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Everything posted by Jezu

  1. For those who don't know. MIA = missing in action and also, his facebook is active. I'll try to reach him via PM.
  2. Since Ind resign, some of his works are now in queue and some RO features are not progressing.
  3. After playing a lot of hours, days and weeks in Tree of Savior. I just realize, what if, we port some In-game features of ToS to Ragnarok Online? is this possible on our current emulator? Attributes (somewhat passive skill on ToS): +1% Skill Damage per attributes level. For example: Bash Lv 10. Add 1% Skill Damage per Attributes Level. Can be learned via NPC and has a cooldown of XX minutes to level up again using Cash Points or Zeny. Up to Level: 100 Total of 200% Skill Damage on Bash. and so on.. EXP Card (i know this is surely possible): Lv1 EXP Card - Gives XXX Exp and XXX Class Exp Lv2 EXP Card - Gives XXXX Exp and XXXX Class Exp and so on up to Lv10.. Socket Enchant (already in Ragnarok): Live Market Place: This NPC can BUY or SELL your items LIVE. and more to add, I'll keep playing to check more of this features in Tree of Savior like Gem Level, Card System, and more.
  4. No more digest from August - September ?
  5. Jezu

    Tree of Savior

    Yeah. The game is super lag at all. But let's wait for the open beta, I think there's a lot of reports about that on ToS. But all in all, the game is so amazing! Even the quest is not so boring unlike other MMO's. You can even abandon the quest (just like the RO1) if you want to grind for level only, but I'm sure the quest is best for leveling since the EXP card is giving a lot of XP/JEXP.
  6. Jezu

    Tree of Savior

    Tree of Savior Client files.. Similar to Ragnarok Client /no1
  7. +1 rep for this old script! a lot Master Annie!
  8. How about the card drops? I didn't see it on the Drop List.. Edit: nvm
  9. Keep releasing.. and you will be acknowledged by your name and your works. just like dastgir and other respected members here..
  10. @@SinjiPrasetio Thanks for the effort bro.. looking forward to this project! /no1
  11. go to /src/config/renewal.h lagyan mo ng // yung #define RENEWAL ganito na dapat kalabasan //#define RENEWAL
  12. and I hope this can be applied on our ragexe clients xD. note : that is not a 3D. they call it Inking where a characters have a black lines draw like a Manga. Super + 999 for this! :/no1:
  13. Jezu

    WASD Movement.

    League of legends is a mouse click + keyboard movement
  14. Farewell to our super awesome developer... I hope those pending features of Hercules will stay in progress.
  15. Hello my fellow Hercules members, The migration of Philippine Ragnarok Online is now up! Migrate your accounts now. Link: https://romigrate.levelupgames.ph/ Note: Everyone should secure their accounts to be able to migrate in iRO. Also, please be informed that the end of migration is on April 15, 2015 (PH Time - 11:59PM) pRO Migration to Warpportal FAQ: http://www.levelupgames.ph/main/philippine-ragnarok-online-migration-to-warpportal-faqs/
  16. - if the servers are from Los Angeles, Las Vegas, US, the common ping range @ 170ms ~ 250ms. - if it's asia-based, the ping range @ 50ms ~ 120ms.
  17. Hello, To help you get this work, go to main/config/application.php then, edit
  18. I'm so excited to try this one! Very useful and boredom killer! Thanks a lot Dastgir!
  19. I heard, accounts will be transferred but not the equips, cards and items, and they will increase fhe xp and drops for the time being.
  20. Good day to all of you guys! A sad news here in philippines that Ragnarok Online Philippine service will be close at March 31, 2015 - The death of pRO meet it's end. source: http://ragnarok.levelupgames.ph/main/philippine-ragnarok-online-moves-to-a-new-home/
  21. Going to test this now! Thanks for the info GmOcean!
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