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Posts posted by Dastgir


    Well its possible, but you want this for global shops?

    If want shop specific its better to edit script, if want global, then edit the source.

    Today, have no time so maybe in next 2 days, i can do this,

    Just describe it more, so others can also help you.

    You said reduce all price, but in next line you told, healing item worth 10k, but some healing items are only of 100, so would it be possible for you to describe little more about how you want it to work?

    Sorry for confusion..

    Yes what I really want to do is to reduce the price of all items in item_db without modifying the file.

    Item listed on npc or shops are not affected since modifying the shop files is easy.

    The goal is to easily control your future game economy. Without editting each line in itemdb.

    reduce price by percentage or fixed price?

    and if price is reduced, surely all shops will be affected.

  2. Well its possible, but you want this for global shops?

    If want shop specific its better to edit script, if want global, then edit the source.

    Today, have no time so maybe in next 2 days, i can do this,

    Just describe it more, so others can also help you.

    You said reduce all price, but in next line you told, healing item worth 10k, but some healing items are only of 100, so would it be possible for you to describe little more about how you want it to work?

  3. I mean some of them have not been written yet in skill.c and battle.c compared with rathena.

    For example: MH_SILVERVEIN_RUSH, is not seen in skill.c of Hercules.

    And Rebellion skills are not seen in skill.c of Hercules either.

    As far as I know, hom-s skills will be coded soon, else anybody is welcomed to open a pull request.


    Rebellion skills , i dont think wil be implemented soon, since no one have full data. rA has used available data from other forums, and according to me, its not accurate.

    So i think herc dev will implement rebellion after having enough info or newest aegis leak for test.

  4. anyone can confirm if these translation need better translation, for msgstringtable.txt


    1. line 243: Please equip arrows first.#

    I think it's not only for arrow, but other ammunition too. According to clif.c clif_arrow_fail, it's better to show msg 0 = MsgStringTable[242]="Please equip the proper ammunition first."


    2. line 246: Arrow has been equipped.#

    Same case like above, it show message NOT ninja => MsgStringTable[245]="Ammunition has been equipped."


    3. line 1520: Cart is available only when mounted.#

    Seems like it's "Only available when cart is mounted"

    someone need to confirm this, but this message will be shown if use clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_CART,0);


    4. line 1950: Kunayi item is only available in one state to mount.#

    Seems like should be "Kunai must be equipped to use this skill."

    msgstringtable.txt from idRO itself, said "Kamu harus memakai [Kunai] untuk menggunakan skill ini.#"

    I too believe msgstringtable translation are just way bad, if someone wants to contribute, then its good.

    and about item update, I am not available till april 2nd week, so till april 30th, all items will be added to repo(possibly with itemdb with some info unavailable, also translated)


    Topic going too long, heres a quick fix.


    1. If this and http://herc.ws/board/topic/4116-help-cannot-add-custom-items/ are referring to same problem then remove tose /* and */ from custom items, and you can load it.


    For views,once more I am saying as you using 2013 client,YOU DO NOT NEED TO MODIFY ACCNAME OR ACCESSORYID.LUA. you ONLY need to edit System/itemInfo.lub (or .lua if you diffed client with it.)

    This is true for non headgear items but Dastgir where will the client pick up the item's equip sprite prefixes from fro headgears :ph34r: .


    ItemInfo doesnt have that information.

    Sorry, Looks like My Mind is forgetting everything....


    RO/System/iteminfo.lub you can also use iteminfo.lua to avoid conflict in updating your sakray but you must diff your client load iteminfo.lua befor lub It is categorize in your Ragnarok in Folder Files

    hey im using 2013 ragexe then i am trying to add more items i put the item and collection in the right place then i add the sprites in their right location then in my luafiles/datainfo i have accessoryid.lua and accessoryid.lub and accename.lua and accename.lub i add the item on that 4 file in accename.lua and lub i add [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Heart_Ring] = "Heart_Ring", in accessoryid.lua and lub i add  ACCESSORY_Heart_Ring = 1004, then i my itemdb2 i add  Id: 26000 AegisName: "Heart_Ring" Name: "Heart Ring" Type: 5 Buy: 10 Weight: 15 Def: 0 Upper: 63 Loc: 4096 View: 1004},{ but when i @item it fails no items is being made
    No item, that means itemdb is set wrong, check your map-server if any error.

    And for 2013 clients, you dont need to modify accessoryid and accname.lua, instead only ItemInfo.lua/.lub is enough

  7. Open packets.h(src/map/packets.h)(if using hercules, other emu dont have packet enc.) , locate

    That should be last packetkey, I.e at end of file.

    Add before it the following

    Then recompile.


    Note key format should start with 0x followed by hexcode.

    Example, 0x12121212

    Replace KEYSELECTED1, 2, 3 with the key you selected while diffing your client.

  8. Havent this answered by haru and others many a times,

    20130807 needs packet keys to change, so just diff your client with nemo and choose a hard key (must be in hex in 8 char), I.e any word of 4 char and just convert that 4 char word to hex by



    And enter those in packet encryption in nemo

    Note, All 3 keys should be different so that wpe can't be bypasssed.

    Or simply choose keys from previous time and enter those on nemo.


    Lastly change the packet keys at packets.h with the selected keys.

  9. I see there's 8 Script Developer as of today, but since a month or more (yup, its more, I can't recall last update from script devs), there's no update from any one of them for scripts, we are lacking much scripts from kRO.

    So any info on what is been worked on from script dev? Or which script dev is assigned what ?



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