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Everything posted by Sephus

  1. So with the release of Item Options System I had created a demo NPC with a small number of options to test the system out or be used as a full fledged NPC. Configuration /** * General Configuration */ /* Chance of the enhancement process to fail. (0 - 99 in percent) */ .chance_of_failure = 10; /* Delete the item on failure? (true/false) */ .delete_on_failure = true; /* Required amount of zeny for a try. */ .zeny_requirement = 100; /* Minimum amount of the bonus value. * For negative effects or certain bonuses that require negative values * Maximum possible value is -INT16_MAX) */ .minimum_bonus_amount = -100; // usually used with delay bonus options, although not provided in the script. /* Maximum amount of the bonus value. * Maximum possible value is INT16_MAX */ .maximum_bonus_amount = 100; /* Disable selection of bonus value (true/false) */ .enable_random_bonus = false; /* Item Option Descriptions */ setarray(.options$[0], "Max HP", "Max SP", "STR", "AGI", "VIT", "INT", "DEX", "LUK"); /* Item Option Constants */ setarray(.option_constants[0], VAR_MAXHPAMOUNT, VAR_MAXSPAMOUNT, VAR_STRAMOUNT, VAR_AGIAMOUNT, VAR_VITAMOUNT, VAR_INTAMOUNT, VAR_DEXAMOUNT, VAR_LUKAMOUNT); end; File v1.0 item_options.txt Let me know what you think! Enjoy~!
  2. Introducing the Item Options System! Commit https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/974222a8d3f189083205bf5d330de04a43226ad3 Feature Information The Item Option System is a feature that was implemented in 2015-02-26 clients, allowing equipments to have up to 5 additional effects similar to cards or enchants. Each equipment is capable of having 5 information bars above the card slot/enchant bar that describes the effect of the option it is infused with. New Script Commands (The following snippet is available in doc/script_commands.txt.) *getequipisenableopt(<equipment slot>) This function checks if the equipped item allows the use of bonus options. Returns 1 if allowed, 0 if not. --------------------------------------- *getequippedoptioninfo(<info_type>); This function is to be used with the scripts of contents listed in db/item_options.conf only. Returns the value of the current equipment being parsed. If the equip was not found or the type is invalid, -1 is returned. --------------------------------------- *getequipoptioninfo(<equip_index>,<slot>,<type>); Gets the option information of an equipment. <equipment_index> For a list of equipment indexes see getequipid(). <option_slot> can range from 1 to MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS <type> can be IT_OPT_INDEX (the ID of the option bonus, @see "Id" or "Name" in db/item_options.conf) or IT_OPT_VALUE (the value of the bonus script of the equipment, @see "Script" in db_item_options.conf). returns the value of the slot if exists or -1 for invalid slot, type or slots. --------------------------------------- *setequipoption(<equip_index>,<slot>,<opt_index>,<value>); Set an equipment's option index or value for the specified option slot. <equipment_index> For a list of equipment indexes see getequipid(). <option_slot> can range from 1 to MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS <type> can be IT_OPT_INDEX (the ID of the option bonus, @see "Id" or "Name" in db/item_options.conf) <value> The value of the type to be set. returns 0 if value couldn't be set, 1 on success. Release Notes This system allows the infusing of equipments with bonus item options. This feature is constrained to clients of packet versions greater than or equal to 20150226. Item Options and their effects are defined server-side in db/item_options.conf and client side in data/luafiles514/lua files/datainfo/addrandomoptionnametable.lub The ID of the option must tally with the correct index of the description provided in the client side file. IT_OPT_* keys and MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS macro are also exported from the source as constants. If you wish to disable item options for certain (equipment) items, an additional flag `disable_options` has been added to the item sql tables, and as `DisableOptions: true/false (boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!)` to the item_db.conf files. Documentation is provided for script commands. If upgrading, don't forget to run the sql upgrade files! Credits A big thanks to all the reviewers that helped make the code closer to perfection. - Emistry, dastgir, MishimaHaruna, Jedzkie, Ridley8819, Asheraf, 4144. Style and Script Fixes by Asheraf (https://github.com/Asheraf) Initial design Idea in rAthena commit.
  3. You can add this to the issue tracker on github.
  4. Thanks for reporting, these should now be fixed.
  5. There is no specific episode that Hercules is on, but this might help - https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/milestones
  6. Hey all, So I've worked on a difference checker between the fields of some rAthena and Hercules database files. This could help people or devs or users do quick lookups for differences. Key Features The differences are listed in libconfig format to make things easier for people trying to merge or lookup entries between rAthena and Hercules. It lists only the differences if any. (Except ID and Name field for quick lookups). Repository: https://github.com/Smokexyz/Hercules-vs-rAthena Currently supported files - db/pre-re/mob_db.conf db/pre-re/item_db.conf db/pre-re/skill_db.conf db/re/mob_db.conf db/re/item_db.conf db/re/skill_db.conf TODO Add support for more files. Automate checks and updates to repository. If you have any suggestions for files or format do let me know. If you want to report errors, please feel free to open an issue on the repository page.
  7. https://github.com/S...c5f5bc994d174a2 Release of Hercules Battlegrounds 1.0a (alpha) - Added base support for battleground statistics (including sql). - Completed configurations file and settings. - Fixed crashing of map on player logout. (Thanks to those that reported). - Cleanup of several code-blocks, optimization and code-styling. - Fixed errors thrown by exceeding def/mdef values for pre-re configuration. - Fixed data store type mismatch error. (Thanks to those that reported). This is the initial alpha and stable release of the Hercules Battlegrounds plugin. Topic updated. Documentation has been moved to the readme section of the repository. Thank you to those that tested and submitted core dumps.
  8. Maybe @Ridley can code this in with his clan implementation.
  9. you may check the guidelines and criteria here - http://herc.ws/board/contactus/ Do I need to fix some emulator bug to apply for the Development spot? Is there a specific number of fixes? Yes you do (for developer positions). There is no fixed number, just go about making fixes and submit your application for the team to decide whether you're suitable or not for the position.
  10. Preview of the achievements and the achievement window working on Hercules (All official content, no customizations - although supported in my implementation.)
  11. you may check the guidelines and criteria here - http://herc.ws/board/contactus/
  12. something similar to http://herc.ws/board/topic/14232-episode-system/ Seems like a very useful thing to have. Could also give Hercules a unique twist.
  13. Sephus


    Hello and welcome to Hercules!
  14. Taking shelter in a code-storm.

  15. This can be reported in github issues for a quicker reference.
  16. It might as well be a plugin then.
  17. It does sound cool. If it's official, I may work on it.
  18. If you're trying to use a later client, I would recommend 20150513. It seems to be the most stable. Make sure your packet keys are correct or disable the obfuscation check altogether. Either way, a basic hercules setup takes nothing more than 10 minutes if you have the client ready (the client, a working data folder to compliment it and dastgir+michieru's translations from their repo - That's it).
  19. I have to disagree here. The new libconfig system would without a doubt make it much easier to add custom options for all components in Hercules. You can read the entry structure for each of them to understand how elaborate and flexible they are. The new configs are also a lot more legible as opposed to txt files with random characters separated by commas.
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