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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. I think effecttool folder must be in the first .grf.

    the first file found is read, it doesnt matter if 1st,2nd or 3rd grf, until its the first occurence of that file.

    if its not included in server grf, then it would be read from data.grf, but for this, data.grf should be updated, which most of players dont have.

  2. I always want to ask this ...how do you calculate kill/death ratio ?because if the player has 3 kills, and 0 death3/0 = infinityit will return NULL value in SQL tableI always insert the death as 1 even if the death is actually 0 when made the 1st killor insert death as 2 if the 1st deathto prevent the calculation of infinite value3/1 = 3but then it will show the improper value of the person's death ..

    If death is 0, maybe make it read as 1, and then on first death, death will not increase, it will remain at 1.

    So we can do like

    OnPCDieEvent:If(die==0) die=1;
    Then apply formula. It doesnt need to apply default death value as 1,

    i think conditions are enough,

    About sql, we can make column conditions like

    Int(5) NOT NULL default '0'

  3. Was there any other message displaying file name? And what data folder you are using?

    https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/blob/master/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/effecttool/effectfunc.lub was updated by me, a month ago, contains that function, maybe if you are using this, error will vanish(dont only download this, since there is one more file for morroc named morroc.lub, you ahould have that too, so just get that whole folder),else maybe if you using this and still have error, then this file must have been updated recently.(but less chance, since you using client older than the lub file, so downloading those files, should vanish your errors.)

    So get the latest luafolder, and try to run.

  4. its a limitation of 32 bit signed integer actually. 2147483647 is the actual limit.

    but i guess client also limits it to nearest round off value? (by round off i mean in terms of zeny not decimal round off). 

    But i wonder why they used different limit of 2100000000 for bank though.

    wasnt bank limit increased to 2147483647 after 1 week of bank release...


    This is a very amazing tool but AFAIK, the packet obfuscation does stop bots if set to 2. please correct me if i am wrong.

    I thought Hercules features were blocking WPE "activities" but couldn't do anything against bots; tho I'd be the happiest man in the world if I am wrong :)

    Confirmation (or not) is indeed very welcome :)

    based on some searches, openkore dont support it(and other programs too cant bypass it, checked ones whose names I know), but who knows, if a group of botter have it?

    In my server, I customize a lot of packets(shuffle the order, and add an extra 4byte info in middle, split the info in 2 different position) so that bot programs dont recognize the order(note: this system by me was made years ago, so no comments like, bot was already stop, etc.)(although its still bypassable if they know orders)

  6. If you are using 20120410 or greater client, then file location should be data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/


    Be sure to repack it into GRF.

    Also make sure your client reads lua files first(as I see, all files in ur dir is .lua) or if it reads .lub first, compile .lua to .lub, or just rename it.


    Edit: Seems like topic already solved , and my reply coming late due to hell slow internet for me,

  7. Show end of command prompt, where the percentage ends. I myself tested it, this script is split into 5-6process, in which each is allotted a progress of 12-20%, so the progress would slow down, and write the temp file, which you are showing, but after 100%, it will write itemdb.txt and delete this temp file.

    so the one you are showing is a temp file generally made by script on progress.

    and outputfilename will be the name of itemdb in txt format.

  8. Should I still do these steps even though I diffed read lua before lub:



    You must compile to lub if you leave space between IDs, if you don't plan on compiling to lub, make sure you do not skip any numbers.

    Delete the accname.lub and accessoryid.lub. Now that you are done, make sure luac.exe is in your datainfo folder, right click the luac.exe, create a shortcut, right click the shortcut, and click properties, in the target area, add right after the quotes, with the quotes:

    -o "accessoryid.lub" "accessoryid.lua"

    So that it looks something like this:

    "C:Program Files (x86)GravityROdatalua filesdatainfoluac5.0.2.exe" -o "accessoryid.lub" "accessoryid.lua"

    Do this also to "accname.lub" except instead of accessoryid in the quotes, do accname. If there is any lua file leftover, you may want to move it somewhere else just for future changes, like My Documents. For future reference, this is also how you turn the other lub files to lua files. 

    You can skip this step,

    however, this has some false info, you can leave any number of IDs, its not necessary to not to skip id, you dont need to delete .lub files, since it will be overwritten.instead of doing those stuff from shortcut properties, you can do that via command prompt and luac.

  9. Yes, is easy, but i mean, worldviewmap_table in specific. Do you undestand it?, all the lines?, the {1,"prontera.rws",564,456,657,562,msi_prontera,"110"}, (is only an example)

    In fact, all lua file in data folder and ro folder is easy to decipher, and some people (like me) take time to announce and possibly make a guide for others who can't make it and/or don't understand the lua files. Think about it: not everyone can understand the lua files, that's why there are so many request for help in the forums, right?

    well, no offense, be cool, but instead of asking like anyone interested, just share the guide.

  10. 20120410 uses idnum tables and luafiles514/lua files/ folder, no system folder for that client.

    Lub is compiled while lua is decompiled file.

    If you had diffed with load lub before lua, your client will read lub files, else it will read lua files

    The wiki link is having proper guide and locations, you should read it once again maybe.

  11. just change the extension.



    rename it from lua to lub 

    Kinda misleading description, he wants to change idnum to iteminfo,



    Can anyone make this into ItemInfo.lub and lua please? The ItemConverter won't convert it.



    OMG!  it seems like  ItemConverter tool no longer support our item_db format

    Guess what, I have made A tool to convert itemdb.conf to itemdb.txt format... TWO MONTHS AGO.(but not published anywhere yet, due to my busy time)

    Which is flexible, that means can swap the field and much more.

    So just use this tool https://github.com/dastgirpojee/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/conf2db

    Read readme.md for usage and Its flexibility.

    So use this to convert conftodb and use itemconverter, till hercules itemdb compatible itemconverter is released.

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