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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. This code used to make for rAthena serrver.Now i change it to use with Hercules but its not work. Someone can help me pls!!!Sorry, my English is bad, i hope you can understand me 

    Actually, this should not work with rA, since acc_reg_num_db doesn't exist in rA, 

    and I don't see any problem in the script, except if $server variable is not set properly

  2. 1 - Why are people using 2013 clients? 

    Because it is a good client.


    2 - Is there any updated client (2014+)? 

    2014-02-05 seems stable for me, but most people ignore using it, since it requires updated data folder.



    3 - How can I use 2014 clients? Are there diffpatchers for them? 

    Download Client from: k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/ and use NEMO Patcher for diffing the Client.



     - In case there is no diffpatcher for 2014 clients, how can I adapt the 2013 diffpatchers to work with 2014 clients? 

    NEMO Patcher works till 2014-02-05(from my testings)




    Are the clients released by K3dt and other members the same as the kRO ragexe?  

    They are the same, except kRO Protects it(packing it via Themida), while k3dt unpacks it, so we can apply hex modifications

    Do they actually copy them and rename to the update date they correspond to release them to the community, or is there any kind of "modification" these ragexe receive so they become the date-ragexe.exe? 

    We Unpack it, so we can apply Hex Modifications

  3. Theres only 2 well known now(AFAIK),

    Harmony and internalguard

    Harmony: dead for years, still you can buy it, but if anything goes wrong on installing, or some problems, you have to solve it yourself. New cheats can be bypassed, since it have no updates no far.

    IG: New Guard and have constant development so far, but its new, that means, it may not be able to protect you fully.

  4. 1) if website refers to a control panel, here's what some normal cp have,

    player login and register, server status(on or off) , server info(total player online, total zeny in server),(fluxcp have total accounts and total chars too), WoE Status and Time, item database search, mob database search, who's online, view castle occupied(shows which guild occupied which castle), vote for points and cms, rankings(zeny, character, guild)

    some advanced cp have features like:

    player of the month display, guild of the month, some rankings(battleground, pvp, gvg, woe, homunculous, taekwon)


    2)admin panel:

    It should be able to view all account details, and when click on account id, should show the characters it have and its items, storage and guild storage items, ability to ban account, and ban ip, view all logs(formatted to good format, since our log sql uses one word, like P for Pick), view cp logs of other staff.

    check fluzcp, so you get idea of basic cp that is required.


    3)check 1st point of mine, also in v4p, if there's a way to know whether player has inputted the capthcha, it would be nice.

  5. is asurahosting totally closed? I cant check their facebook page anymore it says that the page has been deleted its almost 3 weeks   :sob:

    Asurahosting is been down from 3 weeks.

    FB Page is Deleted.

    And there's no reply from Edward.

    so its closed! but who knows if it comes back or not.



    have you tried using @itemlist and check if you have the actual egg?

    yep, but no egg displayed on the list :/ it's like the server can't create a egg.

    Finally I solved the problem, the sql insert script  for create the pets the incubate parameter is wrote like "incuvate" no "incubate", for know I changed the database column name, I don't know if in the repository version is already fixed, here is the server log:



    : DB error - Unknown column 'incuvate' in 'field list'
    [Debug]: at int_pet.c:43 - INSERT INTO `pet` (`class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incuvate`) VALUES ('1029', 'Isis', '0', '0', '47', '9021', '0', '250', '100', '0', '1')

    you are using old hercules with new sql-files, that causes the problem.



    I have a suggestion for it: make it doesn't remove commented lines from file =P

    A bit tricky but I will try it.


    also what about making it support translating of item_info.lua as well? I mean, copy item name and description from id* files and change it at item_info? that would be so much awesome lol =D

    it supports from iteminfo.lua too, just instead of putting idnum2***.txt put iteminfo.lua (The tool recognizes the file by extension, if its txt, it goes to check idnum format, if its lua or lub, it goes to check iteminfo format)


    Post that line from npc.c (1432)


    From line 1429 to 1435

    	if ( SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtPrepare(stmt, "SELECT `name`, `itemid`, `amount` FROM `%s`", map->npc_market_data_db)		|| SQL_ERROR == SQL->StmtExecute(stmt)		) {		SqlStmt_ShowDebug(stmt);		SQL->StmtFree(stmt);		return;	} 

    SqlStmt_ShowDebug(stmt); <<< Line 1432

    that means map->npc_market_data_db is empty

    So check if you have following lines in map.c: Line 3659 (if its without any source edits)

    else if(strcmpi(w1,"npc_market_data_db")==0)			strcpy(map->npc_market_data_db, w2);

    and in inter-server.conf: Line 130 or around that


    npc_market_data_db: npc_market_data 

    if not, that means you have not updated it properly, so maybe update it via git(which is the most preferred way) or get a new revision


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