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Everything posted by Brynner

  1. google will answer your question regarding on port forwarding guide. because it depends on the model of your modem or router if they are capable to do port forward or not. just look for the model of your modem or router here. http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Ragnarok_Online_Server/default.htm
  2. for local ip. just put. 192.168.x.x just check the localip address of your computer. for char-server.conf // Login Server IP// The character server connects to the login server using this IP address.// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on// a machine with multiple interfaces.login_ip: localip // Character Server IP// The IP address which clients will use to connect.// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.char_ip: risktakers.servegame.com and for map-server.conf // Character Server IP// The map server connects to the character server using this IP address.// NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on// a machine with multiple interfaces.char_ip: localip // Map Server IP// The IP address which clients will use to connect.// Set this to what your server's public IP address is.map_ip: risktakers.servegame.com for subnet.conf // Subnet support file// Format is:// subnet: net-submask:char_ip:map_ip// you can add more than one subnet subnet: and for your clientinfo.xml just use the risktakers.servegame.com if the connection is outside the router. but if your going to connect using your computer. just use localip. and make sure you open port 6900, 5121 and 6121.
  3. im a little bit confuse with your post. you just want to host your server via local computer and make it only using 3rd party program like no-ip right?
  4. here is what i did and it works now. thank you - script verifystats -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: // Check and verify all stats for (.@i = bStr; .@i <= bLuk; .@i++) { // Add and count stat points .@StatCount += readparam(.@i); } // Count max stat parameters if (readparam(.@i) == .MaxStat) .@MaxStatCount++; // Verify stats if (readparam(.@i) > .MaxStat || .@MaxStatCount >= .ParamCount && .@StatCount > .MaxCount) { // Reset status points ResetStatus; // Reset skill points (if enabled) if (.SkillReset) ResetSkill; // Display error message message strcharinfo(0), "Verification System : Your stats have been reset."; } } end; OnInit: // Configuration .MaxStat = 99; // Max stat parameter .ParamCount = 2; // Max stat parameter count .MaxCount = 210; // Max stat count (ex: 99 + 99 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1) .SkillReset = 0; // Reset skills? (0 = off, 1 = on) end; }
  5. not working. the stats has been reset without any Verification System : Your stats have been reset.
  6. and also if its possible to check the max skill points to avoid for player who have skillall.
  7. have you receive any error message on your map server?
  8. i cant find it in ' iteminfo.lua ' and tried to make it my self but it rather confusing, because the ' accessoryid.lub ' and ' accname.lub ' its not match in some line can someone help me to make the entry in ' iteminfo.lua' file or show me how to do it my self ? https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/blob/master/System/itemInfo.lua
  9. the skill effect works fine. but the soul link does not really work? i just use union skill instead of flying. nothings happen.
  10. its not working. because in this script if you buy additional buffs for this healer. it will ask for minimum level.
  11. what about for folder's and files? if your os supported korean language. you need to switch your default language to korean so the folder with korean fonts will also change. but it is not good if you don't know how to read korean or everything on your computer will mess up.
  12. how can i add soul link buffs here?when i try to add SC_SPIRIT nothings happen. thank you in advance. - script Healer -1,{ set .@Price,0; // Zeny required for heal set .@Buffs,1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) set .@Delay,0; // Heal delay, in seconds callfunc "F_ClearGarbage",0; if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0),"Healing costs "+.@Price+" Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if(select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) close; set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { for( .@i = 0; .@i < .size_buff; .@i++ ) { .@sum = atoi(.@b$[.@i]) + .min_Levels[.@i]; .@j = .Buffs$[.@i]; if( .@sum ) sc_start .@j,240000,.@sum; } } if (.@Delay) set @HD, gettimetick(2)+.@Delay; close;OnInit: deletearray .Buffs$; deletearray .min_Levels; setarray .Buffs$, SC_INCREASEAGI, SC_BLESSING, SC_KYRIE, SC_SOULLINK; setarray .min_Levels, 5, 5, 0, 0; .size_buff = getarraysize( .Buffs$ ); end; }prontera,163,185,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 909
  13. just judge him on what he say and what he do lol xD
  14. maybe he will if he really need more $
  15. you don't need to do this. setarray .@styles[1],553,57,251; all you need to do is to edit your confbattleclient.conf. and bring back this script to default one. setarray .@Styles[1],getbattleflag("max_cloth_color"),getbattleflag("max_hair_style"),getbattleflag("max_hair_color"); setarray .@Look[1],LOOK_CLOTHES_COLOR,LOOK_HAIR,LOOK_HAIR_COLOR;
  16. Brynner

    stylist bug.

    you don't need to make multiple post regarding on this issue. http://herc.ws/board/topic/5029-regarding-stylist/#entry32400
  17. confbattleclient.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client.min_hair_style: 0max_hair_style: 57min_hair_color: 0max_hair_color: 251min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 553
  18. yup it should work since there is no major changes happen for fluxcp and for fluxcphercules
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