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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. hey cutie support my topic xD http://herc.ws/board/topic/3933-grf-comparer/

    1. Angelmelody


      I dont know what tools can be used to compare the specific folder between two grfs ,maybe you can make a suggestion to him



    2. evilpuncker


      well I mean the extracted grf :P btw I don't visit rAthena anymore :/ xD

  2. PS: I MEAN THE EXTRACTED GRF, NOT THE GRF ITSELF I'm here to ask the following... well, first I'll explain why. My players uses bRO to play my server, they don't want to download and I don't want them to download kRO in order to make them able to use new features (maps, sprites, etc), since bRO is not as updated as kRO (rly?), so I want to ask for a tool that check between two folders, lets say... bRO_data and kRO_data, and it lists the missing files that bRO_data doesn't have and create a patch (new folder) with the missing files, so I can include them in my server installer. I know that there are lots of file/folder comparison tools, but they are kinda a mess btw I want to ask for the option to ignore files by extension (so I can ignore .lua/b and .txt for example) and ignore files with same name but modified content. thanks in advance and I'm here to answer any question you may have!
  3. use latest version of hercules and report every skill bug here
  4. not that wasteful, but well, that is ur opinion
  5. yeah I got the idea from eA topic
  6. não entendi a pergunta sobre o tal sistema de ID's do item_db, poderia dar um exemplo? e quanto as outras dúvidas, como nunca me interessei por brAthena e tô por fora do Cronus a muito tempo, acredito que vc apenas deva tentar e caso der algum erro poste aqui e estaremos ajudando.
  7. I want to suggest the implementation of a server-side manner.txt to avoid ppl bypassing it by editing the grf.
  8. malufet was working on it. but no response I also agree that those must be fixed!
  9. you don't need to use port 80 in order to run hercules, the only problem is if you are going to use a control panel.
  10. better than the actual format and will open new possibilities of course
  11. they will do a converter for sure like they did with item db
  12. much love from nine tails <3 xD

    1. Angelmelody


      what is nine tails

    2. evilpuncker


      go watch some naruto xD

  13. +1 for a patch at download section nice code but I don't think it suits the emulator to come by default
  14. hour and minutes... okay, but day?
  15. just remove this from mob.c and recompile #if PACKETVER >= 20120404 if( !(md->status.mode&MD_BOSS) ){ int i; for(i = 0; i < DAMAGELOG_SIZE; i++){ // must show hp bar to all char who already hit the mob. if( md->dmglog[i].id ) { struct map_session_data *sd = map->charid2sd(md->dmglog[i].id); if( sd && check_distance_bl(&md->bl, &sd->bl, AREA_SIZE) ) // check if in range clif->monster_hp_bar(md,sd); } } }#endif
  16. I've used ur online converter with my item_db2.txt that was working flawlessly but after converting it to item_db.conf I got this: [Error]: db/item_db2.conf:1 - syntax error [Error]: can't read db/item_db2.conf I can't see to find anything wrong, if you want I may send it by PM for you
  17. well, we got this implemented already now, no? xD btw I would love to have the emblem_woe_change option too
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