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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Yes, it's also available in 2015-10 clientd
  2. Manually hex it, new ragexe could be released *soon*
  3. Those 2 announcement might be the one xD Some clients do have problem with announcing pattern, like some client cant handle colon ":" on announcement and so on... Those 2 announcement might be having some symbol or special character which client might not be able to process properly. Other than that, everything is fine
  4. Possibly you used wrong dir to make .Thor file
  5. Maybe the announce npc, since you are announcing nothing in 2 cases. Which might be the reason of crash
  6. DMP file is not that useful... What I can suggest is, to isolate each thing and try, first disable all npc and try, if there's still error, try changing client and try.. Otherwise, checkout fresh Hercules and try . The problem is not Soo clear, so you might need to do several try to get to know exact error. I still assume, some other script might be doing some activity like playing music/etc.
  7. If your target is asia. Is it good to use OVH? my ping to ovh is about 240ms. But lot of people using OVH for their server. Servers which target Asia too use ovh, maybe because of their ddos protection.
  8. Does it mean I have to have both? Is it because I played on a server and everything was perfect, where can I get the sprites?Summoner is a starting and the only job in doram raceJust like novice is starting job in human race Not really sure what you want to ask...
  9. Currently, color should be in quotes, and format is 0xRRGGBB, Hmmp... this still not working... I put the correct format, in quotes, but color's always White (No Debug appears). However, I put the Warning Number Value in quotes, and the message shows in Red Color.dispbottom2 "16711680","Message"; Hex format should have worked. Anyways, I forgot to tell, recently, there was change in DispBottom to support color. Syntax: dispbottom "Message", <color>; Color is in hex, so red = 0xFF0000
  10. All players crash at same time? Well, if you have PvP script or something which plays music to all player, it can cause crash in case that music file is not found.
  11. I see you had uploaded DMP file too , but on mediafire(MF doesn't allow me to download files). So I am just guessing some stuff; Do you have any third party tools in client side? (any shield/etc.) Any mods server side? (Some mod might be running something at regular interval, causing crash due to unwanted packet or something like that) Some player/GM might wearing some item(whose file aren't there for others) which is causing crash
  12. Linode/DO don't have ddos protection(neither did vultr had)
  13. Get updated msgstringtable.txt , that's the cause of client crashhttps://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation
  14. http://herc.ws/board/user/4176-functor/
  15. Dastgir

    getd in SRC

    1) you cannot concat string directly, that should have given some sort of compile warning. 2) use pc_readglobalreg_str
  16. FD_SETSIZE is too low for Linux(Debian/centos/etc) , you could either use epoll setting(It exist on Hercules) or switch to BSD based system(FreeBSD) and increase FD_SETSIZE
  17. It only works for new client (2016)
  18. That message happens when you have 100 items in inventory.You can change the MAX_INVENTORY setting, but client won't support it... It's anyhow common among players to have some free slots in inventory while opening boxes
  19. Hello my friend does it work? i tried it but it didn't work i used 2015-09-16Did you put it correctly in grf?
  20. Achievement would be added as and when it's developed.
  21. Use this: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/tools/mobdbconverter.py
  22. You should login via rocred
  23. Try using gdb. From that log, it seems some plugin might be loaded, try to unload all plugin and try again.
  24. Currently, color should be in quotes, and format is 0xRRGGBB,
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