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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Dastgir, he's using PhpMyAdmin and I know myself it breaks when trying to import a large file because it's fault of the PhPmyAdmin program itself. I can reproduce the error and it happened to me some years ago. This is renewal mob skill db, but happens the same with pre-renewal one (and sorry my PhpMyAdmin is in my local language):




    It gets fixed if you split the mob_skill_db.sql file into several smaller files. You open the file, select a number of rows (around 1000 is a good value) and then paste into the PhpMyAdmin query window till you finish inputting the whole file and no errors will appear.


    That, or if you want your database manager to swallow the whole file just instal MySQL workbench, that is competent enough but you'll need some more MySQL management knowledge.

    its not SQL fault, its mob_skill_db.sql fault, if it was Large File Error, it would have shown that error , not SYNTAX ERROR(#1064).

    Try to use files from this, https://github.com/dastgir/Hercules/tree/mob_skill_db/sql-files and check if you error (I don't get error with some fixes in the file that is pushed to that repo)


    On the Other hand, one can use PhpMyAdmin's Import function too for importing files, instead of copy-pasting the contents.




    I am doing the instruction from http://herc.ws/wiki/Installation_%28CentOS%29 and when I am executing mob_skill_db.sql, that's what I got, is there any way to fix it or executing main.sql is already enough?


    ErrorSQL query:# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,10000,0,0,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','attack',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,10000,0,5000,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','attack',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_ski[...]MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual thatcorresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to usenear 'REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1399,'EventBaphomet@AL_TELEPORT','idle',26,' at line 86 

    Can you show us the query? since I cannot find that query on line 86


    How I can show it to you if I am using phpMyAdmin?

    Can you show us mob_skill_db.sql, I think you told that is the one you are importing..


    I am doing the instruction from http://herc.ws/wiki/Installation_%28CentOS%29 and when I am executing mob_skill_db.sql, that's what I got, is there any way to fix it or executing main.sql is already enough?


    ErrorSQL query:# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','chase',90,5,10000,0,0,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_EARTHSPIKE','attack',90,5,4000,0,0,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','chase',91,5,10000,0,5000,'no','target','skillused','18',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1395,'Wind Crystal@WZ_HEAVENDRIVE','attack',91,5,2000,0,5000,'no','target','always','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'21',NULL);# REPLACE INTO `mob_ski[...]MySQL said: #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual thatcorresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to usenear 'REPLACE INTO `mob_skill_db` VALUES (1399,'EventBaphomet@AL_TELEPORT','idle',26,' at line 86 

    Can you show us the query? since I cannot find that query on line 86

  4. I try to patch 2014-02-12 client from :




    with Nemo patcher.


    The result is i always disconnected when selecting my char and want to enter the game.


    Is 2014-02-12 client not working yet ?

    or i make mistake ?

    have you changed PACKETVER? (src/common/mmo.h)

    and have you disabled Packet Encryption? then please check if value of packet_obfucation is proper (conf/battle/client.conf)

    // Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)// 0: disabled// 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required// 2: enabled (recommended)packet_obfuscation: 1

  5. when i told i have two var: 


    #Event_Point - this var u get on kill monsters in a event ( this var u use for buy items on game )

    #T_Event_Point - this var its just for count ur event points acquired at all events ( this var u don't use for nothing just for count )


    I would like to add these two variables in a sql table for safety, but idk how, can you help me ? 

    #Event_point and #T_Event_Point are account variables, so what should be displayed on ranking along with those variables values?

  6. don't work =/


    how i'll add this SQL ?


    i need to add :

    "SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`value`,`char`.`name` FROM `char` INNER JOIN `char_reg_num_db` ON `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id`=`char`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='Event_Point' ORDER BY `char_reg_num_db`.`value` DESC LIMIT 10" or i need to put .@value,.@name$; too ?


    i dont undestand much about SQL tables can u help me ?


    i dont have a sql table for my #Event_Points, maybe can you help me to make one! i need two var: T_Event_Point = for count total Event Points and use in ranking/ Event_Point = the points for use to buy items on game!

    first of all, I posted the script part,

    2) can you tell exact variable, you told #Event_Points on first line and Event_Point on second line.



    Is there a way to revert into the old way?

    You can use search function always...





    >Is there a guide to change it back to the old format? I got so used to doing my edits that way.. How would i revert?


    take it back.. shzts dabOMB!

    Follow Dastgir's link.

    @mysterious, I think he meant, can server read txt files.

    @Azul, Emulator don't read txt.. but you can convert conf to txt via (http://herc.ws/board/topic/5363-item-dbconf-to-item-dbtxt/) and then convert it back to conf when you are done with editing via (https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/tools/itemdbconverter.pl) or (http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter)

  8. Some SQL Query to help:

    Delete atcommandlog and other logs older than 1 month: (2592000 = (60sec*60min*24hours*30days))



  9. OnRanking:	mes "[Ranking System]";	query_sql "SELECT `char_reg_num_db`.`value`,`char`.`name` FROM `char` INNER JOIN `char_reg_num_db` ON `char_reg_num_db`.`char_id`=`char`.`char_id` WHERE `char_reg_num_db`.`key`='Event_Point' ORDER BY `char_reg_num_db`.`value` DESC LIMIT 10",.@value,.@name$;	for (.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.@value); .@i++){		mes (.@i+1)+".) ["+ .@name$[.@i] +"] - "+ .@value[.@i];	}	deletearray .@name$[0],10;		deletearray .@value$[0],10;	close;

    if the variable is Event_Point, this would work.

  10. how big our log (charlog, loginlog, etc; which are read only) can be?

    is there any limitation for log files?

    It can be as big as your hard disk capacity (i.e until your hd space runs out)

    P.S: Those tables are not read only, server writes in it too.

  11. Change Following Things:(I have not seen script, but just saw your error in console)

    -    if ( !strcmp(strnpcinfo(0), .npc_name$) ) {+    if ( .npc_name$ == strnpcinfo(0) ) {
    -        .server_max_level = getserverdef( VAR_MAX_LEVEL ); +        .server_max_level = MAX_LEVEL;


    THank you.


    I search wiki of rathena and it seems strcmp is compare in hercules. is this correct? I'll try the fix thanks again.

    in rA, strcmp:

    *strcmp("<string>","<string>")This command compares two strings are returns a value:   1: string 1 > string 2   0: strings are equal  -1: string 1 < string 2

    and in the script, it checks for 0, so we can directly compare .

    and about getserverdef, we have it other way round, we directly define constant : https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/950e3ebcdbbde96b090fa681ce88ecf4069f2f64 (Implemented in this commit)

  12. Change Following Things:(I have not seen script, but just saw your error in console)

    -    if ( !strcmp(strnpcinfo(0), .npc_name$) ) {+    if ( .npc_name$ == strnpcinfo(0) ) {
    -        .server_max_level = getserverdef( VAR_MAX_LEVEL ); +        .server_max_level = MAX_LEVEL;

  13. int pc_additem(struct map_session_data *sd,struct item *item_data,int amount,e_log_pick_type log_type){	struct item_data *data;	int i;	unsigned int w;	nullpo_retr(1, sd);	nullpo_retr(1, item_data);		if( item_data->nameid <= 0 || amount <= 0 )		return 1;	if( amount > MAX_AMOUNT )		return 5;+		+	if ( !pc_get_group_level(sd) &&+		( item_data->nameid == 512 || item_data->nameid == 7227 )+		){+		return 1;+	}	data = itemdb->search(item_data->nameid);	if( data->stack.inventory && amount > data->stack.amount )	{// item stack limitation		return 7;	}

    It would not add the item to inventory..


    Dastgir, on 25 Mar 2014 - 05:34, said:


    dunno the reason why when I modify the max_level 175 to 1000


    plug-in will crash map server

    I don't think modifying the max_level would make plug-in crash map-server, can you provide core-dump?

  15. Hi sorry im new here. cant seem to find an answer for this question so I have decided to post this. 


    What client version do i need so that i wont use LOKI to login? like the previous versions of RO.


    Thanks in advance.

    If you diff with "Use SSO Login" You would need LOKI(or other launcher), but if you dont diff with "Use SSO Login" , you can run normally.

    Any client would work fine(even 2014 ones)

  16. is it possible to revert the char creation to the old state?


    i have the version where you cant choose the stats anymore.

    now im asking myself if this can be rollbacked to the old state.




    revert back to old client.

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