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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. It looks like your perl interpreter doesn't support named captures.

    The script uses those, so it requires at least perl version 5.10 (which was released six years ago). You can either upgrade your perl interpreter, or use the online version.

    Mine one is "perl"

    Which i suppose is newer than 5.10

  2. Still cannot use itemdbconverter, Some error like 

    Sequence (?<p...) not recognized in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^                        (?<p <-- HERE refix>(?://[^0-9]*)?)                        (?<ID>[0-9]+)[^,]*,                        (?<AegisName>[^,]+),                        (?<Name>[^,]+),[st]*                        (?<Type>[0-9]+)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Buy>[0-9]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Sell>[0-9]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Weight>[0-9]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<ATK>[0-9-]*)[^,:]*(?<hasmatk>:[st]*(?<MATK>[0-9-]*))?[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<DEF>[0-9-]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Range>[0-9]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Slots>[0-9]*)[^,]*,[st]*                        (?<Job>[x0-9A-Fa-f]*)[^,] at tools/itemdbconverter.pl line 99.

  3. sir, i have load the plugins but nothing happen.

    I try to @getrandmob but unknown commands.

    why there are some poring at town ?

    i dont get...

    here some screenshot for you.


    attachicon.gif09-Nov-13 4-16-59 AM.png attachicon.gif09-Nov-13 4-16-32 AM.png

    Its just for getting random monster id, Its not a ATCOMMAND, its a SCRIPT COMMAND,

    so you can't use @getrandmob, instead you have to use getrandmob() on script with following syntax:

    getrandmob(num,type); * * type: Where to fetch from: * 0: dead branch list * 1: poring list * 2: bloody branch list * num: Mob level to check against

  4. @neqste

    We will check into the file.



    Updated to r63:

    Changelog of r62-r63

    Formatted itemInfo.luaUpdates on itemInfo:1)298 Items were having wrong ClassNum.2)3 Items were having wrong slotCount.3)126 items were having wrong rescname.


    P.S: Still Missing 353 kRO Items(Will be added in few weeks(With Translation))


    Updated to r64-r66:


    Added 2k missing entries(entry with missing name,description).Fixed several(200+) more ClassNum and resname.

    P.S: Still 400+ items are missing description.

  5. Extract the attachment to different folder, add itemInfo.lub to that folder, then

    If you have lua installed, simply double click SeperateItemInfo.lua

    If you don't have lua installed,(I have included lua.exe in zip), so open command prompt, go to the folder where you extracted files and be sure that itemInfo.lub is already there, then type "lua SeperateItemInfo.lua", and done.


    The idnumtables are created in folder named "idnum"

    If you don't have itemInfo.lub but have itemInfo.lua , then just rename it to .lub.

    Attachment: SeperateItemInfo.7z


    (The File Works I have tested it, and its made by me)



  6. No No, If you put the .c files in src/plugins and edited src/plugins/makefile.in and then do

    make plugins

    then .so file will be automatically created at /plugins folder. so just do the steps:

    1) Copy .c files in src/plugins

    2) Edit src/plugins/makefile.in (As stated above)

    3) Do "make plugins"

    4) Edit conf/plugins.conf

    5) Run your server.(And plugins will be loaded)

  7. compile them,

    Put the .c files in /src/plugins/,

    Edit src/plugins/Makefile.in,

    Add plugin names here without .c extension


    so if you have plugin file named autoloottype.c

    It will look like

    MYPLUGINS = autoloottype

    then do

    make plugins

    This step will make the .c file into .so file and store them in /plugins folder.

    and then include the file name in conf/plugins.conf

    and then run the server.

    That's all

  8. Better to share so that the developers can check any file they want without requesting many times, and other hercules people can also compare and make pull requests.if you are giving out file, then pm me with file or share here in post.

  9. 3rd time I am posting this(Updated 15th October, Will be missing 2-3 sql updates)

    CREATE TABLE `account_data` (  `account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `bank_vault` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;ALTER TABLE `cart_inventory`  DROP COLUMN `bound`;ALTER TABLE `char`  DROP COLUMN `moves`  , ADD COLUMN `slotchange` smallint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0  , ADD COLUMN `char_opt` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';ALTER TABLE `guild_storage`  DROP COLUMN `bound`;ALTER TABLE `inventory`  DROP COLUMN `bound`;ALTER TABLE `picklog`  MODIFY COLUMN `type` enum('M','P','L','T','V','S','N','C','A','R','G','E','B','O','I','X','D','U') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'P';CREATE TABLE `sql_updates` (  `timestamp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,  `ignored` enum('Yes','No') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'No',  PRIMARY KEY (`timestamp`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;ALTER TABLE `storage`  DROP COLUMN `bound`;DROP TABLE `cashlog`;DROP TABLE `skillcooldown`;-- Existent updates to enterINSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1360858500);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1360951560);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1362445531);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1362528000);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1362794218);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1364409316);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1366075474);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1366078541);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1381354728);INSERT INTO `sql_updates` (`timestamp`) VALUES (1381423003);REPLACE INTO `interreg` (`varname`, `value`) VALUES('unique_id', '0');

    1st Time: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2495-req-database-upgrades-from-rathena-to-hercules/?p=16526

    2nd Time: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2619-moving-from-rathena-to-hercules/?hl=rathena


    Can you please add one in git repo so they can directly get it from repo.



    no, all you need to do is to move line 1863 to 1864. vice versa,...


    If you delete 1. the other strings will be affected.



    Thanks , I just need to make sure. :DSlashGeeGee

    But according to official server I.e kro it was moved from 1863 to 1864.(atleast in 20130807, it is moved, I dont know exact date, when itwas moved.)

    So you can also change pc.c


    clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x746, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use

    Change to

    clif->msgtable_num(sd->fd, 0x747, e_tick + 1); // [%d] seconds left until you can use

    Thats why if you see https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/Data/ we have kept latest msgstring at data folder and older msgstring are seperated in msgstring folder.

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