyone knows how to implement this iRO skill behavior of Falcon Assault? Falcon Assault This skill will also bypass Raydric garments if the user has an enchant, endow, or elemental arrows. I already change the skill_db of Falcon Assault to have Element: "Ele_Weapon" but no luck, it's not working. Please help? Thank you and God Bless!
  13. I don't have it, but I'm running on gepard 3.0
  14. Yes I'm using Gepard shield 3.0 is the script compatible?
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