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Posts posted by Dastgir

  1. How about make it like u need to wait an hour afk/or nor before u can get the reward?


    because if they are just going to log in maybe they will make many accounts and abuse it.

    Then they can make many accounts , start all client at once(if multiple clients are disabled, many players use hexing,etc to enable it) and wait for hour to get reward.

    So the best option is make that reward non-tradable,non-dropable and only storagable



    It's not working :/

    reload your database or better restart your server then try again...or check if there are syntax error in server console



    I used @reloaditemdb, i restarted my server. no errors in map. and still not working.

    Can you post your ItemDB Contents for those 2 customs?

  3. Hairband of Regninleif:


     {bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,5; bonus bVit,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,4,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,3,5; bonus2 bSubEle,9,5; bonus2 bSubEle,8,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;}


    Sigrun's Wing: 


    {if (getrefine()>=16 && getrefine()<=20){bonus bAgi,2; bonus bDex,2; bonus bVit,2; bonus bMatkRate,3;} bonus bAgi,6; bonus bDex,6; bonus bVit,6; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; bonus2 bAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bMagicAddEle,6,5; bonus2 bSubEle,1,5; bonus2 bSubEle,7,5; bonus2 bSubEle,2,5; bonus2 bSubEle,5,5; bonus bMaxSP,100;}

    Hope you needed the script part only.


    I updated the msgstringtable in the repo just now[r55].


    :) Enjoy.

    i can add some msgstring here


    after Compare Item


    add this


    Now you are trying to mount the gun equipped with bullet does not meet#

    Now you are trying to mount the guns and bullets will not fit mounted#

    Has not registered to sell the item. Please register to sell the item#


    Guild storage is not available.#

    Guild is not subscribed to. After signing up, please use#

    Two other guild members are in use. Please use it after a while.#

    Warehouse permission#

    Guild Warehouse#

    You do not have permission to use the guild warehouse.#

    Registration limited sales window#

    Item DB name#

    Item DB number#

    Number of sales#

    Sales start time#

    Time to sell#

    Please enter the number you want to sell#

    Please enter a start time for sale#

    Start time does not match the scope of sales#

    Please enter the time you want to sell#

    Please enter the Item DB Name#

    Item ID lookup failed. OK, please try again later#

    >> Item Name : %s / Price : %dc / Quantity : %d / Sale period : %d Month:%d day:%d time:%d minutes ~ %d Mon:%d day:%d time:%d min#

    Registration was successful#

    Registration failure. Please try again#

    The item has already been registered. Please try again#

    Failed to delete the item. Please try again#

    %s has been deleted item#


    Limited edition item sales update#


    Quantity update is required#

    The %d is out of stock or to buy as much as#

    %s of the item deals were on sale#

    %s time-out or sale of the items sold has been shut down due to the limited sales#

    /Limited edition#



    I have already updated the repo, but it seems you have just done google translate, which is not at all good.

  5. Here's something that should help greatly. I happen to have a enum table for message strings ID's ripped from the aegis zone server. Whats useful about it is the fact that each line gives hints to what each line in the regular msgstringtable would translate around to. Here's a simple example....


    MSI_BANK_OVER_INT_MAX =  0x99b,


    This in decimal is 2459. Add +1 and itl be on line 2460 which says 보유 Zeny 는 2,147,483,647 Zeny를 넘을 수 없습니다.

    Google translates this to "Zeny holds a can not exceed 2,147,483,647 Zeny." So basicly the amount of zeny a bank can hold can't go above that number.


    Another example....


    MSI_WRONG_GUN =  0x9bc,


    This in decimal is line 2492. Add +1 and its line 2493 which says 현재 장착하려고 하는 총기가 장착하고 있는 탄환에 맞지 않습니다.

    Google translates this to "Now you are trying to mount the gun equipped with bullet does not meet." which I guess has something to do with trying to use the wrong gun with a certain skill.


    Hopefully this will help accelerate the accuracy and development of this project. Below are the 2 files.


    Official message string table ripped from a Aegis zone. All ID's are in a hex value, so youll need to convert from hex to decimal. Also the table starts on ID 0. Since messages start on line 1 in the msgstringtable you will need to shift things in the aegis table up by 1.

    attachicon.gifAegis Zone MSG String ID Table.txt


    This is the latest table ripped by Yommy. The above Aegis table covers almost every line in this one except the last 34 lines.


    Strange, why yommy msgstringtable have last 2 lines as




    And thanks for the Info.


    Updated Msgstringtable(According to Yommy's one) and seperated old one(As i believe there's some missing lines in new/old ones)

  6. I suggest to use 2, 147, 483, 657 as max zenies as what kRO uses..



    +1 as i also commented it to github commit,

    The first time bank was release, it was 2.1bil(as of what msgstringtable said, then later they changed msgstringtable to2147483657.

  7. Open ThorGenerator or ThorMaker and click Delete File Tab then

    then type the location of the file you want to delete.





    then click Add!, then Generate, upload it to your webhosting, update your plist.txt then patch.

    Does this feature work? because Last time I used this feature, it doesn't seem to work, it haven't deleted the files.

    No Idea which version of Thor I am using...

  8. Dont know if it works or not, but the newer client have a checkbox on inventory tab for item compare feature.

    Any ideas for how it work? I have no idea if its supported in hercules bcoz of some comments in the forum, i think its supported.

    Any help?

  9. Unfortunately I don't have official server account, but Metaling, Pitman, should drop iron pretty frequently. About Phracon/Emveracton: It should be buyable in every blacksmith house from a blonde guy as I remember, but again, I can only relate to non officials :/


    +Steel can be created with Genetic (Change material -> Tsurugi[1] (buyable in prt weapon shop) -> 10 steel)

    +Rough ores: Explosion & Kaho (8 & 10% and they are on the same place in magma dungeon).

    I will try i, and check if npc exists in sakray server.

  10. I post it at rathena but nobody seems to be able to make one



    Well, a great idea, but some drawbacks(or maybe I didn't understand it properly)

    1) what's the use if he can regain it at same amt. of zeny(its like storing them in storage then.), maybe should add a interest.

    2) what will decide the price?(the item normal buy price?)

    3) if there's interest rate, then how much?

    4) (just a suggestion, bcoz I see it usually in a pawn shop) what if calculate how many items exist in whole server and then multiply the price by some multiplier.

    5) (again a suggestion) if player wont come in x (days/mins) then that item is gone for auction

    6) this will be shop or npc,( its better if its npc according to me)?.

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