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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Seems packet encryption problem.If you have changed the packet keys, be sure to change them.on Hercules as well.
  2. https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/commit/25240b42e76a9b790101d692f02f7981baa3efac
  3. Hi @Dastgir, that's not what i'm looking. The mob is summoned through monster() script with Fake name.For example monster "new_1-1",50,106,"test",PORING,1; I want to get the name "test" of the poring killed. I don't think it's currently possible currently, what you could do is, explicitly mention the Label name in monster command, so you would know, that if that label is executed, the monster name is "test" or whatever you have set.
  4. .@name$ = strmobinfo(1, killedrid);
  5. It shouldn't crash.. Also s1 p1 as user/pass isn't recommended and won't anyhow let you to run server, I suggest you to change those and try.
  6. Explain stop working/crash, if possible, provide screenshot
  7. Directly editing the battle conf variables from plugin is suggested until I get time to update all plugins at once.
  8. Directly edit these from plugin, currently not having much time to edit all plugins for new battle conf format. int bc_extended_vending; int bc_show_item_vending; int bc_ex_vending_info; int bc_item_zeny; int bc_item_cash;
  9. You can use any one of these: http://herc.ws/board/topic/9600-2015-05-13aragexe-release/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/7617-2014-10-22-client-download/ Use NEMO to diff the client: https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO
  10. Check the first error on map-server(it would be from mob_db), It's highly likely that you have some syntax error on mob_db.conf causing all other mobs not to be parsed.
  11. Short answer, no,Long answer, maybe, if you can make your own Client xD
  12. Dastgir

    Fake NPC Name

    I guess you are looking for setnpcdisplay command
  13. That's weird. Your passwords might not be in md5, and you might not be able to login. The only problem I see.... About topic owner problem, slowed mysql can cause this, because everything saves in mysql and mysql hanging could result in freezing the client.
  14. You could pretty much do many things, you only need to figure out which function to hook and which new functions to add. You can view all my plugin for examples and get the idea of how to do it: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/tree/master/src/plugins You can also view more plugins from downloads section by various other authors
  15. https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins/commit/005e78635082b2719123bb1ae45f011e19e19b84
  16. Update your itemInfo, seems some encoding gone wrong
  17. make clean make all ^ these are enough and would make plugin too. However, are you sure you closed previous server and opened it again? It might be possibility that old map server is still running (Also, kinda silly, but be sure to save the file too(reupload, if you download the file and edit))
  18. Be sure to not have any plugin loaded while reporting a bug
  19. I hope it's just a joke :x the site you are visiting is OF Hercules emulator. So he clearly means edit the emulator files.You need to edit src/common/mmo.h, Find PACKETVER and change it to the client date you have chosen.
  20. You really don't need addrid for that. In OnPCLoadMapEvent, you can use getmapguildusers to know number of members of specific guild and can warp extra players out.
  21. This kind of addrid was rejected from Hercules too. Because this can be dangerous. It can have unexpected behavior when the player is attached to other npc and you call addrid, either that script would stop executing(think doing some quest, the variables changed but you didn't got reward), or the script with addrid would behave oddly(rid not attached but script continued to run) More info: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/211
  22. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Supported-Platforms CentOS 5 is unsupported, upgrade to centos 6/7 to compile Hercules properly
  23. Can you move?Any other commands that cause hang? The client hang? Or the machine? Or just the character? What happens if you let it hang for some time?(does it start to work again? Or it shows "not responding" error?) Have you tried downloading fresh kRO? If yes, have you tried downloading kRO from other websites?(not only 1 site, sometimes a site can provide faulty grf) Does it happen on specific map? Or on all maps? Which client version are you using? Have configured the packetver properly? Have tried to capture packet? To see if there's some abnormal packet? Best way would be , just use kRO data.grf and just your clientinfo.xml, that way, you can be assured of having no custom file interfering... Also have you tried changing resolution/graphics settings from setup.exe? There can be many things to try and figure... Its purely trial and error method to know solution of this problem
  24. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/1509 Wait for 1-2 days for it to be merged
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