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Posts posted by Dastgir



    i just compiled using VC++ 2010 express.

    at first it is worked.


    after i shut down my pc, and turn it on several hour later, i try to run the server.

    this time all 3 server stopped right after i try to start them.


    what can i do ?

    Maybe your MySQL is turned off..

    or run command prompt, go to your hercules directory and run this


    map-server.exe > map-server.log
    and show us map-server.log contents.

    here map-server.log :


    [status]: Memory manager initialised: log/map-server.exe.leaks
                     Hercules Development Team presents                
                    _   _                     _                        
                   | | | |                   | |                          
                   | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___              
                   |  _  |/ _ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __|                
                   | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/__                
                   _| |_/___|_|  ___|__,_|_|___||___/                
    [info]: Hercules 32-bit for Windows
    [info]: Git revision (src): '80cccfbc241f2ee566b43c5f577ca63abe6e1e86'
    [info]: Git revision (scripts): '80cccfbc241f2ee566b43c5f577ca63abe6e1e86'
    [info]: OS version: 'Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (build 7601) [x86_64]'
    [info]: CPU: 'x86_64 CPU, Family 6, Model 42, Stepping 7 [4]'
    [info]: Compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (v1600)
    [info]: Compile Flags: N/A

    Any error or warning on command prompt? My best guess is you have invalid user/pass for MySQL(or mysql isn't running) or maybe some missing files in conf folder...

  2. Hello guys, well, I have a problem to run on windows operating system hexed 8 64bit whenever I click to open nothing happens, I can hear the sound error but nothing appears on the screen, anyone know what might be and how to fix it?



    Thank you enough already!

    Have you compiled the server? (I can't guess any other solution with just this much information...)

  3. i just compiled using VC++ 2010 express.

    at first it is worked.


    after i shut down my pc, and turn it on several hour later, i try to run the server.

    this time all 3 server stopped right after i try to start them.


    what can i do ?

    Maybe your MySQL is turned off..

    or run command prompt, go to your hercules directory and run this


    map-server.exe > map-server.log

    and show us map-server.log contents.

  4. First, please don't feel strange if I make new post as suggestion here. Thank you.


    We know that on of many differences between Hercules and other emu is on item_db.conf. I feel 'the new' format file & item_db structure can provides some item_db values that currently are separated, like item_buyingstore.txt, item_delay.txt, item_trade.txt, item_nouse.txt, item_stack.txt, and item_avail.txt.


    I have suggestion to move those separated file to item_db.conf format:

    • Buyingstore: Yes //item_buyingstore.txt
    • Delay: <duration> //item_delay.txt
    • Trade: <flag>,<override> //item_trade.txt
    • Nouse: <flag>,<override> //item_nouse.txt
    • Stack: <amount>,<flag> //item_stack.txt
    • Sprite: <item_id> //item_avail.txt

    When those files are merged, then, the sql table for item_db can stores those values too.

    And maybe, later some db files can be merge to be one file like mob_db, skill, item creation, etc.


    (actually I'm doing something on 'other' emu related SQL - TXT databases then found that Herc's item_db.conf the only one can merges some separated item dbs)

    Everyone is welcome to give suggestion :)

    +1 For Additional options on item_db.conf.

  5. Sorry for double post, but we have changed client to see if that worked (also properly set the packetver to the correct date and recompiled), but she still can't connect while we can, even with the new client.


    As mentioned in my above post, telnet doesn't give her command promt nor the server console/promt a message.

    Blank screen means, her pc is able to connect to that IP and port properly, so its absolutely clientside error, which you might have overlooked.

  6. Is this currently counting all player kills and not only the ones that happen in woe?

    Not sure if this is meant to be a woe ranking or more of a general guild ranking, in which case you could have stuff like mvps killed by guild affect ranking too (suggestion)?

    Its Guild Ranking, so all kills are currently counted..


    This is the result:


    [root@xxxx Desktop]# telnet 142 xx.xx.xx 6900
    Usage: telnet [-8] [-E] [-L] [-S tos] [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e char] [-l user]
    [-n tracefile] [-b hostalias ] [-r] 
     [host-name [port]]
    [root@xxxx Desktop]# telnet 142 xx.xx.xx 6121
    Usage: telnet [-8] [-E] [-L] [-S tos] [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e char] [-l user]
    [-n tracefile] [-b hostalias ] [-r] 
     [host-name [port]]
    [root@xxxx Desktop]# telnet 142 xx.xx.xx 5121
    Usage: telnet [-8] [-E] [-L] [-S tos] [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e char] [-l user]
    [-n tracefile] [-b hostalias ] [-r] 
     [host-name [port]]
    I helped her again in teamviewer, installed everything, and still she can't connect. =/ I'm just 100% sure that it's not a client-side misconfiguration.

    please do those commands from her PC at command prompt, and why you have put space after 142, Format is "telnet IP Port"




    The login and char servers are silent. With that I am referring to the fact that there is no "request connection of account blah blah" message which usually occurs when someone tries to connect.

    try 'telnet ip.xx.xx.xx port' of any of the server if the server receive unknown connect then client file is the problem and solution


    I don't really understand this part. the 'telnet ip.xx.xx.xx port', is it a command I need to run? Also, the servers IP or her IP?


    run it in command prompt or on "run" of windows.

    Put Server IP and port of any one server(char/login/map)

    example: "telnet 6121"

  9. No it's an entirely different plan because it's only for testing purpose.


    RO standard 512 from AsuraHosting: https://asurahosting.com/index.php?/cart/ro-standard/


    On a similar note, I am using the (RO 1024) plan for the other host that she can connect to... /hmm

    I recommend you to check her RO folder, she might have some other servers, or check clientinfo.xml that she is having, it might have something else..

  10. I have problems in the description of guild member, is presenting some characters "strangers"









    I'm Use rAthena Revision 17704 and Data Folder/Hexed 2013-08-07

    maybe langtype problem? try changing langtype to 0 or 1, or post your clientinfo.xml


    @Mhalicot, I think it should be in Client-Side support..

  11. dance.c:23: warning: implicit declaration of function 'rand'


    using uptodate hercules and dastgir updated src.


    #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>#include "../common/HPMi.h"#include "../map/clif.h"#include "../map/atcommand.h"#include "../map/script.h"#include "../map/pc.h"#include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h"HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo ={    "@dance",		// Plugin name    SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with?    "0.1b",			// Plugin version    HPM_VERSION,	// HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)};ACMD(dance){int msg;msg = rand()%9;switch(msg){	case 0:	case 1:	case 3:	case 5:	case 7:	case 9:		clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 400, ALL_CLIENT);		if (msg==0 || msg==1) {clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 413, ALL_CLIENT);}		else if(msg==3){clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 415, ALL_CLIENT);}		else if(msg==5){clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 458, ALL_CLIENT);}		else if(msg==7){clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 501, ALL_CLIENT);}		else{clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 550, ALL_CLIENT);}		break;	case 2:	case 4:	case 6:	case 8:		clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 300, ALL_CLIENT);		if (msg==2){clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 414, ALL_CLIENT);}		else if (msg==4){ clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 426, ALL_CLIENT); }		else if (msg==6){ clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 466, ALL_CLIENT); }		else { clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 540, ALL_CLIENT); }	}return true;}/* Server Startup */HPExport void plugin_init (void){	clif = GET_SYMBOL("clif");	atcommand = GET_SYMBOL("atcommand");	script = GET_SYMBOL("script");	skill = GET_SYMBOL("skill");	addAtcommand("dance",dance);}

    Try it..

  12. accessoryid.lub





    you are missing one S

    Should be



  13. @reloadsript speed depends upon your VPS speed, I guess ram and VPS I/O Speed and most important, the amount of scripts that is going to be loaded. 


    I have a low-end VPS , but still, in that it takes 2-3 seconds for reloadscript(which is kinda very low)..



    Sir I'm getting reject from server when choosing a character... please help meee. T_T

    any map-server error? 


    I don't have but I think the source is the packet that i'm using... I changed my client version then I've got that error... How do I fix this?

    and also how to change the language to english?


    Thank You.


    Edit src/common/mmo.h

    #define PACKETVER 20131223

    Change 20131223 to your client date.

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