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Posts posted by Cretino

  1. I'm sorry as well Cretino if I didn't highlight my concern.


    Yes you got my point, I was looking for those variables.

    Then your suggestion is put the npc first in my "main/dedicated server" and make the actual quest requirements there.


    Nice NPC by the way, keep it up!

    No problem. :)

    I recommend you put in a test server for you to understand how the npc works and later you can set up again on your dedicated server.

  2. Hi Cretino,


    Does all created quest by gm was attached to sql?


    if yes, it's useless for me to create a pre-made quest and transfer it later on to my online/dedicated server?

    or there's a way to copy those and transfer it later to sql.


    Thank you.

    I didn't understand very well what you want to do...

    You want to create the quests and then transfer to your main server?

    If you want to copy the quest later... yes, but you need to understand a bit how the variables and their storage in the database, but I don't think it is worth, because of the work that will cause.

    I think is better you do your tests and put in your server.


    But if you want to try to make a backup of the quests here are all variables that store the information necessary:







    And sorry for my English. :x

  3. Hey, try it.





            // Level 1
            set .monsterset, query_sql "SELECT `ID`, `iName` FROM `mob_db` WHERE `LV` >= '30' AND `LV` <= '50' AND `HP` < '500000' AND `MEXP` = '0' AND NOT `iName` = 'Treasure Chest' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 100", .monsterid, .monstername$;
            for(set .@x, 0; .@x < getmapusers("ordeal_1-1"); set .@x, .@x + 1)
                set .monstercount, 15;
                for(set .@y, 0; .@y < .monstercount; set .@y, .@y + 1)
                    set .monster, rand(0, .monsterset - 1);
                    monster "ordeal_1-1", 149, 149, "[DS] " + .monstername$[.monster], .monsterid[.monster], .monstercount, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnDevilDead";
                    set .mob, .mob + .monstercount;
            // Level 2
            set .monsterset, query_sql "SELECT `ID`, `iName` FROM `mob_db` WHERE `LV` >= '51' AND `LV` <= '70' AND `HP` < '500000' AND `MEXP` = '0' AND NOT `iName` = 'Treasure Chest' ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 100", .monsterid, .monstername$;
            for(set .@x, 0; .@x < getmapusers("ordeal_1-1"); set .@x, .@x + 1)
                set .monstercount, 15;
                for(set .@y, 0; .@y < .monstercount; set .@y, .@y + 1)
                    set .monster, rand(0, .monsterset - 1);
                    monster "ordeal_1-1", 149, 149, "[DS] " + .monstername$[.monster], .monsterid[.monster], .monstercount, strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnDevilDead";
                    set .mob, .mob + .monstercount;



  4. how to add item requirements?




    bug: cost to load stats is not working



    suggestions: i think create a new stat/skill should not include stat/skill reset,


    and if possible remove next; on every chosen option and just go to selected option


    For skills does not need to reset, but the stats need, to get the amount of correct points that were spent.


    About suggestion to remove the nexts, I will not do, I think that more organized clean npc window whenever you select the desired option.

    You can remove the nexts and use the way that pleases you, just be careful not to change anything else.


    What about the bug, it really was not being charged, I forgot to change the name of a variable, but is already fixed, I'll see a few more things to do and update the topic.

  5. Name: Build Manager

    Creator: Me (@Cretino)

    Version: 1.2 (Updated script and source modification to work with last Hercules revision [Cretino] (Need source modification))

    Contributors: (@kerbiii: Found a bug, @Anisotropic Defixation: Make a list of bugged skills)


    Q: 'What features have 'Build Manager'?'


    You can create stats profile. (No limit)
    You can create skills profile. (No limit)
    You can load stats profiles for all characters of account.
    You can load skills profile for all characters of account with same class.
    You can erase a profile.
    You can reset skills.
    You can reset stats.

    Q: 'How to use these features?'

    R: 'You can use all features in game, just talk to npc and have fun. :)'


    Q: 'How to configure it?'

    R: 'You can go to line '666' in script, and you will see details like:'

    // Cost to reset player stats
    .reset_status_cost = 50000;
    // Cost to reset player skills
    .reset_skills_cost = 50000;
    // Cost to create a new stats profile
    .create_status_cost = .reset_status_cost * 2;
    // Cost to create a new skills profile
    .create_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 2;
    // Cost to load a stats profile
    .load_status_cost = .reset_status_cost * 2;
    // Cost to load a skills profile
    .load_skills_cost = .reset_skills_cost * 2;
    // Will check if player have max base level and job level to access the npc. (Max Level = 'MAX_LEVEL' constant)
    // false = Disabled
    .check_max_lv = true;

    I'm accepting suggestions.

    If you found any bug, report in topic or send me a private message.

    I'll solve the problem as quickly as possible.


    I think is it. :)

    Note: Sorry for my English.


    Now is necessary apply this source modification to use the script: skillup_scriptcommand_by_cretino_v0.1.diff








  6. Hey guys, this is my 'new script'. (New to you guys, because I used when I had my server, but now with some improvements.)


    Name: Quest Manager

    Creator: Me (@@Cretino)

    Version: 1.0b (Little improvement and others bugs fixed.)

    Contributors: (@@Aeromesi: Found a bug.)



    To get a better experience using this script,

    it is recommended change the value of 'input_max_value' to '2147483647'. (See more in 'conf/script.conf'.)


    Q: 'What features have 'Quest Manager'?'



    // Requirements you can use:
    Quests with delay. (Only quests with count limit can have delay)
    Quests for account, character or global mode.
    (Account = Delay, count limit and progress to account)
    (Character = Delay, count limit and progress to character)
    (Global = Delay and count limit is shared to all players,
    Progress to account)
    Quests with count limit. (If count limit is '0', The quest can be done unlimited times, but without delay.
    If count limit is greater than 0 and don't have delay, the quest can only be done up to the count limit.
    If count limit is greater than 0 and have delay, the quest can be done up to the count limit,
    When count limit is reached, you will need wait the delay time to do again.)
    Hunt monsters. (No limit of monsters) // The limit is you 
    Collect items. (No limit of items) // The limit is you 
    Zeny (Limit is 'MAX_ZENY' constant)
    Cash Points (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    Kafra Points (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    Min level (Limit is 'MAX_LEVEL' constant)
    Max level (Limit is 'MAX_LEVEL' constant)
    // Prizes you can use:
    Items (No limit of items) // The limit is you 
    Zeny (Limit is 'MAX_ZENY' constant)
    Cash Points (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    Kafra Points (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    Base Exp (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    Job Exp (Limit is 'input_max_value' configuration, can be found in 'conf/script.conf')
    // Management
    You can remove a quest or all quests.
    You can see all quests added.
    You can add new quests. (Obvious.)



    Q: 'How to use these features?'

    R: 'You can use all features in game, just talk to npc with GM Account and have fun. :)'


    Q: 'How to configure it?'

    R: 'You can go to line '1568' in script, and you will see details like:'


    // GameMaster Level to Access
    .dq_group_access = 99;
    // true = Show a message to player if kill a monster added in hunt (Message format: '[Quest Manager]: [My quest name] - Poring [1/100]')
    // false = Disabled.
    .dq_display_hunt = true;
    // true = Players need accept quest in the npc to hunt monsters.
    // false = Disabled.
    .dq_player_accept = true;
    // .npc_name$[0] = NPC name using 'mes'.
    // .npc_name$[1] = NPC name using 'dispbottom'.
    setarray .npc_name$[0], "[^FF0000" + strnpcinfo(3) + "^000000]", "[" + strnpcinfo(3) + "]";



    I'm accepting suggestions.

    If you found any bug, report in topic or send me a private message.

    I'll solve the problem as quickly as possible.


    I think is it. :)


    Note: Sorry for my English.





  7. I think the problem is your emulator, because here is fine using '@' commands and '#' commands.




    My screenshots showing how is working:

    First screenshot is a player group level 0.

    Second screenshot is a game master group level 99.








  8. @@Cretino does it work with rAthena also if you mind? :D


    P.S: This script is way very useful thank you! i appreciate your release and idea.


    I think works in rAthena, but you will need change all constants 'true' and 'false' to '1' and '0'.




    Version 1.8a released.

    Now the script is all in English. (But need revise, because may have spelling errors.)

    I'll wait for @@Aeromesi now. :)




    Version 1.8b released.

    Little mistake fixed.






    I converted my script to rAthena, but I don't have intention to update it more, but if you want to use this version, is working fine.



  9. I think is it you want:


    -	script	killing	FAKE_NPC,{
    		.count_to_punish = 3;
    		.time_interval = 60; // 60s = 1 minute
    		if (attachrid(killedrid) == true)
    			if ((@dead_count == 0) || (killerrid != @last_killer) || (@dead_interval <= gettimetick(2)))
    				@dead_count = 1;
    				@dead_interval = gettimetick(2) + .time_interval;
    			@last_killer = killerrid;
    			if (.count_to_punish <= @dead_count)
    				if (attachrid(killerrid) == true)
    					announce strcharinfo(0) +", Stop killing "+ rid2name(killedrid) +" !!!", 0;
    					warp getsavepoint(0), getsavepoint(1), getsavepoint(2);




    Fixed little mistake. :)

  10. After the rest of the translation I'll check and convert it to a more suitable english so our english users understand, this script's pretty comprehensive so the better they understand the better they will be able to use it. @@Cretino   :no1:


    Also I just noticed you named the @command @drop, the parameter if "add" something happens, so what, will it be "@dropadd <parameter details>"?


    Or does this script imply you can add/remove drops you made to a mob?


    I put '@drop' because you can add new items using parameter 'add', remove items using 'remove', edit items using 'edit' and see your items using 'show'.



    @drop add monster <monster_id> <item_id> <rate> <time>
    @drop add global <item_id> <rate> <element or time> <race or time> <boss_type or time> <time>
    @drop remove monster_item <monster_id> <item_id>
    @drop remove all_monster_item <monster_id>
    @drop remove global_item <item_id>
    @drop remove all_globals
    @drop remove all_monsters
    @drop show monsters
    @drop show globals
    @drop show monster <monster_id>
    @drop edit monster_item <monster_id> <item_id> <new_item_id>
    @drop edit monster_rate <monster_id> <item_id> <new_rate>
    @drop edit global_item <item_id> <new_item_id>
    @drop edit global_rate <item_id> <new_rate>
    @drop edit global_element <item_id> <new_element>
    @drop edit global_race <item_id> <new_race>
    @drop edit global_boss <item_id> <new_boss_type>




    I'll finish the translation to English in another time, so if you may review everything, I'll appreciate. :)

  11. Here's a better english copy (It still contains the native language you use, which I couldn't improve) but all the english language inside of the descriptions and script itself is updated. Awesome script @@Cretino!




    I declared it 1.7a (For the fixed english)

    Thank you!


    I'll translate the rest of Portuguese to english.




    Version 1.8 added, see the first post.

  12. Don't edit anything @@mrlongshen, this script requires no editing. if @@Cretino doesn't want to bind it to an @command I will do it for him, I find NPC:whispertothisNPC quite annoying. With the bindatcmd we can easily make this an @command for GM, similar to my events. Nice release though @@Cretino, seen you recently joined our board and I'm happy to have you along! Very skilled person.


    I'll do support to bind in my npc, don't worries. :)
    I just want help for review all spelling errors.

  13. I will look your script and try to mount the part to start the event for you to understand a bit how it works, it's a little complicated at first, I had much difficulty, but it is now quite simple.



    Here is the script, I rewrite all script.
    You can see and make your event now.

  14. Hey guys, this is my first published script (in Hercules Community).


    Name: Multiple Extra Drops

    Creator: Me (@@Cretino)

    Description: Add unlimited drops to monsters or in global mode. (Global mode = Items that can be dropped by any monster)

    Version: 1.8b (Little mistake fixed.)

    Contributors: @@Aeromesi (Script revised to English. Thank you very much!), @@evilpuncker (Idea to add 'bindatcmd')


    Q: 'What features have 'Multiple Extra Drops'?'



    You can add unlimited extra drop to unlimited monsters.
    You can add a rate for each extra drop.
    You can remove an extra drop of a specific monster.
    You can remove all extra drops of a specific monster.
    You can change an extra drop or it rate of a specific monster or in global mode.
    You can see all extra drops of all monsters or in global mode.
    You can add element and/or race and/or boss type for global extra drops.
    You can add a specific time to extra drops or in global mode.



    Q: 'How to use these features?'

    R: 'You will need read a little my comments for understand, but you can try use '@drop' to see all commands and prototypes.'


    // All commands:
    //@drop add monster <monster_id> <item_id> <rate> <time>
    //@drop add global <item_id> <rate> <element or time> <race or time> <boss_type or time> <time>
    //@drop remove monster_item <monster_id> <item_id>
    //@drop remove all_monster_item <monster_id>
    //@drop remove global_item <item_id>
    //@drop remove all_globals
    //@drop remove all_monsters
    //@drop show monsters
    //@drop show globals
    //@drop show monster <monster_id>
    //@drop edit monster_item <monster_id> <item_id> <new_item_id>
    //@drop edit monster_rate <monster_id> <item_id> <new_rate>
    //@drop edit global_item <item_id> <new_item_id>
    //@drop edit global_rate <item_id> <new_rate>
    //@drop edit global_element <item_id> <new_element>
    //@drop edit global_race <item_id> <new_race>
    //@drop edit global_boss <item_id> <new_boss_type>
    // Mapping:
    // Elements
    // None			= -1
    // Neutral		= 0
    // Water		= 1
    // Earth		= 2
    // Fire			= 3
    // Wind			= 4
    // Poison		= 5
    // Holy			= 6
    // Dark			= 7
    // Ghost		= 8
    // Undead		= 9
    // Races
    // None			= -1
    // Formless		= 0
    // Undead		= 1
    // Brute		= 2
    // Plant		= 3
    // Insect		= 4
    // Fish			= 5
    // Demon		= 6
    // DemiHuman	= 7
    // Angel		= 8
    // Dragon		= 9
    // Variables
    //<rate>        = Rate to get the item. (1 = 0.01%, 10 = 0.10%, 100 = 1.00%, 1000 = 10.00%, 10000 = 100.00%)
    //<element>     = If <element> isn't defined your value is equal to '-1'.
    //<race>        = If <race> isn't defined your value is equal to '-1'.
    //<boss_type>   = If <boss_type> is '1' the item will be dropped only by boss monsters,
    //                else if <boss_type> is '0' or '-1' the item will be dropped only for non boss monsters.
    //<time>        = If added, an item can only be dropped in the period. (day:hour:minute:second)
    //                eg: 1:4:54:47 = 1 day, 4 hours, 54 minutes and 47 seconds.
    //                    0:1:11:24 = 1 hour, 11 minutes and 24 seconds.
    //                    0:0:41:59 = 41 minutes and 59 seconds.
    // Examples of usage:
    // Examples of '@drop add':
    //@drop add monster_item 1002 517 10
    // The above command adds the item 'Meat' in the monster 'Poring' with chance of '0.10%'. (<item_id> = 517) (<monster_id> = 1002) (<rate> = 10)
    //@drop add monster_item 1002 511 10000
    // The above command adds the item 'Green Herb' in the monster 'Poring' with chance of '100.00%'. (<item_id> = 511) (<monster_id> = 1002) (<rate> = 10000)
    //@drop add monster_item 1002 512 10000 0:0:4:54
    // The above command adds the item 'Apple' in the monster 'Poring' with chance of '100.00%' only for '4 minutes and 54 seconds'.
    //(<item_id> = 512) (<monster_id> = 1002) (<rate> = 10000) (<time> = 0:0:4:45)
    //@drop add global_item 519 1697
    // The above command adds the item 'Milk' in global mode with chance of '16.97%'. (<item_id> = 519) (<rate> = 1697)
    // NOTE: Global extra drops can be dropped by any monster
    //@drop add global_item 520 1411 1
    // The above command adds the item 'Hinalle Leaflet' in global mode with chance of '14.11%' and element 'Water'.
    //(<item_id> = 520) (<rate> = 1411) (<element> = 1)
    // NOTE: If <element> is defined like this example, only monsters with same element will be able to drop the item.
    // NOTE 2: This example will work only for monsters with element 'Water'.
    //@drop add global_item 521 1671 -1 5
    // The above command adds the item 'Aloe Leaflet' in global mode with chance of '16.71%' of the monster race 'Fish'.
    //(<item_id> = 521) (<rate> = 1671) (<race> = 5)
    // NOTE: If <race> is defined like this example, only monsters with same race will be able to drop the item.
    // NOTE 2: This example will work only for monsters with race 'Fish'.
    //@drop add global_item 522 5411 3 7
    // The above command adds the item 'Mastela Fruit' in global mode with chance of '54.11%' and element 'Fire' and of the monster race 'DemiHuman'.
    //(<item_id> = 522) (<rate> = 5411) (<element> = 3) (<race> = 7)
    // NOTE: If <element> and <race> is defined like this example, only monsters with same element and race will be able to drop the item.
    // NOTE 2: This example will work only for monsters with element 'Fire' and of the monster race 'DemiHuman'.
    //@drop add global_item 523 3147 -1 -1 1
    // The above command adds the item 'Holy Water' in global mode with chance of '31.47%' and only for boss monsters.
    //(<item_id> = 523) (<rate> = 3147) (<boss_type> = 1)
    // NOTE: This example will work only for boss monsters.
    //@drop add global_item 525 6931 3 7 1
    // The above command adds the item 'Panacea' in global mode with chance of '31.47%' and element 'Fire' and of the monster race 'Undead' and only for boss monsters.
    //(<item_id> = 525) (<rate> = 3147) (<element> = 3) (<race> = 1) (<boss_type> = 1)
    // NOTE: If <element>, <race> and <boss_type> is defined like this example, only boss monsters with same element and race will be able to drop the item.
    // NOTE 2: This example will work only for boss monsters with element 'Fire' and of the monster race 'Undead'.
    // Examples of '@drop remove':
    //@drop remove all_monster_item 1002
    // The above command removes all added items in the monster 'Poring'. (<monster_id> = 1002)
    //@drop remove monster_item 1002 517
    // The above command removes the item 'Meat' in the monster 'Poring'. (<item_id> = 517) (<monster_id> = 1002)
    //@drop remove global_item 519
    // The above command removes the global item 'Milk'. (<item_id> = 519)
    //@drop remove all_globals
    // The above command removes all global items added.
    //@drop remove all_monsters
    // The above command removes all the items from all monsters added.
    // Examples of '@drop show':
    //@drop show monsters
    // The above command shows all extra items dropped from all monsters added.
    //@drop show monster 1002
    // The above command shows all extra items dropped by the monster 'Poring'. (<monster_id> = 1002)
    //@drop show globals
    // The above command shows all global extra items.
    // Examples of '@drop edit':
    //@drop edit monster_item 1002 511 517
    // The above command change the item 'Green Herb' in the monster 'Poring' to 'Meat'.
    // (<item_id> = 511) (<monster_id> = 1002) (<new_item_id> = 517)
    //@drop edit monster_rate 1002 517 1000
    // The above command change the rate of item 'Meat' in the monster 'Poring' to '10.00%'.
    // (<item_id> = 517) (<monster_id> = 1002) (<new_rate> = 1000)
    //@drop edit global_item 519 522
    // The above command change the global item 'Milk' to 'Mastela Fruit'.
    // (<item_id> = 519) (<new_item_id> = 522)
    //@drop edit global_rate 522 158
    // The above command change the rate of global item 'Mastela Fruit' to '1.58%'.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<new_rate> = 158)
    //@drop edit global_element 522 1
    // The above command change the element of global item 'Mastela Fruit' to 'Element: Water'.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<element> = 1)
    //@drop edit global_race 522 0
    // The above command change the race of global item 'Mastela Fruit' to 'Race: Formless'.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<race> = 0)
    //@drop edit global_race 522 -1
    // The above command change the race of global item 'Mastela Fruit' to 'Race: None'.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<race> = -1)
    //@drop edit global_element 522 -1
    // The above command change the element of global item 'Mastela Fruit' to 'Element: None'.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<element> = -1)
    //@drop edit global_boss 522 1
    // The above command change the boss type of global item 'Mastela Fruit', now the item will be dropped only by boss monsters.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<boss_type> = 1)
    //@drop edit global_boss 522 0
    // The above command change the boss type of global item 'Mastela Fruit', now the item will be dropped only by non boss monsters.
    // (<item_id> = 522) (<boss_type> = 0)



    Q: 'How do I configure it?'

    R: 'You can go to line '245' in script, and you will see details like:'


    // Settings
    // NOTE: To change npc coordinates, map, name and so on, go to line '1043'.
    // GameMaster Level to Access
    .gm_level = 99;
    // true = Drop item on floor
    // false = Get item to player like '@autoloot'.
    // NOTE: If 'false' and player is overweight the item will drop on floor.
    .drop_style = false;
    // true = Show a message to player if drop an item (Message format: '"You got 'Royal Jelly' {526}, chance: 10.05%.')
    // false = Disabled
    .show_msg = true;
    // Will check 'battle_flags' (drops_by_luk, drops_by_luk2, pk_mode, rare_drop_announce) and do calculations like the emulator.
    // false = Disabled
    // TODO: Enable support to 'mob_size_influence' battleflag.
    .check_battle_flag = true;
    // Will check if players have 'SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM' or 'SC_OVERLAPEXPUP' active,
    // like 'Bubble Gum' and 'Malang Cat Can'. (Effects to increment drop rate)
    // false = Disabled
    .check_item_boost = true;
    // Save the drops to table 'picklog', like the emulator.
    // false = Disabled
    .log = true;
    // While enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    // based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table like the emulator.
    // false = Disabled
    // Note: Need 'RENEWAL_DROP' constant defined too.
    .renewal_drop = true;



    About percentage system:

    It work almost identical to emulator.


    I'm accepting suggestions.

    If you found any bug, report in topic or send me a private message.

    I'll solve the problem as quickly as possible.


    I think is it. :)






  15. Little example:





    -    script    Example#1    FAKE_NPC,{
        // Will execute to 21:00 o'clock.
        // Format: 'OnClock<Hour><Minute>:'
            // GETTIME_WEEKDAY = Week day (0 for Sunday, 6 is Saturday)
            // Additional: SUNDAY=0, MONDAY=1, TUESDAY=2, WEDNESDAY=3, THURSDAY=4, FRIDAY=5, SATURDAY=6
            // Will execute to 21:00 o'clock on sunday if variable '$@event_var_start' is 'false' (0).
            if (gettime(GETTIME_WEEKDAY) == SUNDAY && $@event_var_start == false)
                // Set variable event to 'true' (1)
                $@event_var_start = true;
                // Do something...




    Note: To GM execute or stop the event you will need manipulate variable '$@event_var_start'.

  16. Try this, It works here. :)


    prontera,155,168,5    script    Testing#1    4W_F_KAFRA2,{
        .@item_id = 502;
        .@item_cost = 20;
        query_sql "SELECT `event_points` FROM `event_rank` WHERE `id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", .@points;
        if (.@item_cost > .@points)
            // We don't have what we need.
            mes "Sorry, but you don't have " + .@item_cost + " Event Points.";
            .@result = .@points / .@item_cost;
            .@rest = .@points % .@item_cost;
            mes "You can get "+.@result+"x " + getitemname(.@item_id) + " and you will have " + .@rest + " Event Points";
            mes "You want trade?";
            if (select("Yes:No") == 2)
            getitem .@item_id, .@result;
            query_sql "UPDATE `event_rank` SET `event_points` = '"+.@rest+"' WHERE `id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'";
            mes "Here it is";


    Note: You will need change 'getcharid(3)' to 'getcharid(0)' if you want save character number id, because 'getcharid(3)' save account number id.

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