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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Incorrect item description :


    written :


    1. Novice Mace

        Weight : 80


    2. Novice Adventurer's Suit

        Weight : 30


    3. Novice Red Potion

        Weight : 0


    It should be :


    1. Novice Mace

        Weight : 0


    2. Novice Adventurer's Suit

        Weight : 0


    3. Novice Red Potion

        Weight : 1

    Novice Mace(1545) Weight is already mentioned as 0 ("Weight: ^^7777770^000000",)

    Other 2, Fixed it @r111


    is probably off by a line.
    Line 1924: Over 85% Weight##
    should be 
    Line 1925: Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.#
    Line 1774: Nothing found in the selected map.#
    should be
    Line 1775: You cannot equip this item with your current level.#



    also probably the reason of this issue


    This is File: 2013-08-07aRagexe-msgstringtable.txt (Extracted directly from 2013-08-07 client without any mods), you can match the lines, (and it matches)

    so probably he's using new/old client with different msgstringtable.txt


    You should actually give a chance to it, since it's more like a win-win situation. Only drawback is that it's possible (not sure) that item parsing will be few milliseconds slower, but gives lots of advantages worth to give a test in.


    Yes. in fact im working on it. Since i do have both rA and Herc. but still giving me a hard time. Hehe. Thanks! :)

    You should actually give a try to use item_db.conf, since its easy to use + easy to understand..

  4. You can use 2012 client with 2014 data.grf(Its yet, 2 years newer, so you can use it..) but you can't use 2014 Client with 2012 data.grf(Since, its 2 years old GRF)



    About using 2014 Clients: Its good until your players are updating, (or if they have some common error like replay interface, cart error, you can include those in your GRF), so it would work fine with Small Client Too..

  5. seems like misconfiguration on server side (Rejected by the server) , once you get that rejected from server error, get a screenshot of all 3 consoles(map/char/login) and post here..


    NO MSG means you don't have msgstringtable inside your GRF

    2013 clients doesn't read data folder, so you have to pack clientinfo.xml in your grf loaded by DATA.ini

  6. The error message when lauching 2013*ragexe.exe





    Now the error message in the console of login-server :



    Import sql-files/logs.sql into ragnarok database solve the debug message, but still unable to connect to the server.using YourRO.exe


    For run ragexe, i need use Loki launcher ? I try but require ragexe_patched... what is this ?


    I confirm, YourRO.exe ignore clientinfo.xml

    You need to diff the client(hex the client) to support DATA.ini and multiple GRF, you can use Nemo Patcher: (http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/page-1)


    Loki Launcher and R.O.L.E.X are Client Launchers (Needed when you diff your client with 'SSO Login Enabled')


    ragexe_patched is the diffed version of ragexe, which is the one you are gonna used after diffing ragexe.exe


    About LoginLog Table Error: Refer http://herc.ws/board/topic/5590-test-server-cant-connect-client-sql-error/ 


    (I am kinda confused with your post, you said its giving error and not starting and sometimes you say, it gets Rejected from server, and sometime you say its not reading clientinfo.xml)


    we would have to save those item_trade and all those in sql's too if we decide to centralize them. which is good. FluxCP can be extended :wub: , to show that its available on buyingstore, and its non-tradable, and all those..

    yup, that's my idea in "other world", so we can put some sperated item db files for item_db table, can be used for CP.

    I already done this sql thing in "other world", also fine in testing.


    Seems, I can try that on Herc too, and try make .diff or PR maybe

    I have the server-side part ready(so, i maybe will open pull request), to read all things, but SQL part is not done till now...

  8. we would have to save those item_trade and all those in sql's too if we decide to centralize them. which is good. FluxCP can be extended :wub: , to show that its available on buyingstore, and its non-tradable, and all those..


    I dont know what's the problem with this :( can someone give me a solution about this problem?


    Critical ErrorAn error was encountered during the lifetime of the application.This could be due to a variety of problems, such as a bug in the application.However, normally it is caused by misconfiguration.Exception DetailsError: PDOExceptionMessage: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1129] Host 'hosted23.nfoservers.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'File: /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php:81File	Line	Function/Method/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php	81	PDO::__construct()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php	94	Flux_Connection::connect()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php	159	Flux_Connection::getConnection()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/modules/install/index.php	17	Flux_Connection::getStatement()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php	337	include()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php	168	Flux_Template::render()/usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/index.php	176	Flux_Dispatcher::dispatch()Exception Trace As String#0 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(81): PDO->__construct(*hidden*)#1 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(94): Flux_Connection->connect(Object(Flux_Config))#2 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Connection.php(159): Flux_Connection->getConnection()#3 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/modules/install/index.php(17): Flux_Connection->getStatement('SELECT VERSION(...')#4 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Template.php(337): include('/usr/www/uprisi...')#5 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/lib/Flux/Dispatcher.php(168): Flux_Template->render()#6 /usr/www/uprisingvalk/public/cp/index.php(176): Flux_Dispatcher->dispatch(Array)#7 {main}



    Error says the solution..

    Log into Putty and execute

    mysqladmin flush-hosts


    login into MySQL and execute following command:



    #KAFRAPOINTS and #CASHPOINTS in the global_reg_value table of your database.





    i can not found global_reg_value table in my database.


    i found :

    1. global_acc_reg_num_db and

    2. global_acc_reg_str_db


    which one is the correct one ?

    its not from both of them

    Those #CASHPOINTS and #KAFRAPOINTS variables are stored in



  11. I wonder why Ghostring and other mini-boss card are not boss(mini) on fluxCP ?








    the ghostring card drop rate in panel should be 0.05% too ?

    About MvP and mini-boss, we don't have any settings in mob_db to set mini-boss, its also an MvP (correct if I am wrong.)

    and about Drop Rate: it checks the drop rate from sql directly, and it is affected by the following settings on config/servers.php

    'DropRates' => array(					// The rate the common items (in the ETC tab, besides card) are dropped					'Common'      => 100,					'CommonBoss'  => 100,					// The rate healing items (that restore HP or SP) are dropped					'Heal'        => 100,					'HealBoss'    => 100,					// The rate usable items (in the item tab other then healing items) are dropped					'Useable'     => 100,					'UseableBoss' => 100,					// The rate at which equipment is dropped					'Equip'       => 100,					'EquipBoss'   => 100,					// The rate at which cards are dropped					'Card'        => 100,					'CardBoss'    => 100,					// The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory					'MvpItem'     => 100				),

  12. Got a problem where when using skills like hiding, cloaking, or any other skill like that, the sprite turns pure black, and everyone can still see it. Not sure where this error could have been caused, any ideas?


    EDIT: Forgot to mention, using clientver 2013-12-23, and data/rdata are both fully up to date.

    you might have intravision enabled (ex: maya card)

  13. I used exactly same solution. but it keeps long screen yet.

    Pack the msgstringtable.txt into the First GRF that is been loaded by DATA.ini.

    eg. DATA.ini looks like


    then, you should pack the grf into "FirstGRF.grf" and not in "YourRO.grf"

    since the first one is given priority, and it might happen that first one is having msgstringtable already, so its not reading msgstringtable form YourRO.grf.

  14. -	script	hourlypoints	-1,{OnPCLoginEvent:	if(#limit == 1) { 			dispbottom "You have already reached the maximum points per day.";			dispbottom "Wait until the next day for the timer to start."; 			}	else { dispbottom "Hourly Points has been initiated in this account.";}	set #Clock,#minute;	set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24) + (gettime(8) * 24) + gettime(3);// this will set time of origional loging		if(.@i >= (#LastClock + .ResetHours)){			set #LastClock,.@i;			set #Clock,0;		} else { set #minute,#Clock; }	attachnpctimer();	startnpctimer();	end;OnTimer60000:	if(#limit == 1) { stopnpctimer(); }	else {	setarray .@h_maps$[0],"vend_zone","vip_lounge";		for (set .@a, 0; .@a < getarraysize(.@h_maps$); set .@a, .@a + 1) {			if(strcharinfo(3) == .@h_maps$[.@a]) {						dispbottom "Hourly points is restricted in this map.";						dispbottom "Please change map and relog if you wish to continue Hourly points.";						stopnpctimer();						end;			}		}	set #minute, #minute + 1;	if(#minute == 60){				set .point_amt, 1;				set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .point_amt;				dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Free Donation points for staying in-game for 1 hour";				dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Donation Points";				}	if(#minute == 120){				set .point_amt, 2;				set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .point_amt;				dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Free Donation points for staying in-game for 2 hours";				dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Donation Points";				}	if(#minute == 240){				set .point_amt, 4;				set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .point_amt;				dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Free Donation points for staying in-game for 4 hours";				dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Donation Points";				}	if(#minute == 480){				set #minute,0;				set #limit,1;				set .point_amt, 13;				set #KAFRAPOINTS, #KAFRAPOINTS + .point_amt;				dispbottom "You received "+.point_amt+" Free Donation points for staying in-game for 8 hours";				dispbottom "Current Balance = "+#KAFRAPOINTS+" Free Donation Points";				sleep2 2000;				dispbottom "You have already reached the maximum points per day.";				dispbottom "Wait until 12:01 for the timer to start.";				}			stopnpctimer();			initnpctimer();	}	end;OnInit:	set .ResetHours,24;	end;OnClock0001:	query_sql "DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='#minute' OR `key`='#limit'";	//Delete all entries for offline players	query_sql "SELECT `account_id` from `char` where `online`=1", .@account_id;	for (.@i=0; .@i < getarraysize(.@account_id); .@i++){	//Delete all cached entries of online players		if (attachrid(.@account_id[.@i])){			#limit = 0;			#minute = 0;		}	}	.@size = getarraysize(.@account_id);	deletearray .@account_id[0],.@size;	initnpctimer();	end;}

    Here's the script, but too bad practice to make player online for 8 hours in a day



    Use a SQL query. On cellphone so can't specify much. Try something like this on a backup:


    DELETE FROM char_acc_reg_str where name = "#minute" OR name = "#limit"

    acc_reg_num_db, and we should also loop through active accounts and make it 0, since variables not fetched everytime and it might result in #minute to be added up.
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