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Posts posted by Dastgir


    Hello all., I tried to diff client 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe and 2014-02-05bRagexe.exe and it success, but when i try to run the exe, its missing. currently im using windows 8.1 and i check running task on taskbar, its nothing. Please help me, what to do ?


    8 Custom Window Title9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended)14 Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen (Recommended)15 Disable HShield (Recommended)19 Enable Title Bar Menu20 Extend Chat Box21 Extend Chat Room Box22 Extend PM Box24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)28 Increase Headgear ViewID32 Increase Zoom Out Max33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended)34 Enable /showname (Recommended)36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended)38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)44 Translate Client (Recommended)48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended)52 Use Custom Font53 Use Ascii on All Langtypes (Recommended)61 Disable Packet Encryption (Recommended)64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub68 Enable 64k Hairstyle69 Extend Npc Dialog Box73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)204 Increase Attack Display74 Increase Screenshot Quality210 Use Custom Icon84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)88 Allow space in guild name90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)102 Fix Tetra Vortex

    maybe from "its missing" you mean its not opening.

    Possibly, you don't have clientinfo.xml in your GRF(grf and not data folder, since data folder isn't checked on those clients I think)


    That does still work inside of a script, but counts mobs instead of giving items.


    If you want all of your party members to get an item, you can try changing all


    on the script to:

    getitem <item ID>, amount;


    And you're good to go.


    Just notify me if that wasn't what you wanted.


    Hi Jabote again thank you! 


    But I still have one problem. How can I check if the the KILLER OF THE MOBS CURRENT MAP is equal to PARTY MEMEBERS LOCATION?








    Isn't it checked already?


    if ( .@map1$ == .@map2$ && distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) <= 30 ) // same map and the distance is within 30 cell range

  3. 골드PC = Gold PC, Searched in kRO itemInfo, found 204 hits.

    most of items having this as bonus

    골드PC방에서 장착 시 ATK + 10, MATK + 10.


    When equipped on GoldPC Room,Atk+10 , Matk+10


    This is long ago implemented maybe. just mileage would have been added new.


    as The VIP (extra EXP) on msgstringtable have this from months:


    %d%% (PCroom %d%% + TPLUS %d%% + Premium %d%% + %s Server %d%%)# 

  4. Add it to your resnametable.txt, that is where you can put in the duplicate map. Add the map names to your map_index.txt and maps_athena.txt and then update it with weemapcache and upload it back to your server

    resnametable.txt format is pretty easy to understand, which you can understand:



    If I am not wrong, there's 12 characters map-length limitation.


    you have to update server side files too.


    1) conf/maps.conf, enter this at the end

    map: duplicatename

    2) db/map_index.txt, enter this at the end


    Then either use WeeMapCache, or Hercules MapCache to generate mapcache

    For Using hercules mapcache, you have to update the file

    conf/grf-files.txt with the data folder location.


    For Using WeeMapCache:

    1) Download WeeMapCache

    2) Open WeeMapCache

    3) Open the Mapcache

    4) and Add the Map File there(it have option at the top)

    5) Save the Mapcache.


    That's it.

  5. There are lots of regular hosts that also offer DoS mitigation and protection, you just have to dive a bit into hosts and ask if they can offer you this protection.


    Anyways, best DoS protection is a hardware firewall.

    Yes, Hardware one is the preferred one, because it does most job before any Attack reaching the server.

    and its a cheaper than RO host(for those who think companies giving RO-VPS are cheap).


    Or Buy a DS and share it amongst other server owners :P

  6. Some Recoding for better view,

    Instead of this:

    # Base = renewalif [[ "$base" == "re" ]]; then        echo ""        echo "Lets get started.."        echo ""        echo "Inserting main.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/main.sql        echo "Done inserting main.sql..."        echo ""        echo "Inserting item_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting item_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting item_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db_re.sql."        echo ""        #echo "Inserting item_db2_re.sql..."        #mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db2_re.sql        #echo "Done inserting item_db2_re.sql."        #echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db_re.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db_re.sql..."        echo ""        echo ""        echo "Finished inserting all renewal database sql files."fi # Base = 'pre-re'if [[ "$base" == "pre-re" ]]; then        echo ""        echo "Let's get started..."        echo ""        echo "Inserting main.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/main.sql        echo "Done inserting main.sql.."        echo ""        echo "Inserting item_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting item_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db2.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db2.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db2.sql."        echo ""        echo ""        echo "Finished inserting all pre-renewal database sql files."                # User didn't enter 'pre-re' or 're'elif [[ "$base" != "pre-re" ]] && [[ "$base" != "re" ]]; then        echo "ERROR: You didn't enter 're' or 'pre-re'"        exitfi

    You can Use this:

    # Base = renewalif [[ "$base" != "pre-re" ]] && [[ "$base" != "re" ]]; then        echo "ERROR: You didn't enter 're' or 'pre-re'"        exitfi#Common Databaseecho ""echo "Let's get started..."echo ""echo "Inserting main.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/main.sqlecho "Done inserting main.sql.."echo ""echo "Inserting item_db.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db.sqlecho "Done inserting item_db.sql."echo ""echo "Inserting item_db2.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db2.sqlecho "Done inserting item_db2.sql."echo ""echo "Inserting mob_db.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db.sqlecho "Done inserting mob_db.sql."echo ""echo "Inserting mob_db2.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db2.sqlecho "Done inserting mob_db2.sql."echo ""echo "Inserting mob_skill_db.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db.sqlecho "Done inserting mob_skill_db.sql."echo ""echo "Inserting mob_skill_db2.sql..."mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db2.sqlecho "Done inserting mob_skill_db2.sql."echo ""if [[ "$base" == "pre-re" ]]; then	#Pre-Renewal		echo ""        echo "Finished inserting all pre-renewal database sql files."elif [[ "$base" == "re" ]]; then	#Renewal        echo "Inserting item_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/item_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting item_db_re.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_db_re.sql."        echo ""        echo "Inserting mob_skill_db_re.sql..."        mysql -u "$username" -h"$hostname" -p"$password" "$database" < sql-files/mob_skill_db_re.sql        echo "Done inserting mob_skill_db_re.sql..."        echo ""        echo ""        echo "Finished inserting all renewal database sql files."fi

  7. e5ESzd5.jpg











    Any Can Provide Slider1 Code, Slider2 Code And Notice Code on this patcher :( .. Thanks in Advance

    Its more of Web Related, since thor patcher only makes the notice box and directs them to website, and website does the trick of slider.

    (correct if I am wrong. :? )

  8. If pet reaches to certain level, it will change to another pet basically like pokemon.

    if baphomet jr pet reaches to level 50 > it will change to Baphomet pet Lv50 as well if possible with same intimacy as the baphomet jr before it evolved.

    Why not use homunculous?

  9. Hi guys, i have some questions about scripting, 


    1, how can i get the existing job of the player who clicked the npc? 

    (The only way I did is to select the `class` on the char table at the database then make a switch for all existing jobs so that it will display the name of the job, other way to get the job? )



    2. how can i make commands work at offline characters?



    Thank You 

    * Newbie on c++ / npc scripting *  :P

    if (Class == JobId){ blabla;}
    2) it depends on which command and how commands work, so either we need to execute query on sql, or something else.

  10. Make a Different folder, 

    make a "data" folder inside.

    and put all the files that are changed or added.


    Then Open Thor Generator, Choose file to save, and "GRF" as Type


    Choose Directory, and select the "data folder"


    and click Generate.


    you will get a .thor file, which will be less size, and put it into your patch site.

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