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Posts posted by Dastgir




    @ness you can still used svn checkout for git repo

    Just put this in your svn url https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
     For? and what are you talking about "i think no?"  im still using svn client like tortoise svn for checkout http://prntscr.com/2tbahs
    What url did you put in your tortoiseSVN if you want to update you hercules server?
    Wasnt ness talking about clientside translation svn link,

    Svn link: https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation

    I will contact michieru to remove old link...

  2. does changing the mob count in npc/re/mobs can make a server map crash? i always have map crash i dont know why so i get the herc files from github then replace the db and conf with my older ones then i dont get mapcrash for 1 day then i replace the mob count of high orc and the monsters in thana t10 then i got already 2 consecutive map crash today

    try getting coredump and post here.

    changing mobcount does not crash the server.


    Main Problem in this solution is that common antivirus detect it like a trojan X_X even the clientes



    Trojan Horse Generic35.AOLQ detected in AGRFTool.exe?

    Is it false positive?

    Using AVG Internet Security 2013


    Acts like a Trojan horse program, but will not harm your system

    ahh, I guess, will have to stop using this, players think that we are infecting their pc.




    what does the @afk command do ?

    -> kick the player offline but still remain in the server ?

    I think saw this before on some source release somewhere

    Yes, I already have the SRC/Plugin, but I only want the command to be available on a player who has this item..
    on script put 'atcommand "@afk";' and make the item type delayed consumption(11 I guess, but check please) so it is not been used. So, double-clicking the item will cause @afk to be used.


    modify your source to check inventory and equipped item.

  5. 2 Contradictory Statements?


     I'm half nerd find something that I was wondering if you could send me a link.  



    And so I wanted to see if alquem I know the link to download this (s) package (s) Sprit.  

    You want links, or have links and want to put in your server?



    You should really consider improving your english.


    hey how can i fix this error? [Debug]: Source (NPC): Quest Event Ryu#1 at prontera (142,171)

    [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached!

    [Debug]: Function: set (2 parameters):

    [Debug]: Data: variable name='@y' index=0

    [Debug]: Data: number value=0

    That's not from LMS Event.

    That error is caused by NPC " Quest Event Ryu#1" , Post that NPC, and I will get it fix

    Problem is, npc is running and using temporary char variable but, no player is attached.


    What application you use? TortoiseGIT or TortoseSVN?


    if you use TortoiseGIT, Simple rightclick in your File then Choose Git Sync...

    Or RightClick on File->TortoiseGit->Pull..


    Note: you must save to stach your changes.


    If you use (Recommended)TortoiseSVN, Simple RightClick in your File then Choose SVN Update and your Done!.

    my server always have a map crash what should i do?

    Follow http://herc.ws/wiki/GDB , Get a Coredump

    (If you can't understand the coredump, post it here, with respective source lines)






    @Dastgir will you add Ossi New World Map Translation to the Project

    Yes, I was thinking to do that.

    I made a pull request of that to the project. just check if everything is good

    You made a new folder with named "Ossi Files" :/

    Also some lua are not in correct format, it would cause a difficulty in case of future kRO updates.


    all my translated files are in the correct format Oo


    all 2014+ client are using a new format for  /navigation

    Format in the sense the spaces and all, yours in on compact view, which will us difficult to directly compare the compact view to expanded view of lua in kRO.



    (no offense but,)

    how come your navigation folder contain different ID's then one in the repo now(I updated the ID's yesterday from kRO grf)

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