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Posts posted by Dastgir


    Hi, i am looking for any compatible full ragnarok client (with clientinfo.xml and exe) with anyone server(txt version). Can you help me?


    You can really diff old client and get a 2008 data folder, but I prefer that you use sql_Version, since txt version from all emulators are removed, and contains bugs(that was fixed over these years) a

  2. Title say it all


    when i click my diff client i cant open i open in administrator and i click many times and wait but client not responding or opening any answer for my problem appreciated

    Maybe try with some other client version,



    Posted 5 months before by Ind...


    I also want to know when this would be implemented..

    yeah im waiting too.. hehehe i would sacrifice the ext. vending system for this.. and move to the latest when the clan system will be available..


    just a little concern about the clan system


    it would be nice if its 2 clan or 2 type on;y , " Devil and Angel "  so there is rivalry between these two clans

    its kRO feature(and have 5 clans I guess), and I also don't know how we get involved in clan...


    if you updated the structs then i can't see any problem in the code but clif_displaymessage it should be changed to clif->message.


    Sorry, what does "if you updated the structs then i can't see any problem in the code" mean? I dont understand, Im so sorry.

    He Just mean, change




  5. Atm i have to click on the link when i see the npc to start teamspeak..

    <URL><INFO> is the client method to give you a link, maybe you have to inject some dll to client which when received a specific signal, will open webpage, (Other than that, can't think of any other way)

  6. but if a player finish the quest Player will Receive 5 Custom Points


    how to make it on quest ? ( not on pvping/killing  way)

    Add this after quest NPC after the quest is done.

    CUSTOM_POINTS += 5;  //You can Change CUSTOM_POINTS to any variable you want, and you can use this variable anywhere in other npc to check if player has certain amount of points or not,etc.

    Prefer checking https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/raw/master/doc/script_commands.txt for a in-depth details of commands,variables and arrays.

  7. aw but i need a permanent like CashPoint

    OnPCKillEvent: //Just a Sample Script #kill++;  //Sets #kill to +1, #kill = account variable, this will be same for your account, and is permanent kill++;   //Sets kill to +1, kill = permanent char variable.

  8. Anyway you have a point. xD

    But kinda misleading Topic Description Saying


    It includes:

    > PSD file is available if you want to add or edit it.

    > The config.ini file has the right code for this skin.


    Anyways, a Good design and hope you release some of the thor designs.

  9. @karazu

    Its possible, but maybe I have to add a privacy option if I add the option for showing equips, since some player may not be comfortable for sharing their equips(especially, the refine,cards and zeny)

  10. thumb-0e9e8abd23f8ea0808dc5fd7f31ac206-fbshare.png

    File Name: Facebook Share

    File Submitter: Dastgir

    File Submitted: 12 Mar 2014

    File Category: Utility


    Facebook Share System(Works Only with New Clients)



    Edit NPC FacebookShare.txt

    .link$ = "http://www.yourdomain.com/fbshare/";	//Trailing with "/"

    Edit the link with the link where you have PHP Scripts(Trailing with "/" or "/index.php")



    Edit config.php

    $host = "";		//MySQL Host$user = "root";				//MySQL Username$pass = "";				//MySQL Password$database = "fb_share";		//Ragnarok Database$site = "http://yourdomain.com/fbshare/";	//Link to FBShare Page(Directory where these scripts are installed)

    $site should match with .link$(in the npc), Other Info are self explanatory.


    It is a Simple Script Illustrating the usage of linking to website.


    Click here to download this file

  11. This is a skin for the Thor Patcher.


    It was created using Photosho CS 6 and using html 5 plus css3.


    The youtube box will play the video automatically so you can play the music that you would like to add.  Such as, video news about your server, conquests, etc.  Also there is a box for facebook.


    It includes:

    > PSD file is available if you want to add or edit it.

    > The config.ini file has the right code for this skin.


    The size is 1100x500px.



    A Beautiful And Bold Design :) 10/10



    Attachment only contains readme.txt, So Why Attach it?




    ah that 's bad news for me but nvm sir I Think If 've In Put This File To GRF 's Secure More Than Only Change Directory


    Thxx For Answer



    Well, if you're using NEMO client patcher, there's a diff that allows you to change the folder it will come from and it's name as well..


    For example, I want it to be in the secret folder with name of secret.lub = secret/secret.lub


    anyway, if that's what you're trying to do.. :D

    You just can't hide it , since Client is Reading it, you can just find it easily via hex_editor, (or if you have protection, one may isolate the file), Hexing name is just used to avoid updates by kRO, not for hiding :)

  13. You need these functions, include this at end of file

    function	script	F_GetArticle	{	set .@str$, strtolower(getarg(0));	// not a word	if (!charisalpha(.@str$,0))		return "a";	// 1-letter words	if (getstrlen(.@str$) == 1) {		if (strpos("aefhilmnorsx",.@str$) > -1)			return "an";		else			return "a";	}	// special cases	if (preg_match("(euler|hour(?!i)|heir|honest|hono)",.@str$))		return "an";	// consonants	if (preg_match("^[^aeiouy]",.@str$))		return "a";	// special vowel forms	if (preg_match("^e[uw]",.@str$) || preg_match("^onc?eb",.@str$) || preg_match("^uni([^nmd]|mo)",.@str$) || preg_match("^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]",.@str$))		return "a";	if (preg_match("^ut[th]",.@str$))		return "an";	// special capitals (rare)	//if (preg_match("^U[NK][AIEO]?",getarg(0)))	//	return "a";	// vowels	if (preg_match("^[aeiou]",.@str$))		return "an";	// y... (rare)	//if (preg_match("^(y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt))",.@str$))	//	return "an";	return "a";}function	script	F_InsertArticle	{	set .@article$, callfunc("F_GetArticle",getarg(0));	return sprintf("%s %s", ((getarg(1,0)) ? replacestr(.@article$,"a","A") : .@article$), getarg(0));}
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