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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. @dastgir about msgstringtable.txt


    1924 Over 85% Weight#


    1925 Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.# <<< I think this should be on line 1924


    because when you try to use skill while talking to an npc or have open dialog box you will get this message "Over 85% Weight"

    Totally offtopic , but let me answer this

    I have said many times, Blame kRO for swaping of lines, as we are following kRO.

  2. rathena is busy on adding all new items starting this year march when they are done i suggest pull it :D

    But I suppose , to add it with confirmation to official effects, (since I believe some of rA stuff is not following kRO)


    and what about mob_db.txt?

  3. I see that Item DB and Mob DB is missing alot of entries (Its almost 100-200+ according to my guess),

    Also I haven't seen any updates for itemdb/mobdb for much time.
    So any track when new entries will be implemented?

    Or any open source info to hercules community , so hercules community can help by pull requests?

  4. Yeah, I agree. iRO and pRO has a lot of modifications as of now. They didn't follow kRO's update and real game mechanism.


    and what would you expect from them is, 'REAL MONEY' talks and pure benefits of their VIP members. 

    for me, iRO is making money by VIP, as jezu said.

    IRO though, follows kRO update after months, like recently iRO introduced navigation system.

    Formula is not 100% same, its little different but most of them are same ( or rather close to KRO)

  5. Usually some mistakes we do, so please be careful that,

    When cleaning and building (compiling the server) make sure you dont have server running,

    My only guess to this now may be, some of your custom mod is doing this or either map is updated while char/login is not.

    I dont think any other reason should be there, but if this does not solve, lets wait for Ind to look upon it.

  6. Wooh, seeing the error first time. But as it says recompile from scratch.

    I.e if using vs, right click solution and click rebuild the solution.

    Thats it.

    Or maybe in your source src/map is updated and src/char(or login) is not updated.

    Anyways, I cant find that message in hercules repo (or if someone found it, just tell).



    What's your emulator?

  7. hi dastgir, can i suggest a addition in your patch? can you add a stocks system? refer here in my post @ra http://rathena.org/board/topic/90173-item-and-point-shop/?p=234723 thanks!

    Well its easy to make, but few thing want to discuss about it.

    1) whats the use of it, because when npc is going to be reloaded , it will just bring the stock back(neither can store stock data in memory, as it will be cleared when server restart/reload), also cannot use sql since npc ids can differ when reload.

    So if you want it like stock full when reload, ofcourse I can do it, just message here.


    Or stock system can also be done via simple script, you can use scripts to make stock too.

  8. Some Mistakes:

    Line 37(Also on line 65)

    			if (@banknotedeposit =< 0) { // Checks if the player enters a number less than or equal to 0

    Should be

    			if (@banknotedeposit <= 0) { // Checks if the player enters a number less than or equal to 0

    Line 92(same with line 128):

    mes "Please input the amount of zeny to exchange for "+ getitiemname(.note_id) +"s,"; 

    Should be 

    mes "Please input the amount of zeny to exchange for "+ getitemname(.note_id) +"s,"; 


    Line 142:


    Zeny =+ @priceb; // Gives player zeny 


    Should be


    Zeny += @priceb; // Gives player zeny  

    and finally line 172:


    prontera,150,150,3	duplicate(Banker)	Banker#prt	4_m_khkyel 


    Should be(its case sensitive, so capital)


    prontera,150,150,3	duplicate(Banker)	Banker#prt	4_M_KHKYEL 

    This all were map-server errors, haven't tested ingame.

  9. @neo Is there a way we could add a patch that enables us to change

    iteminfo.lub into some other name to prevent being overwritten when KRO


    Open hex Editor, Open your Client.exe, Find iteminfo.lub and change it to whatever name you want(restriction: Length should be <= 12)



    if possible, can you make it like ,

    1) for seeing char name, a packet is received, and that packet will contain color code, so the char name can be colored.

    2) increase charname size limit (current its 24)

    3) same as first, but instead charname color, itemname color can be changed.


    Would these patches be possiblr?

    1 & 3 -> I'll need to see if its possible.

    2 -> this one is not possible (well to be exact its a pain to even think about it. so I am not going to pursue it :D)


    Hmm i think its high time that i publish how to make patches in script. :)


    In the meantime you can expect two other patches (1 of them courtesy of Yommy) coming in today :D

    Ohh Thanks, Will wait for it.

  11. @Neo

    if possible, can you make it like ,

    1) for seeing char name, a packet is received, and that packet will contain color code, so the char name can be colored.

    2) increase charname size limit (current its 24)

    3) same as first, but instead charname color, itemname color can be changed.


    Would these patches be possiblr?

  12. Any Patcher can be used be any client.

    All Patchers are Good:

    1)Thor Patcher: Widely Used, (I believe it have best compression, and I am using it for years) , easily customizable. Resumable not supported.

    2)NeonCube: (No Comments, Ah, I don't know what to say here)

    3)JikariCube: (I believe that is has resumable support), and same function as others.


    But Personally, Thor Patcher is best.

  13. Ind reply to pull request (https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/232)

    Hello. We thank you for your wish to contribute and support, however such a feature has already been prepared in 438aec4 (its just waiting for the remainder of the branch to be complete)




    @Moderators, You can close this thread.

    Download Link(if anyone want to use it):


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