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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Hercules has made this last year... it is NST_CUSTOM feature that you can limit the item purchase and can be restock for every XX:XX you set.


    check the docs folder and see npc_trader_sample for more details..

    Yes we know we have that feature as i stated as post 2, but do we have the feature to show quantity like in the image, in image it shows quantity below item image, i guess we are missing that.

  2. this has been visited by 50 users, if everyone can share it the it would be like a wave o:! 50 --> 100 --> 200 and so on o:!

    shared to 5+ server owners, announced it as event it 2 servers,

    but it seems like other game is also getting equal votes, ahh wait, vote is increasing per second for both games, we need to summon a storm of voters....

  3. I would like to contribute. I have a lot of items translated on my Iteminfo. I would like to share and contribute it. sad to say I don't know how. :(:D

    you can open a pull request, or send me the file. I will add it to the repository.


    hey there... can u tell me what exactly happens here?? i am sorry for asking this but no description is given there.



    Its a NPC, you install npc to vps and webscript to webserver

    When someone click npc, it will show a link in npc, clicking that link will share a url to FB.(That url will contain the character Info)

  5. any updates ? :D:)

    Msgstrings were updated yesterday,(While Some LuaFiles were updated a month ago), I don't know about when itemInfo will be updated, since I am busy with something else(And maybe I will be available to update itemInfo after April 12th), and I don't know if someone else will be working to update itemInfo.

  6. It can maybe wrong,


    but if a feature is so hugh, that it needs those advanced technologies, should it be a script?

    i think if something is so hugh (and i would count the new bg system to this) it should not be a script, it should be a map-server logic.




    Maybe you misunderstood my words, Its definately a source modification but it is used with script like for example

    OnPCTalk:switch (strcharinfo(0)){case "ItsME"://Do somethingbreak;case "ItsNotME"://Do somethingbreak;default://Do somethingbreak;}

    (Just a example....)


    You mean all skill or some of Rebellion skills? Oh what about rAthena did they implement this already?


    all, they got them but with custom formulae AFAIK


    we don't have any of rebellion skills

    about rA, they generated formula by the info available on description and all.(So its not fully custom formula, but yes, a part of it would be custom)

  8. Hi Dastgir you improved alot you know, i remember talking to you in eAthena backway 2008-2010 teehee. 

    Your this sentence, made me search you all in eA Board, still got no traces about conversation between us  :mellow:  :angry:



    About my question #3 Do hercules have a clean data folder ? like no costume items just official because when i visit this "2013-08-07 FULL CLIENT" it has alot of costume item inside his GRF. im looking for a clean one.

    No idea about this one. but most people uses 2013-08-07 by Ossi(I think it has some kRO Sprite files and no customs)

  9. 1. I'm using eAmod for almost 2 years and yes its good, but i want to explore new things. Did Hercules got itemDB converter? from eAdb to HercuDB (item_db.txt)

    eA itemdb is similar to others, so try converting at http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter


    2. What about the scripts? are the rAthena, eAmod scripts are compatible in Hercules?

    Almost all scripts are compatible, except the one which is using custom script_commands, You can also check script for error by this site: http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/


    3. What is the latest client (w/o error) that Hercules supported? (link us please.)

    I myself , am using 2013-08-07 ( Haven't tried 2013-12-xx yet)  (Link: http://www.k3dt.eu/Ragexe/unpacked/) , You can diff it with NEMO Patcher(http://herc.ws/board/topic/2905-nemo-client-patcher/page-1)



    4. I dont know how to use Github im still stuck at Tortoise and im willing to learn new things, but when i download master.zip on github how can i update it if there's a new commit? 

    You can't update when you download master.zip, best way is learn git(Support Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/)

  10. hi! i wan't to request a daily quest npc, if i click the npc, the npc will give me a quest randomly, a quest like, kill 5 satan morocc, kill 10 champions in WoE, after the i finished the quest, every quest has a different prizes, the quest can be repeated once per 20 hours. thank you!

    Isn't this similar to monster hunting(I guess I spelled the named right)?

  11. dont see the point or neccessarity of this.


    i more prefer a switchcase with enums if i realy need words on the spots. but strings.... this doesnt feel correct.

    Source supports enums, what about Scripts? scripts only support numbered switch cases(and constants)

    setting up constants for scripts is not good(As far as I am concerned).[Constants also don't support strings(For Scripting)]

  12. very nice , thank you sir :)


    Question :


    Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 20%KDR = 10%


    Can i change this to :


    Percentage Changes:AgitCount= 20%Emp Break = 50%Active Participants = 10%KDR = 20%


    From OnInit ?

    Yes, that's the reason I have included those variables in OnInit:

    You can change those to any values you want.


    did you added a monstertalk table into the data folder? ^^  

    I extract monster_talk_table from kro official grf and put it into my data folder, my client was read data folder first


    but still dosn't work  for me , dunno why Ind sir's monster_talk_table  works properply for him. Did I forget something?



    I think there's a diff in NEMO Patcher which allows monster_talk_table in all langtypes.(but as I see you already did it,)

    Maybe try another client and check if it works,if it works, then its NEMO bug for 2013-12-30RagEXE


    [Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached![Debug]: Function: getcharid (1 parameter):[Debug]: Data: number value=2[Debug]: Source (NPC): UltimateRanker#00 (invisible/not on a map)


    change this


    donpcevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";

    to this


    doevent "UltimateRanker#00::OnEmpBreak";

    to get rid of this error

    Seems like I bymistakely diffed a wrong folder....

    Anyways,Uploaded a fixed version.

  15. seems to be working fine now. used a different version of the client. 

    requesting for somebody to close this.

    Well, if you want to know why this happens,

    here's the answer:

    the MsgStringTable.txt keeps changing over a period of time, kRO Apparently seems to add some lines in between the file(rather than in end) causing incompatibility with the old client.


    Here's the Script:

    UltimateGuildRanker: attachicon.gifUltimateGuildRanker.diff

    (Although in its initial stages, report any bug if found)

    (NOTE: this is diff not txt file.)


    At first just execute 2 querys in the top of the UltimateGuildRanker.txt


    Dastgir, thanks for this. I really appreciate your time and effort doing this. +1

    Just Keep giving us amazing ideas ;)

  17. From Putty:

    Login to putty(assuming that you using linux)

    type following command


    mysqldump -u root -pPASSWORDHERE database > filename.sql 

    it will create filename.sql in the folder you are in, download that filename.sql to your pc, connect to your new vps, transfer filename.sql to there.

    then open putty and type following command

    mysql -u root -pPASSWORDHERE database < filename.sql






    If using PhpMyAdmin:

    select a database, and export the database by button located at top, choose appropriate options, and export it,(file will be downloaded.)



    On New Host:

    Login to phpmyadmin,create database, select that database, Press Import button located at top(besides Export Button), Choose your sql file and submit, and your database will be transferred.




    after being inactive for a long while, I was planning to get back on the scene. and well, i figured i'll try to use those 2013/2014 clients.

    but no luck, first try and failed. It says disconnected and the server doesn't event detect that i'm trying to connect.






    #ifndef PACKETVER#define PACKETVER 20130807#endif // PACKETVER#ifndef DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE// Comment the following line if your client is NOT ragexeRE (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).//#define PACKETVER_RE#endif // DISABLE_PACKETVER_RE

    Can you show your char-server and map-server windows too? and if possible the configuration of conf folder?

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