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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. Maybe unpack their apk, find clientinfo(last time, i unpacked it, unpacking was success but 1 file was not unpacked), and edit it and repack it.(although i havent tried repacking it and testing the repacked one), then install on android and try.



    .so is extension for linux, just like building hpm in windows give .dll,


    Make sure you have files in src/plugins/ and then edit

    Src/plugins/makefile.in and add your plugin name in MYPLUGINS then do

    make plugins

    And then run he server, then you will not get those errors.




    is your plugin-HPMHooking is updated?


    try to update your Hercules files including the plugins..

    is it ok if u add the latest update of plugins in the trunk to ur ZIP/RAR? (put all the files including the the new committed files and ur files)

    its just like I will just copy it instead of updating my own trunk, because i made alot of customization in my files and i think if i will update it will mess up my server.

    wont taking plugin file from other affect server and cause some unintended bug(as i think) and if you have edited the variables sended to some default functions, then obviously, server would crash. If you could have used any HPMHooking file from anybody, then hercules would have released a .dll/.so on its own too.

  3. .so is extension for linux, just like building hpm in windows give .dll,


    Make sure you have files in src/plugins/ and then edit

    Src/plugins/makefile.in and add your plugin name in MYPLUGINS then do

    make plugins

    And then run he server, then you will not get those errors.

  4. Maybe they could also implement character/party/guild bound? r17351 & r17361 at *A

    Party/guild bound seems useless, create a party, invite player to whom u want to give item, leave party, this can be done everytime to trade. Is rA have some way to prevent this?

  5. Added a Pull Request: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/195

    If they didn't accept it, then for those who want this feature: autoloottype.diff (Here's a Diff)



    now in rathena they improved the @autoloot.


    why not in hercules make the one click autoattack specific monster?

    not like bot. that walk around to attack any monster.

    this is auto attack will just attack the same monster that you first attack and will just hunt same monster that you will see in screen.

    then after being idle you have to click another monster to attack.

    Autoattack i think not a command that most of server owners needed(Its like how can they know if someone is idle), what will be the difference in botting and autoattacking, from botting too we search for a particular type of mob.


    Maybe change line 116 to


    for( set .i,1; i <= getarraysize(.playerid[.i]); set .i,.i+1 ){
    Thank you, for this.

    Hello Dastgir Pojee

    Another problem exist.

    After the NPC announces the winner, It will not give the prize and wont warp you back to the prontera.?

    but before I added this line the script works fine about warping back to prontera?



    for( set .i,1; i <= getarraysize(.playerid[.i]); set .i,.i+1 ){ 
    also tried this one


    for( set .@i,1; getarraysize(.playerid[.@i]) < .@i; set .@i,.@i+1 ){ 

    booth are not giving the prize

    but the sequences are working fine, just don't have prize


    Maybe some error in map-server on oot or at end of event, please report it.



    wouldn't something like this work?

    autobonus <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>{,<flag>,{<other script>}};
    With the other script being something like this:

    summon "Monster name",<monster id>{,<Time Out>{,"event label"}};


    Please refer to doc/script_commands.txt for more information about this.

    I almost forgot about summon script, summon script alone can work, why autobonus? Summon has timeout option


    Autobonus so that monsters are not spawned each time you attack, thus avoiding infestation of summoned monsters on the map. 

    Haha, I maybe misunderstood it. I thought card will be usable item that will vanish after 1 use.

  8. You Edited it Wrong.

    btw you want it every 15 minutes(as what I see from script)

    Here's the Fixed Script. Just edit the item id and quantity on Line 124 and 125.

    //Author-Script		Goddameit	My forum : http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F	//Author-Map		TrojanWorm//Version		2012-10-31//Don't re-release in anywhere and anyway//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////endless_war	mapflag	battleground	2endless_war,218,86,0	script	#BattleGroundwarpA2	100,{	end;OnInit:	waitingroom "Join Team A(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpA2::OnJoin",1;	end;OnJoin:	if(!$@bg_id_a)		set $@bg_id_a,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",205,85,"","");	else		waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_a,"endless_war",205,85,"#BattleGroundwarpA2");	warpwaitingpc "endless_war",205,85;	end;}endless_war,40,86,0	script	#BattleGroundwarpB2	100,{	end;OnInit:	waitingroom "Join Team B(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpB2::OnJoin",1;	end;OnJoin:	if(!$@bg_id_		set $@bg_id_b,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",53,85,"","");	else	waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_b,"endless_war",53,85,"#BattleGroundwarpB2");	warpwaitingpc "endless_war",53,85;	end;}endless_war,165,86,0	script	#BattleGroundwarpA1	45,2,2,{	warp "endless_war",161,86;	end;}endless_war,90,86,0	script	#BattleGroundwarpB1	45,2,2,{	warp "endless_war",94,86;	end;}prontera,150,180,4	script	Battle Ground	100,{	if(.status==2)	{		mes "Game is running.";		close;	}	if(.status==1)	{				if(.playernm>=128)		{			mes "Sorry, full";			close;		}		select("Join");		if(!.playerid[1])		{			//callsub OnEndd;			initnpctimer;		}		set .playernm,.playernm+1;		set .playerid[.playernm],getcharid(0);		mes "Complete";		close;	}	end;OnMinute00:OnMinute15:OnMinute30:OnMinute45:	callsub OnActive;	end;OnActive:	callsub OnEndd;	set .status,1;	Announce "[Battle Ground]:Someone active the game! Go to prontera,150,180 and join us!",0;	end;OnTimer60000:	if(.playernm<=32)	{		Announce "[Battle Ground]:Sorry, player amount isn't enough",0;		callsub OnEndd;		end;	}	Announce "[Battle Ground]:Event is ready!",0;	for(set .@i,1;.@i<=.playernm;set .@i,.@i+1)	{		if(.@i%2==0)			warpchar "endless_war",218,86,.playerid[.@i];		else			warpchar "endless_war",40,86,.playerid[.@i];	}	callsub OnEnab2;	end;OnTimer90000:	set .status,2;	Announce "[Battle Ground]:Go!",0;	bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory";	bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory";	callsub OnEnab1;	end;OnTimer190000:	if(.point[1]>.point[2]){		set .bg_id_w,$@bg_id_a;		Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0;	}else if(.point[2]>.point[1]){		set .bg_id_w,$@bg_id_b;		Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0;	}else{		set .bg_id_w,-1;		Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0;	}	for( set .@i,1; .playerid[.@i]; set .@i,.@i+1 ){		if( attachrid(.playerid[.@i]) ){	//Prize if Team A win			if(.bg_id_w == -1){ getitem <ItemID HERE>,<Item Quantity Here>;} //If Match Draws			else if( getcharid(4) == .bg_id_w ) {getitem <ItemID HERE>,<Item Quantity Here>;} //If Someone Wins		}	}	sleep2 3000;	callsub OnEndd;		end;OnBdestory:	set .point[1],.point[1]+5;	set .point[2],.point[2]-3;	bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2];	detachrid;	sleep2 10000;	bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory";	end;OnAdestory:	set .point[2],.point[2]+5;	set .point[1],.point[1]-3;	bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2];	detachrid;	sleep2 10000;	bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory";	end;OnEndd:	set .status,0;	bg_destroy $@bg_id_a;	bg_destroy $@bg_id_b;	set $@bg_id_a,0;	set $@bg_id_b,0;	setarray .point[1],0,0;	killmonsterall "endless_war";	bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2];	deletearray .playerid[0],128;	mapwarp "endless_war","prontera",150,180;	callsub OnDisa;	return;OnEnab1:	enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1";	enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1";	return;OnEnab2:	enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2";	enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2";	return;OnDisa:	disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1";	disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1";	disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2";	disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2";	return;OnInit:	sleep2 10000;	setwall "endless_war",218,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA21";	setwall "endless_war",219,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA22";	setwall "endless_war",219,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA23";	setwall "endless_war",219,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA24";	setwall "endless_war",218,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA25";	setwall "endless_war",217,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA26";	setwall "endless_war",217,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA27";	setwall "endless_war",217,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA28";	setwall "endless_war",40,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB21";	setwall "endless_war",41,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB22";	setwall "endless_war",41,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB23";	setwall "endless_war",41,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB24";	setwall "endless_war",40,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB25";	setwall "endless_war",39,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB26";	setwall "endless_war",39,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB27";	setwall "endless_war",39,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB28";	callsub OnEndd;	end;OnPCKillEvent:	if(strcharinfo(3)=="endless_war" && $@bg_id_a && $@bg_id_	{		if(getcharid(4) == $@bg_id_a)		{			set .point[1],.point[1]+1;		}else			set .point[2],.point[2]+1;		bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2];	}	end;}

  9. wouldn't something like this work?


    autobonus <bonus script>,<rate>,<duration>{,<flag>,{<other script>}};
    With the other script being something like this:

    summon "Monster name",<monster id>{,<Time Out>{,"event label"}};


    Please refer to doc/script_commands.txt for more information about this.

    I almost forgot about summon script, summon script alone can work, why autobonus? Summon has timeout option

  10. 5471,Hairband_Of_Reginleif,Reginrev's Wings,5,20,,800,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,50,0,468,{},{bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,4,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,3,5; bonus2 bSubEle,9,5; bonus2 bSubEle,8,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;},{}


    5592,Sigrun's_Wing,Sigrun's Wings,5,20,,100,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,0,0,568,{},{if (getrefine()>=16 && getrefine()<=20){bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVit,2; bonus bMatkRate,3;} bonus bAgi,6; bonus bDex,6; bonus bVit,6; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,7,5; bonus2 bSubEle,2,5; bonus2 bSubEle,5,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;},{}


    The changes i made.

    Use the code below:


    5471,Hairband_Of_Reginleif,Reginrev's Wings,5,20,,800,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,50,0,468,{bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,4,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,3,5; bonus2 bSubEle,9,5; bonus2 bSubEle,8,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;},{},{} 5592,Sigrun's_Wing,Sigrun's Wings,5,20,,100,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,512,,0,0,568,{if (getrefine()>=16 && getrefine()<=20){bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVit,2; bonus bMatkRate,3;} bonus bAgi,6; bonus bDex,6; bonus bVit,6; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,7,5; bonus2 bSubEle,2,5; bonus2 bSubEle,5,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;},{},{} 
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