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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Ok, so I know everything about the atcommands, but am not sure how to implement the / ones.


    Everything I've searched usually has Atcommands as a reference. 

    To be direct, I want players to use the /str command and so on. 


    I'm not sure if it's just as simple as /str: true or a special function each unique server has.


    My second question has to do with 4 slotting equipment.


    I've spent the last hour manually doing EACH ITEM one by one. 

    Yes I know, I go to item_db and change the 11th spot for equipment to 4. Doing that one by one is killer.




    I tried his way but that creates errors in the item database because the expression he uses isn't exact enough and therefore changes THINGS that should not be changed, nor do I know how he came up with those expressions to search. (No experience).


    I mainly just want to know if there's an easy way to the second question.

    For the item part, you should use regular exression search, though the topic is too old, I will check if item_db had some update or not,and update the search parameters accordingly.

  2. You know what can help.. I know you know that I know that.

    Haha i know what you wanted to say.



    Waiting for this .. :)

    Getting info on block 38: Haha still no luck to get there, completed it 3 times



    Added Some Official Behaviour of Sight NPC in Survival.


    P.S: If you get info of block 38 of survival test, please pm me(Frustated with it, tried more than 10 times, still no luck to get there).

  3. what if we are not using renewal edp fomula?


    		case SC_EDP:	// [Celest]			val2 = val1 + 2; //Chance to Poison enemies.			val3 = 50*(val1+1); //Damage increase (+50 +50*lv%)#ifdef RENEWAL_EDP			val4 = 100 * ((val1 + 1)/2 + 2);#endif			if( sd )//[Ind] - iROwiki says each level increases its duration by 3 seconds				tick += pc->checkskill(sd,GC_RESEARCHNEWPOISON)*3000;

    change the "val3" value.

  4. zones: (


     name: "All"


     disabled_items: {

       Wing_Of_Fly: true;




     name: "PvP"


     disabled_items: {

       Wing_Of_Fly: false;




    His point is

    if enabled_items: is enabled, everything else will be disabled except the entries in enable_items:

    so if he use disabled_items: , he will have to put all the items, which is a bad idea ofcourse.





    isn't possible to split them? ex. hercules-pre(final) and hercules-re(alpha)

    Why not have in 1 if we can have it, making it easy for owner to switch between pre-re and renewal.

    well my point is for those who wanna develop their re they can stay to alpha while pre-re lovers will stay to final ;) separated files so no more argue?


    Pre-RE servers likes system updates too. Why finalize it.

    so why not separate the pre-re and merge the system updates when re is update. Is that impossible?

    That will make dev to work double, to add code in pre-re and in re too. if there's only 1, both are updated.

  6. i dont want to use the default theme , i want to permanently change it because i only want one theme


    any guide ?


    Thanks in advance




    'ThemeName' => array('default', 'emphaino'), 

    change this to whichever themes you want. if want more themes, just put "," and proceed with name in inverted comma. If want less themes, just remove the name from here.

  7. I was comparing rAthena and Hercules NPC, and I found following Difference

    1) Cutin

     cutin "°í½ºÆ®¸µÄ«µå",4;    <--- Hercules
     cutin "°í½ºÆ®¸µÄ«µå",4; // Ghostring Card  <--- rAthena
    Does Hercules processing of ascii code different? its little bit confusing.
    2)payg_cas02 Official name is Scarlet Palace or Sacred Palace?


    According to the video the drop is scattered all around the map of prt_fild08 is there a way we can do this? if we kill king poring its drop will be scattered all around the map?


    i tried this but it doesnt make the item on the ground, and it shoule be drop in random places in that map thats why i try to put 0,0;



    if(killedrid!=1002){ end;}

    makeitem 969,1,"prt_fild08",0,0;

    makeitem 969,1,"prt_fild08",0,0;



    makeitem 969,1,"prt_fild08",0,0;


    Dropping Only 1, try to do it >1k(If you want to test) bcoz prt_fild08 is a large map and then kill a poring.

    P.S: Or maybe if you have tested that, you may not have loaded the script.

  9. 1. An image or description of your In-game character sprite + headgear set. :rebellion class with (red dragon wing)

    2. Any Specific Color Scheme you would like : red/green

    3. Any images you like that could possibly be used for the request. : none ( select one which u like)

    4. Text you would like to be included or a short quote etc. :none.

    5. Which name you would like on the Signature / Avatar. Dastgir Pojee

    6. Some contact info of sorts so I can contact you if needed: ym/fb: [email protected]

  10. {	id: 99	name: "Admin"	level: 99	inherit: (  )	commands: {			item: false	}	log_commands: true	permissions: {		all_commands: true	}}

    This is group that allows all commands and don't want to give item to gm.


    1) I don't know, maybe will need a source edit.

  11. It's already been made/discussed on another topic, I believe in Source Requests (I can't link it now since it's a mess on mobile UI).


    Main problem of it is that you can't lift the 23 char name limit and those titles count towards that restriction, so it may cause unexpected emulator behavior.

    It can be done via client editing, but that too causes some unexpected behaviour.However I don't know if someone pro can do it without error or not.

  12. Updated to r40:


    Formatted to Latest kRO Files

    Updated to Latest kRO Files.

    Unupdated Files:





    -->System/ Folder

    Quest Folder Updated,(There was some variable added,)

    Updated many untranslated things.



    Added questid2display of kro and seperated iro questid2display.



    card updated.


    Soon:System Folder.


    if(script->str_data[func].func){// <= check if the pointer isn't null        if (!(script->str_data[func].func(st))){ //run the function            script_reportsrc(st);//if the function returns false, dump the errors        }    }

    But with custom script command, it always returns false and dumps the error(but script is executed.).Should custom function return 1?

  14. int run_func(struct script_state *st){	struct script_data* data;	int i,start_sp,end_sp,func;	end_sp = st->stack->sp;// position after the last argument	for( i = end_sp-1; i > 0 ; --i )		if( st->stack->stack_data[i].type == C_ARG )			break;	if( i == 0 )	{		ShowError("script:run_func: C_ARG not found. please report this!!!n");		st->state = END;		script_reportsrc(st);		return 1;	}	start_sp = i-1;// C_NAME of the command	st->start = start_sp;	st->end = end_sp;	data = &st->stack->stack_data[st->start];	if( data->type == C_NAME && script->str_data[data->u.num].type == C_FUNC )		func = data->u.num;	else	{		ShowError("script:run_func: not a buildin command.n");		script_reportdata(data);		script_reportsrc(st);		st->state = END;		return 1;	}	if( script->config.warn_func_mismatch_argtypes ) {		script_check_buildin_argtype(st, func);	}	if(script->str_data[func].func){		if (!(script->str_data[func].func(st))){ //Report error			script_reportsrc(st);		}	} else {		ShowError("script:run_func: '%s' (id=%d type=%s) has no C function. please report this!!!n", script->get_str(func), func, script_op2name(script->str_data[func].type));		script_reportsrc(st);		st->state = END;	}	// Stack's datum are used when re-running functions [Eoe]	if( st->state == RERUNLINE )		return 0;	script->pop_stack(st, st->start, st->end);	if( st->state == RETFUNC )	{// return from a user-defined function		struct script_retinfo* ri;		int olddefsp = st->stack->defsp;		int nargs;		script->pop_stack(st, st->stack->defsp, st->start);// pop distractions from the stack		if( st->stack->defsp < 1 || st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].type != C_RETINFO )		{			ShowWarning("script:run_func: return without callfunc or callsub!n");			script_reportsrc(st);			st->state = END;			return 1;		}		script->free_vars( st->stack->var_function );		ri = st->stack->stack_data[st->stack->defsp-1].u.ri;		nargs = ri->nargs;		st->pos = ri->pos;		st->script = ri->script;		st->stack->var_function = ri->var_function;		st->stack->defsp = ri->defsp;		memset(ri, 0, sizeof(struct script_retinfo));		script->pop_stack(st, olddefsp-nargs-1, olddefsp);// pop arguments and retinfo		st->state = GOTO;	}	return 0;}

    Above is code of run_func()

    I want to ask what this checks for


     if(script->str_data[func].func){		if (!(script->str_data[func].func(st))){ //Report error			script_reportsrc(st);		}	}  


    because its the part that goes to script_reportsrc and gives some [Debug]: Source (NPC) Invisible on map

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