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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. I'm planning to make an old school feature test server with no boss cards

    is there a way to remove it globally like they will not drop and you can't find it on @whodrops and @mi



    Thanks and God Bless you

    remove it from mob_db.txt

    give me list of all mini boss id and I can do it for you.(since mini boss dont have any special field to check if they are mini boss)

  2. Paid another project with SCRIPT and SRC for a cheap price..   :P 





    Can u show us about this one please?


    BG Flavius CTF (Source Edit to support eAmodBG in hercules) [Done]

    This is a good one.. 




    BG Flavius CTF (Source Edit to support eAmodBG in hercules)

    Its the edits to current eAmod script and hercules source to make eAmodBG(CTF) workable in Hercules




    I am requesting a source diff compatible for herc.ws from this post: http://rathena.org/b...g-setcashpoints/ and the source http://code.google.c...hpointsv4b.diff



    hercules have its own trader shop, which works exactly the same as the one you posted


    prontera,153,152,1	trader	TestCustom2	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{	OnInit:	tradertype(NST_CUSTOM);	sellitem Red_Potion,2;    //Format: (sellitem AegisNameOrID,Price,Quantity;), Quantity and Price Field is optional	end;/* allows currency to be #CASHPOINTS and #KAFRAPOINTS */OnCountFunds:	setcurrency(#CASHPOINTS,#KAFRAPOINTS);  //Change to Other Variable	end;/* receives @price (total cost) and @points (the secondary input field for cash windows) */OnPayFunds:	dispbottom "Hi: price="+@price+" and points="+@points;	if( #KAFRAPOINTS < @points || #CASHPOINTS < @price-@points )		end;	#KAFRAPOINTS -= @points;	#CASHPOINTS -= (@price-@points);	purchaseok();	end;}

  4. If you meant by labels used by NPC:

    *doevent "<NPC object name>::<event label>";This command will start a new execution thread in a specified NPC object at the specified label. The execution of the script running this command will not stop, and the event called by the 'doevent' command will not run until the invoking script has terminated. No parameters may be passed with a doevent call.The script of the NPC object invoked in this manner will run as if it's been invoked by the RID that was active in the script that issued a 'doevent'. As such, the command will not work if an RID is not attached.

    if you mean by functions


    callfunc "<function name>"{,Arguments} 


    Requested by AngelMelody: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2954-item-db-file-structure-overhaul/page-4#entry37029


    This is a simple tool which allows you to copy display names for range of items from idnum2itemdisplayname.txt or from iteminfo.lua to your item_db.conf, within just 30 seconds.


    Link: https://github.com/dastgir/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/CopyDisplayName


    just run copyname.bat and input the details it requires.



      The processing get stuck when item was with override label of nouse struct




     Id: 5555

     AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Hat"

     Name: "Leaf Cat Hat"

     Type: 5

     Buy: 20

     Weight: 100

     Def: 6

     Upper: 63

     Loc: 256

     View: 539

     BindOnEquip: true

     Nouse: {

       override: 99 <---add this line for test

       sitting: true


     Trade: {

       nodrop: true

       noselltonpc: true

       nogstorage: true


     Script: <"

       bonus bAgi,2;

       bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,3,10;






    except for that small bug, there is no bug for me

    Fixed @r19. (ahh, I have overseen too many lines ..)

  6. version should not cause error I guess(I never set the version to specific thing)

    just check that all servers are on, and its port are open(if on pc, vps ports are always open, except if hosting set it so.)

    Check if any of the server is giving warning/debug/ or error.


    Requested by AngelMelody: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2954-item-db-file-structure-overhaul/page-4#entry37029


    This is a simple tool which allows you to copy display names for range of items from idnum2itemdisplayname.txt or from iteminfo.lua to your item_db.conf, within just 30 seconds.


    Link: https://github.com/dastgir/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/CopyDisplayName


    just run copyname.bat and input the details it requires.


    working now, but cant use :(








    i found ...








    The First error : Fixed.

    itemdb_read_cached_packages: its not this tool error, it says, those item listed does not exist in item_db, check for those items in your item_db

  8. Thanks kisuka, I'll try to set up cloudflare. :)


    Okay new update, after some testing with someone of the board we noticed that it's only the GM accounts that are loading slow. Level/Group 0 and 1 are okay, but past 2, it starts to cause slow loadings. That pretty much leads me to think that the sql queries the GM needs to progress are too much...

    I am not having slowness issues with my GM accounts, maybe if you check logs, and there's many player online, it can slow down the loading.

  9. It's always like this after closing and opening RO.


    already tried this : http://herc.ws/board/topic/2152-savedataoptioninfolua-problem/#entry14502


    i've tried editing the OptionInfo, then Setup at first its working after closing it and opening a new one.


    BOOM. there! same error.




    get optioninfo.lua and put it in System folder. (if it doesn't work, change .lua to .lub)

  10. Requested by AngelMelody: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2954-item-db-file-structure-overhaul/page-4#entry37029


    This is a simple tool which allows you to copy display names for range of items from idnum2itemdisplayname.txt or from iteminfo.lua to your item_db.conf, within just 30 seconds.


    Link: https://github.com/dastgir/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/CopyDisplayName


    just run copyname.bat and input the details it requires.

  11. Hi, I have 2868 LUA files that need to be put through decompiling process. They are unrelated from Ragnarok, though.


    Okay, so they were compiled with LuaC 5.0.2 and several of them can be fully decompiled with LuaDec.

    However, I found some complications while decrypting a few of them.

    For instance, larger files tend to output this error:


    --[[ DECOMPILER ERROR 796: Unhandled construct in list ]]



    You can download all of them here.


    I am willing to pay for service via PayPal, we can negociate privately (send me PM).

    I can try, but not sure If I can.

  12. About the marriage system I meant the sprite changed. I can't even equip a tuxedo now it's a misc item ._. 

    open db/item_db2.conf, Search

    /*{	Id: 2338	AegisName: "Wedding_Dress"	Name: "Wedding Dress"	Type: 5	Buy: 43000	Weight: 500	Job: 0xFFFFFFFE	Rank: 16	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_WEDDING,-1,0; ">	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_WEDDING; ">},*//*{	Id: 7170	AegisName: "Tuxedo"	Name: "Tuxedo"	Type: 5	Buy: 43000	Weight: 10	Job: 0xFFFFFFFE	Gender: 1	Rank: 16	OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_WEDDING,-1,0; ">	OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_WEDDING; ">},*/

    and remove those "*" and "*/" from the following.


    how can I change the items that are in the cash shop? 

    Do you mean the cash shop that is accessed via the button on top right, for that you have to edit db/cashshop_db.conf


    For getting cashpoints, you can get it by command


    @cash Amount 





    Is there any tool can translate the Name field of item_db.conf  by reference to idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt (my country ro still  read  txt file  )? Becoz  my player's native language isn't English, I need to translate them to my native language
    It can be made. (I think you should post on database request, less people see this topic)
    but after this update 8dc6717 , itemdbconverter.pl or online converter  seems no longer  compatible with new format of item_db.conf , so if there is  a tool  can translate the Name field of item_db.conf directly, non English country users would be appreciated
    Cannot understand what you mean.



    I mean  In future, non-English country user did new item_db.conf translatoin


    by following these steps:


    convert to old item_db.txt --> did translation --> convert back item_db.conf


    It will lose some new fields(BuyingStore、Delay、Nouse 、Stack... so on) ,


    So that's why I ask a tool can translate item_db.conf directly.


    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/tools -> item_merge.lua adds those buyingstore and all fields.

    I will try to make the tool you requested.



     These archives,item_***.txt,You know, are no longer maintained in future

    ,So it's possible to know in advance the mentioned things will happen.

      TYVM for being willing to create a such tool..<3 ,that's good news for me

      and other users.

    Topic Link: http://herc.ws/board/topic/5914-display-name-to-item-db/

  14. Access denied for user 'mybadadmin'@'167.xxx.xxx.xxx' (using password: YES) 

    that means you have input wrong password in inter-server.conf


    P.S: If you have mysql installed in that vps only, its better to use instead of wan ip.

  15.  How do I get items on the Cash shop? Where do I get the cash shop money?


    Here's code to make cash shop

    prontera,152,152,1	trader	CashShop	4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{	OnInit:	tradertype(NST_CASH);	sellitem IdOrAegisName,AMOUNT;	end;}

    you can get cash points by custom quests or events. just adding following line after getitem would give you cashpoints

    #CASHPOINTS += amount;



    I remember when I played on a pre-ren. server when I equipped a tuxedo my 'job' changed. and the same with a wedding dress. Why doesn't it happen now?
    Job isn't changed but only looks change(if i recall correctly). isn't it great that job doesn't change?




     I'd also like to know what is the most stable client version and if these are of any use ( http://hercules.endlessro.net )


    2013-08-07 is stable for 2013 clients. (for me 2014-02-05 also seems working good)

    that link you gave is for full client, so you can get working kRO and upload your full client.



    Last I'd like to know if someone can give me some info on the latest data folder and client.

    I suggest you to use NEMO Patcher to diff the client: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/page-1



    Oh almost forgot, is there a better, easier place to learn how to make custom mobs? I wanted the aquaring and cowring porings :/
    you need to edit jobname.lua and npcidentity.lua for clientside


    Edit: How to add more cloth colors I only have like 4 or 5... :/ (and hairstyles if possible)

    Get palletes and increase the limit from


    // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client.min_hair_style: 0max_hair_style: 27min_hair_color: 0max_hair_color: 8min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 4



     I've been trying to connect with another computer localy and I use the IP: client side everything works fine but on the server this shows up:

    are both computer connected? is that local IP correct? you cannot connect to server or that message just pop out but you can connect to server?



    Make sure your sysinfogen.sh exist in the hercules directory


    the file ready in my Hercules folder :huh:

    check in my attach file

    not yet experienced this yet, but search on internet shows that, if you have imported it from windows, then linebreaks are different(linux and windows handles it differently)

    So do these commands

    dos2unix sysinfogen.shchmod +x sysinfogen.sh
    Then , make all

  17. Plan doesn't matter since they give the same speed(just disk space is increased)

    (ahh, did I read you purchased webhost, or VPS that has CPanel in it?)

    make sure its not your fluxcp which causes the problem, try to use normal fluxcp and check if slowness exist.



    Is there any tool can translate the Name field of item_db.conf  by reference to idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt (my country ro still  read  txt file  )? Becoz  my player's native language isn't English, I need to translate them to my native language

    It can be made. (I think you should post on database request, less people see this topic)

    but after this update 8dc6717 , itemdbconverter.pl or online converter  seems no longer  compatible with new format of item_db.conf , so if there is  a tool  can translate the Name field of item_db.conf directly, non English country users would be appreciated

    Cannot understand what you mean.


    I mean  In future, non-English country user did new item_db.conf translatoin


    by following these steps:


    convert to old item_db.txt --> did translation --> convert back item_db.conf


    It will lose some new fields(BuyingStore、Delay、Nouse 、Stack... so on) ,


    So that's why I ask a tool can translate item_db.conf directly.  


    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/tools -> item_merge.lua adds those buyingstore and all fields.

    I will try to make the tool you requested.

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