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Uzieal last won the day on November 9 2023

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About Uzieal

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/05/1988

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  1. Usually I set gat height then I will go into objects and bring them to the correct levels, it is typically best to turn sloping on when setting gat heights. If you still have issues with this PM me and I can help you further or as Effas said, I could fix the map for you if you would like. I would recommend taking a look at Syouji's Browedit video guides on gat edits, this will help you out if you have not yet found a solution to this. To raise gat tiles: left click To lower gat tiles: right click To even out gat tiles to current gat peak: hold shit, ctrl and left click To even out gat tiles to current gat valley: hold shit, ctrl and right click Hope this helps, best of luck!
  2. You are missing the texture for "data\model\¶óÇï\¸ñ°ÉÀ̺¸°üÇÔ02.rsm" You may have to extract your grf and manually repack this into the correct pathway. I too was missing this in my grf. Confirmed within BrowEdit & Grf.
  3. Back in some sort of way, I can be found around just ask

  4. So, I am back at it ! That means new Maps are coming soon /gg

  5. How do you have these set ? conf>battle>client.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client.min_hair_style: 0max_hair_style: 27min_hair_color: 0max_hair_color: 8min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 4
  6. I am not sure what these sprites are used for officially but It would not be too hard to make an edit to them so they would work to your desired needs. Open them in an image editor, convert them, re-save as a .spr (SPR Conview) then edit the act in (Actor 2) and you will have what you need. If you do not know how to sprite edit proficiently, you could put in a Graphics Request in the proper section regarding this as a fix.
  7. Very Welcome Echoes, Also to be noted; If you are going to do a custom mob, take the .act base file from an existing mob sprite If you are going to do a custom npc, take the .act base file from an existing npc sprite If you are going to do a custom headgear, take the .act base file from an existing headgear sprite etc.
  8. Uzieal


    Tokeiburu is correct, ensure you are either reading data folder first if you are using that route or that if you patched the images into your custom grf that you re-order the custom grf to position one in your data.ini file.
  9. Have you by chance read this ? (http://herc.ws/wiki/Palettes) There is not a super easy way to recolor until you learn how to make a few baseline pallets you find acceptable for most applications then it is as simple as opening applying the .pal file and re-saving. Please read the Palletes Guide in the wiki and post any further questions you have.
  10. Most likely the map has a .gat tile set just slightly below the surface of the map floor thus allowing the trap to appear slightly below ground. This could be fixed if you were to open within Borf's Brow Edit Program and inspect the suspected area. I will look into this when I get a moment to see if this is the issue, but could you please first provide me with a little more information on what traps you are using so I may replicate any findings?
  11. Hope this helps ( If not, there are these; http://herc.ws/wiki/Acts & http://herc.ws/wiki/Spriting ) .act files hold the position of placement of the given sprite image. For instance, if your act files are positioned incorrectly on say, a headgear item the .spr image may be shown for instance above the head. To create your own .act file it is easiest to use an existing .act to overwrite and use as a basepoint. Lets say for instance you want to make a custom headgear, most headgear has between 5-15 Frames or images for corresponding directions. This means when you are looking forward there is one image view, looking left another, looking right another, etc. So to find your basepoint you should open an existing headgear sprite using a .spr viewer such as (SPR Conview Recomended) Check how many frames it uses for animation and if it is acceptable for you to use then you will begin designing your sprite images with that many frames. Once you have the design of your custom sprite (.spr) completed with the correct number of frames it is time to open (Actor2 Recommended) At this time I would like to note that; .act and .spr files correspond to each other so the .act file you wish to use as a base needs to be named correctly for example; Your_Custom_Head_Gear_Test_.spr your .act file should have the exact name as the .spr file Your_Custom_Head_Gear_Test_.act Now that we have our two files and they are named correctly we open (Actor2 Recommended) and begin to make adjustments as we need to align position. Features in Actor will have references to (head) and (body) make sure to use these when aligning frames to images.
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