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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. yes im asking about how to add costume items 

    (Too confusing..)


    Assuming you are saying Custom Item(since you said weapons,cards and etc):

    Custom Item Guide: http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Items

    Note: You have to edit System/itemInfo.lub and not idnumtables and also be sure you edited all other luas properly.

    Could you please tell which part of that guide you haven't understood.


    Costume Item:

    its the item which are in other tab. Just follow the guide of Custom Item , and in "Loc" Field of item_db.conf put the costume item value

    1024 = Costume Top Headgear2048 = Costume Mid Headgear4096 = Costume Low Headgear8192 = Costume Garment/Robe


    Seems like, my last commit broke that code,

    @r10 : Fixed..

    I've updated to r10 , but I can't convert conf to txt any more


    Sorry for keep bothering you :blush:




    Enter .Conf FileName: item_db.confEnter Output FileName: item_db.txtEnter Format("RE",Or see README.md): #ID,#AegisName,#Name,#Type,#Buy,#Sell,#Weight,#Atk:#Matk,#Def,#Range,#Slots,#Job,#Upper,#Gender,#Loc,#wLV,#eLV,#Refine,#View,{ #Script },{ #OnEquipScript },{ #OnUnequipScript } [Case-insensitive]----------------------------------------------------------- ItemDB Conf to Txt ------------------------- By Dastgir[Hercules] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Putting      item_db.conf     Items into Memorylua.exe: replace.lua:81: [string "item_db = {..."]:100831: unexpected symbol near ')'stack traceback:        [C]: in function 'assert'        replace.lua:81: in main chunk        [C]: in ?Press any key to continue . . .




    Sorry for delay, I updated the script, run the conf2db.lua and just enable the logs(new option @r13) and send me item_db_conversion.log

  3. is this fine?? 15g9xxy.jpg

    when i try to check the "Previous Month Top 10 Guilds" that Warning & Debug appears... 


    hmmm and if you're open for suggestion.. 

    can you add a Reward when WOE Ends

    is it possible?

    Fixed the warning,


    Reward Claim by npc or auto? and reward given to GuildMaster or each member?

  4. thumb-9fd2e9121ac175fa5c7aaf9dff13e85a-practice_target.png

    File Name: Elemental Practice Targets

    File Submitter: Dastgir Pojee

    File Submitted: 01 May 2014

    File Category: Sprites & Palettes


    Elemental Practice Targets by Request(http://herc.ws/board/topic/5492-elemental-practice-targets/)

    This Download contains sprite only.

    Elemental Practice Targets are the monsters, and contains 10 Sprites:

    1)Emperium Practice Target

    2)Fire Practice Target

    3)Ghost Practice Target

    4)Holy Practice Target

    5)Neutral Practice Target

    6)Poison Practice Target

    7)Shadow Practice Target

    8)Undead Practice Target

    9)Water Practice Target

    10)Wind Practice Target

    11)Earth Practice Target


    Credits to Rytech, for uploading these files on eathena.


    Click here to download this file

  5. thank you for all of you reply i will


    i recently download 2013 12 23 client but its not reading my clientinfo.xml is there a problem with my diff?

    Either you have diffed it with custom clientinfo.xml(name change) or

    Client reads the first occurred clientinfo.xml

    example for data.ini:


    If SomethingElse.grf and YourRO.grf have clientinfo.xml, then SomethingElse.grf will be given preference as it occurred first.

  6. imma try this later when i got home.. Thank you bro... have a good day..


    i have try it.. but there is no animated casting when i start fishing.. what happen is when i click the npc it become an instant fishing no any animated casting..

    emistry post have a sleep2 command, which pause script execution for 1.5 seconds(so it should not be instant unlessmyou edited it), if its fast for you, you can increase its value.

  7. All diffs for that clientDate is working well. Use Nemo patcher to diff the client.

    Just select the diffs that you want in your client, and apply it, that would be only the perfect diff for you, since (assuming), you have planned how the server should be..

    still 1 recommendation, if you want to use packet encryption feature, just diff it with custom keys

    you can create your own custom keys and check here http://www.robrowser.com/prototype/packet-keys/ if it pass, otherwise use the keys(which has passed) listed below on that page, and dont forget to edit src/map/packets.h

  8. Maybe update your hercules, or

    remove this line(as you are using old hercules)

    #include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" /* should always be the last file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time) */

    then recompile.

  9. Some related issues found while searching old boards:





    0x1de Packet:

    struct PACKET_ZC_NOTIFY_SKILL2 { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ unsigned short SKID /* this+0x4 */ unsigned long AID /* this+0x8 */ unsigned long targetID /* this+0xc */ unsigned long startTime /* this+0x10 */ int attackMT /* this+0x14 */ int attackedMT /* this+0x18 */ int damage /* this+0x1c */ short level /* this+0x1e */ short count /* this+0x20 */ unsigned char action}

    It notifies about the skill damage, and its effects to the clients.

    And Maximum Buffer Reached = Server maybe queued up the request before sending or maybe too much skill spamming with many players..




    I dont think value of any parameter is changed.. only parameter is case insensitive, while value remains the same,

    Can you send me full or a part of your itemdb.conf, so I can actually test with chinese charset(as you said, it converts to weird chars)

    my test input



    Enter .Conf FileName: item_db.conf

    Enter Output FileName: item_db.txt

    Enter Format("RE",Or see README.md): #ID,#AegisName,#Name,#Type,#Buy,#Sell,#Weight,#Atk:#Matk,#Def,#Range,#Slots,#Job,U

    pper,#Gender,#Loc,#wLV,#eLV,#Refine,#View,{ #Script },{ #OnEquipScript },{ #OnUnequipScript } [Case-insensitive]


    ------------ ItemDB Conf to Txt ---------------

    ---------- By Dastgir[Hercules] ---------------


    -- Checking item_db.conf for Total items

    ---- Total Items Found =   8112

    --Writing ItemDB contents to   item_db.txt

    lua.exe: replace.lua:211: invalid use of '%' in replacement string

    stack traceback:

      [C]: in function 'gsub'

      replace.lua:211: in main chunk

      [C]: in ?

    Press any key to continue . . .





    original item_db.conf




    Id: 521

    AegisName: "Leaflet_Of_Aloe"

    Name: "蘆薈葉子"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 360

    Weight: 20

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">



    Id: 522

    AegisName: "Fruit_Of_Mastela"

    Name: "瑪絲黛拉果實"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 8500

    Weight: 30

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(400,600),0; ">



    Id: 525

    AegisName: "Panacea"

    Name: "萬能藥"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 500

    Weight: 100

    Upper: 63

    Script: <"

    sc_end SC_POISON;

    sc_end SC_SILENCE;

    sc_end SC_BLIND;

    sc_end SC_CONFUSION;

    sc_end SC_CURSE;

    sc_end SC_ILLUSION;




    Id: 529

    AegisName: "Candy"

    Name: "糖果"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 10

    Weight: 30

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">






    The output item_db.txt ,  Some Chinese letters  were changed after converting, and AegisName was changed to lowercase letter



    521,leaflet_of_aloe,葉子,0,360,,20,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(325,405),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    522,fruit_of_mastela,瑪絲,0,8500,,30,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(400,600),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    525,panacea,能藥,0,500,,100,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ sc_end sc_poison; sc_end sc_silence; sc_end sc_blind; sc_end sc_confusion; sc_end sc_curse; sc_end sc_illusion;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    529,candy,糖,0,10,,30,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(45,65),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]




    Here is part of my item_db.conf


    Thanks for sharing your item_db.conf.

    Fixed All Errors as stated by you on @r9, Get a new copy of conf2db.lua and try it.


      today I fund a small bug :   " will  change to "



     Id: 1824

     AegisName: "BF_Knuckle2"

     Name: "Brave Battle Fist"

     Type: 4

     Buy: 20

     Atk: 30

     Range: 1

     Job: 0x00008100

     Upper: 63

     Loc: 2

     WeaponLv: 3

     EquipLv: 80

     View: 12

     Script: <"

       bonus bStr,2;

       bonus bInt,1;

       bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95;

       bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-25;

       autobonus "{ bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",-100; }",50,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_SUFFRAGIUM; }";

       bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0;





    1824,BF_Knuckle2,Brave Battle Fist,4,20,,,30,,1,,0x8100,63,,2,3,80,,12,{bonus bStr,2; bonus bInt,1; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,95; bonus2 bVariableCastrate,MO_EXTREMITYFIST,-25; autobonus "{ bonus2 bVariableCastrate,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",-100;  }",50,6000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_SUFFRAGIUM;  }"; bonus bUnbreakableWeapon,0; },{},{}

    Seems like, my last commit broke that code,

    @r10 : Fixed..



    query_sql("SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3),.@username$);
    This returns UserName of the Account



    nope, i don't want to get the username and userid. haha. i just used the term username/id bec. they're just the same.


    query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = " + getcharid(0),.@name$);
    this one gets the name of the character right?


    what i am looking for would be the userid, the one that we use to login,

    Why use a query to get Character name,

    you can get character name by "strcharinfo(0)"

    follow up question on this one,

    input @input$;query_sql("SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = " + @input$,.@username$);
    if the query did not return any value/result. should this script work like this


    if(@input$ == .@username$){dispbottom "Value Found";}dispbottom "No Results";
    hypothetically its just a sample but it should be working right?

    if the input has the same value or correct value from the db it should give me "value found"

    if the username that i entered is correct.

    If the input userid exists in login table, then it will display "Value Found" Else it will display "No Results

    but you forgot the else statement, 

    if(@input$ == .@username$){    dispbottom "Value Found";} else {    dispbottom "No Results";}


    I dont think value of any parameter is changed.. only parameter is case insensitive, while value remains the same,

    Can you send me full or a part of your itemdb.conf, so I can actually test with chinese charset(as you said, it converts to weird chars)

    my test input



    Enter .Conf FileName: item_db.conf

    Enter Output FileName: item_db.txt

    Enter Format("RE",Or see README.md): #ID,#AegisName,#Name,#Type,#Buy,#Sell,#Weight,#Atk:#Matk,#Def,#Range,#Slots,#Job,U

    pper,#Gender,#Loc,#wLV,#eLV,#Refine,#View,{ #Script },{ #OnEquipScript },{ #OnUnequipScript } [Case-insensitive]


    ------------ ItemDB Conf to Txt ---------------

    ---------- By Dastgir[Hercules] ---------------


    -- Checking item_db.conf for Total items

    ---- Total Items Found =   8112

    --Writing ItemDB contents to   item_db.txt

    lua.exe: replace.lua:211: invalid use of '%' in replacement string

    stack traceback:

      [C]: in function 'gsub'

      replace.lua:211: in main chunk

      [C]: in ?

    Press any key to continue . . .





    original item_db.conf




    Id: 521

    AegisName: "Leaflet_Of_Aloe"

    Name: "蘆薈葉子"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 360

    Weight: 20

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(325,405),0; ">



    Id: 522

    AegisName: "Fruit_Of_Mastela"

    Name: "瑪絲黛拉果實"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 8500

    Weight: 30

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(400,600),0; ">



    Id: 525

    AegisName: "Panacea"

    Name: "萬能藥"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 500

    Weight: 100

    Upper: 63

    Script: <"

    sc_end SC_POISON;

    sc_end SC_SILENCE;

    sc_end SC_BLIND;

    sc_end SC_CONFUSION;

    sc_end SC_CURSE;

    sc_end SC_ILLUSION;




    Id: 529

    AegisName: "Candy"

    Name: "糖果"

    Type: 0

    Buy: 10

    Weight: 30

    Upper: 63

    Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">






    The output item_db.txt ,  Some Chinese letters  were changed after converting, and AegisName was changed to lowercase letter



    521,leaflet_of_aloe,葉子,0,360,,20,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(325,405),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    522,fruit_of_mastela,瑪絲,0,8500,,30,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(400,600),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    525,panacea,能藥,0,500,,100,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ sc_end sc_poison; sc_end sc_silence; sc_end sc_blind; sc_end sc_confusion; sc_end sc_curse; sc_end sc_illusion;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]

    529,candy,糖,0,10,,30,:,,,,,63,,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(45,65),0;  },{},{} [case-insensitive]




    Here is part of my item_db.conf


    Thanks for sharing your item_db.conf.

    Fixed All Errors as stated by you on @r9, Get a new copy of conf2db.lua and try it.

  13. Hello hercules,


    I was hoping for someone to turn Sanasol's vend browser into a plugin, so we can safely update our hercules without losing codes,


    This is the one I am talking about:



    Thank you so much. much appreciation to the person that is able to help. :)

    You don't need to do any source edits for that Flux Addon...

    Just use this : https://github.com/S-anasol/sanasol/tree/master/merchant_db_hercules_flux (Since sanasol updated it recently to support Hercules Vending System with it).

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