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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Hello again, I finally posted on github sources.

    This is a beta version in which there are no support grf, but the rest of the functionality is present. I will continue to work and soon grf Includes support and other functions that were presented in the original KPatcher.

    Link to github: Patcher

    Waiting for your suggestions and wishes.


    Nice to see old patcher resuming it progress..

    (the skin does not seem to be english)

  2. Is there any tool can translate the Name field of item_db.conf  by reference to idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt (my country ro still  read  txt file  )? Becoz  my player's native language isn't English, I need to translate them to my native language

    It can be made. (I think you should post on database request, less people see this topic)

    but after this update 8dc6717 , itemdbconverter.pl or online converter  seems no longer  compatible with new format of item_db.conf , so if there is  a tool  can translate the Name field of item_db.conf directly, non English country users would be appreciated

    Cannot understand what you mean.


    Or if you're using the latest revisions of Hercules you can also use the character-bound or account-bound item feature we recently included on the repo.


    Where is that located? item_trade.txt is has been deprecated.

    character and account bound are script-commands and atcommands


    *getitembound <item id>,<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>};*getitembound "<item name>",<amount>,<bound type>{,<account ID>};This command behaves identically to 'getitem', but the items created will bebound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items createdin this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and insome cases cannot be traded or stored.Valid bound types are: 1 - Account Bound 2 - Guild Bound 3 - Party Bound 4 - Character Bound---------------------------------------*getitembound2 <item id>,<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>,<bound type>;*getitembound2 "<item name>",<amount>,<identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>,<bound type>;This command behaves identically to 'getitem2', but the items created will bebound to the target character as specified by the bound type. All items createdin this manner cannot be dropped, sold, vended, auctioned, or mailed, and insome cases cannot be traded or stored.For a list of bound types see 'getitembound'.



    @itembound <item name/ID> <amount> <bound_type>Creates the specified item and bounds it to the account.bound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character---------------------------------------@itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>Creates an item with the given parameters (the 'cards' can be any item) and bounds it to the account.identify_flag: 0 = unidentified, 1 = identifiedattribute: 0 = not broken, 1 = brokenbound_type: 1 = Account, 2 = Guild, 3 = Party, 4 = Character

  4. Sometimes replays recorded from other people won't run. They load up but, when I press play, I get a crash to desktop. What reasons could be behind this?

    If that replay have some custom items that your grf don't have, would even crash it.

  5. 	freeloop(1);	while(@i < 9) {		set @Wrd, rand(9);		set @Repeated,0;		if (@i > 0) {			for (set @x, 0; @x < @i; set @x, @x + 1) {				if (@Wrd == @KPos[@x]) set @Repeated,1;			}		}		if (!@Repeated) {			// Set the position in the array			set @KPos[@i],@Wrd;			set @i, @i + 1;		}	}	freeloop(0);

    Just add freeloop(1) and freeloop(0) before and after that part, as shown above.




    I don't see any errors in your screen shot. or you are talking about your CMS table's width?


    Yes, also https://www.dropbox.com/s/hemt5js70yan5hh/5.png


    Is that supposed to be like that? The register image is cutted to be 1/4 of the full image.


    Maybe its your browser problem, I don't encounter any image cutting, (visited your site from image url)


    Perhaps, ah beside that, I will deal with the FluxCP later, I must finish the server first, lol.

    Eh, what do you think about me? I am a teenager that's addicted to build a non-profit community (I am choosing to build a community by making a game server and a forum) and loves classic games (that's why I choose RO rather than RF Online, RO in my country isn't really popular anymore, they're moving to RF Online, Point Blank, Dragon Nest).


    So, I am not really experienced with RO server, but when I say, I will build it, I will build it seriously, and honestly, with deep frustating, I am shame to admit that sometimes if I had no idea at all, I will copy others work (of course, without downloading but re-scripting it, myself, from scratch, only take the main idea, but still, that's not a good reason to copy others, isn't it?), as I said, I had a non-profit community, which means, our money colour isn't green, but red, lol, in another mean, low budget, perhaps I only can bought paid Guard (such as Internal Guard) and Custom Items, Events, Quests, Mobs, and Maps at low number, other things like website theme, thor theme which sometimes had incredible unbelieveable prices, very expensive.


    So, do you think my flaw project had a chance to fight in the tight RO server community? I mean, how many players I can got, if my server isn't really special.

    Beside that, do you know seller that sold lots of custom things at a low prices?

    If you get a good host, (without laggy) anyone can get good server, a Good server does not mean it should have Any Guard/ Custom Mobs or anything. Classic RO server as near to Official one would get many players too if advertised well and staff is good and game is balanced.


     Not only this release is beta, there are few important changes need to note of: You now may modify the icon, code sign after pack configuration data. Some configuration entries are deprecated. Additionally, as you can tell, script support is coming...

    Thor Patcher release(version - 2.6.*.*) is beta and can contains bug, also there is new version, which you might check.



    i know the step on using cmd prompt but im lazy to type haha.. when i use Seperate.bat nothing happens

    I cannot come and type it for you....

    you should have itemInfo.lub in the same folder as tool, and it will make new folder named "idnum" and files will be stored there.. (Please do the kindness of reading Readme, and problem should have been fixed)

    like i said nothing happend when i run lua.exe




    that's why im asking about this step:

    2)If you have lua installed, just double-click "SeperateItemInfo.lua" and it will do the work.


    and im doing this step to make it work

    3)If you don't have lua installed, open command prompt, go to "SeperateItemInfo" Folder, and type the following command "lua SeperateItemInfo.lua"

    The new guide :updated 7 hours before, says it all different.

    Make idnum tables from itemInfo:1)Copy itemInfo.lub to "SeperateItemInfo" Folder, If you have .lua, just change the extension to .lub2)If you have lua installed, just double-click "SeperateItemInfo.lua" and it will do the work.3)If you don't have lua installed, just run Seperate.bat4)The files will be stored in "idnum" folder.Note: This can even convert the compiled .lub file to idnum table

    and lua installed means this package: https://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/downloads/list




    thanks it works. but is it normal that the converted iteminfo.lub has shuffled the item order?


    just like for idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


    7933#Poison Herb Rantana#7997#Spring Stanza20#16627#Brisingamen (Trial Version) box#16883#Refined Mighty Staff Box#17139#RWC Super Scroll#18675#Green Apple Hat#19699##20723##

    It was first found values till now,I updated it to serialize it by ItemID, try out the new version.

    thanks for this... btw how to install lua?

    just run Seperate.bat, if you don't know what to do..


    gat, rsw, gnd must be inside ROFOLDERdata . and for the bmp ROFOLDERdatatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºmap

    mp3 files are inside ROFOLDERBGM and you need to add it here: mp3nametable.txt


    files you need to edit:







    Use weemapcache



    What's resnametable.txt do?

    resnametable.txt makes a duplicate of map(the duplicated map files need not to be renamed and packed in GRF)


    thanks it works. but is it normal that the converted iteminfo.lub has shuffled the item order?


    just like for idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


    7933#Poison Herb Rantana#7997#Spring Stanza20#16627#Brisingamen (Trial Version) box#16883#Refined Mighty Staff Box#17139#RWC Super Scroll#18675#Green Apple Hat#19699##20723##

    It was first found values till now,I updated it to serialize it by ItemID, try out the new version.

  12. Hello all!


    I've been playing around with new characters and the first thing I noticed is that physical attack damage seems inconsistent with every renewal damage calculator I have tried. Here are some examples:


    All tests are based on a level 1 novice, all stats are 1, and only a knife is equiped. All tests are VS a Fabre.


    -Client Test---------------------------

    player damage = 13 "min and max"

    mob damage = 8 to 12


    -RO Stat Calculator----------------


    player damage = 13 "min and max"

    mob damage = 26 to 31


    -ROratorio's CalcX-----------------


    player damage = 15 "min and max"

    mob damage = 27 to 32


    So... What is going on here? I felt right away that it was way too easy, and these tests seem to confirm that mobs are doing about 1/3rd the damage they are supposed to be doing. How do I fix this?

    ROratiorio's CalcX, they have note on above
    This calculator appears to be growing obsolete due to lack of updates,please head over to http://calc.irowiki.org for better results!
    About irowiki Calculation:

    Hercules follow kRO.

    iRO and kRO may have different calculation due to difference in their episodes or other things..

    lets wait for core dev to confirm.

  13. It does not give any Extra StatusPoints

    It is Rebirth System , which allows to rebirth unlimited times


    Would you make those two features become optional? I want to give extra status points to the player and limiting how many rebith you can do.

    Added at v1.2

  14. should be displayed the 10 players (TOP 10) which contains more Event Points, which are contained in variable #T_Event_Point.


    #T_Event_Point contains all points earned in all events


    I would like to see in a npc the list of 10 players that contains more points.




    mes "Event Ranking"

    mes "Top 10 Event players"


    1st - Player Name - [Number of T_Event_Point #]

    2nd - Player Name - [Number of T_Event_Point #]


    10th - Player Name - [Number of T_Event_Point #]

    #Event_Points are the variables that are Account Bounded and not Character bounded. and a Account contains minimum 9 characters.. So how can I display a specific player name? Or get any chracter name from that account?

  15. packetver changed & packet obfuscation correct;

    and server is rebuilded.


    But how to disable packet encryption ?

    (if that is from nemo patcher, then already done; because i select all recommended)

    After viewing the packets, I see there is no 20140212 Packets. (don't know if previous and that client packets are same or not)

    2014 Client Packets that are already in repo:



    I haven't tested 20140305, but 2014-02-05 works fine.

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