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Everything posted by Triedge

  1. Triedge


    Why don't use plugin directly? No compile... u_u
  2. I would edit the countdown of SC_effects. reviewing the code I have seen that the counter is the file: "SI_POSTDELAY" in status.h show: SI_POSTDELAY = 46, en lua files show: EFST_POSTDELAY = 46, EFST_GDSKILL_POSTDELAY = 175, EFST_HALLUCINATIONWALK_POSTDELAY = 335, But I find nothing in stateiconimginfo.lub So not edit that file to achieve certain changes. More than anything, I want to change the color or the way it displays the duration.
  3. Triedge


    Using rAthena?... Nop. Hercules. Implemented manually! Finish!
  4. Triedge


    I can not make it work. Currently I'm trying to add it to SRC manually.
  5. Triedge


    this work in the last revision?
  6. @@Dastgir used client 2015-05-13aRagexe.exe temp bug fix with: void clif_quest_send_list(struct map_session_data *sd){ int fd = sd->fd; int i;/*#if PACKETVER >= 20141022 int info_len = 15; int len = sd->avail_quests*info_len+8; WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x97a;#else*/ int info_len = 5; int len = sd->avail_quests*info_len+8; WFIFOHEAD(fd,len); WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2b1;//#endif WFIFOW(fd, 2) = len; WFIFOL(fd, 4) = sd->avail_quests; for (i = 0; i < sd->avail_quests; i++) { #if PACKETVER >= 20141022 struct quest_db *qi = quest->db(sd->quest_log[i].quest_id); #endif WFIFOL(fd, i*info_len+8) = sd->quest_log[i].quest_id; WFIFOB(fd, i*info_len+12) = sd->quest_log[i].state; #if PACKETVER >= 20141022 WFIFOL(fd, i*info_len+13) = sd->quest_log[i].time - qi->time; WFIFOL(fd, i*info_len+17) = sd->quest_log[i].time; WFIFOW(fd, i*info_len+21) = qi->objectives_count; #endif } WFIFOSET(fd, len);}
  7. Crash client when you have 2 active quest. Example: prontera,162,183,4 script Test 850,{mes "select";next;switch(select("Option 3255:Option 3261:Option 9032")){ case 1: setquest 3255; break; case 2: setquest 3261; break; case 3: setquest 9032; break;}close; Select 2 o more Quest. close Client. enter again to game. Select Character with 2 or more quest active. CRASH!
  8. This work, but the window is very small. Is it possible to open the window to a predetermined size?
  9. Packet First Key Encryption Packet Second Key Encryption Packet Third Key Encryption Work in 2015-05-13aRagexe.exe?
  10. I can confirm ~ and Enforce Official Login still black login screen tested on 2015-05-13aRagexe I do not use 'Enforce Official Login'.
  11. Bugs in las revision. -Ignore Missing Files(no work, no can patch) -Only First/Seond Login Background(No work)
  12. I like the bar of HP of monsters. My only problem is that the bar is always displayed. Originally only monstraba HP bar if the monster takes damage, now HP is permanent bar, the bar showing all monsters on the screen. use / monsterhp effectively removes HP bar, but I want it to look the bar HP if the monster takes damage.
  13. A Database Error OccurredError Number: 1222The used SELECT statements have a different number of columnsSELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db2` ON `item_db2`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`) UNION (SELECT * FROM (`tcp_shop`) JOIN `item_db_re` ON `item_db_re`.`id`=`tcp_shop`.`item_id`)) a ORDER BY `name_japanese` asc LIMIT 0, 10Filename: F:AppServwwwcorasystemdatabaseDB_driver.phpLine Number: 330 Solved. Just adding Bindonequip to item_db2 In application/controller/shop.php if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'item_db.type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } } Change for: if(isset($_GET['cat'])) { switch($_GET['cat']) { case 'consume': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(0,2,11,18)); break; case 'head': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1,256,257,512,513,768,769)); break; case 'weapon': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(5)); break; case 'shield': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(32)); break; case 'armor': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(16)); break; case 'robe': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(4)); break; case 'shoes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(64)); break; case 'accessories': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(8,128,136)); break; case 'pets': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(7,8)); break; case 'cards': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(6)); break; case 'costumes': $cond = array('index'=>'equip_locations','val'=>array(1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144,7168,8192)); case 'misc': $cond = array('index'=>'type','val'=>array(3,10)); break; } }
  14. Eso no ayuda mucho... Si me dijeran "Paga este servicio, suscribete a tal lugar, contacta a este promotor, etc..." eso si seria ayuda.
  15. Bueno, bueno... solo explicaron los problemas... pero la pregunta es... ¿que hacer para tener una buena base de jugadores al iniciar?
  16. Muchas veces me he topado con esta situacion. Hay 2 servidores. Uno le pone su maximo esfuerzo y agrega contenido propio. Inicia su servidor y... no pasa de 20 usuarios. El 2° servidor, solo bajo el emulador, cambio los rates y activo los npc custom por default.... y el primer dia de apertura supera los 300 online. ¿Que tiene que hacer un servidor justo antes de iniciar? Una campaña publicitaria es buena, pero... ¿Que hay que hacer? ¿A quien recurrir? ¿Existe algo que el 2° servidor haga?
  17. data.grf es claramente la base de todo el juego. Mas en cambio, rdata es la data para los servidores Renewal en modo prueba... antes de ser oficialmente implementados en los servidores oficiales Si llevas tiempo en el Ragnarok, antes existia el sdata.grf sdara.grf era de Sakray... Tecnicamente no hay diferencia entre usar data junto con rdata.grf PERO.... a menos que tu servidor desee tener lo mas actual de Ragnarok y su cliente este al dia, es indispensable tener rdata.grf ya que... normalmente ahi es donde van colocando lo mas nuevo del ragnarok.
  18. 2015-04 DAMN!!!! Wish it could have some undiff version. be compatible with nemo or some way to make a diff. or just help the crownfunding here I do not understand. It is to pay a custom client or to help a stable customer for the general public is over?
  19. @@zackdreaver What is the difference between 2014-04-16aRagexe.exe and 2014-04-16aRagexeRE.exe?
  20. Fixed with manual Hex Editor: Search: iteminfo_Sak.lub Replace with: iteminfo_Sak.lua http://roclients.info/
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